bart 0.1.4

Compile time templating inspired by Mustache
This is a high-level overview of the changes that made it into a given version.

Version 0.1.4
New in this version:

 * Added a function call syntax, to be able to work with trait objects

        #[template_string="Hello, {{name()}}"]
        struct Test;

        impl Test {
            fn name(&self) -> &'static str {

            "Hello, World",


 * Fixed some clippy lints and disabled clippy for the generated code

Version 0.1.3
New in this version:

 * Include partials in templates: `{{>partial.html}}`
     * Lookup is relative to the containing template/partial
     * Use a leading slash to resolve templates from the crate root: `{{>/templates/partial.html}}`
     * The root scope of the included partial is by default the same as the current scope
       in the containing template/partial. Override this by giving an argument to the
       partial include tag: `{{>partial.html nested_scope}}`, `{{>partial.html .member}}` or
       even an ancestor: `{{>partial.html ...}}`

Version 0.1.2
New in this version:

 * Specify the root element for template rendering with the `template_root` attribute:

        struct Nested<'a> { name: &'a str }

        #[template_string="Hello, {{name}}"]
        struct Test<'a>(Nested<'a>);

            "Hello, World",
            format!("{}", Test(Nested { name: "World" }))

Version 0.1.1
New in this version:

 * Name parsing now accepts numerical indexes, so tuple structs can be accessed:

        #[template_string="Hello, {{0}}"]
        struct Test<'a>(&'a str);

            "Hello, World",
            format!("{}", Test("World"))

 * Basic support for negative iteration, which allows accessing the error in a `Result`:

        struct Test<'a> { x: &'a Result<i32, i32> }

            format!("{}", Test { x: &Err(42) })

 * Support conditional scoping for `Vec` and slices:

        struct Test<'a> { a: &'a Vec<i32> }

            format!("{}", Test { a: &vec![1, 2, 3] })

            format!("{}", Test { a: &vec![] })

This is the first changelog entry. The changelog will not mention changes prior to this.