Module barrel::types[][src]

Expand description

Types constructor module


A database column type and all the metadata attached to it

A smol wrapper around Vec<T> to get around the orphan rules


Core type enum, describing the basic type

Describes the referential_action for ON DELETE and ON UPDATE statements.


Create an array of inner types

Embed binary data

A boolean data type (true, false)

A fixed-length string type

Any custom SQL type that is embedded into a migration

An SQL date type

An SQL datetime type

A 64-bit floating point type

A 32-bit floating point type

Create a column that points to some foreign table

Like foreign(...) but letting you provide an external schema

Create an index over multiple, existing columns of the same type

Create a basic integer type

A json-type column – not supported by all backends

A standard primary numeric key type

Create an auto-incrementing integer type

A variable-length string type

An SQL time type

Create a constraint over multiple, existing columns of the same type

A (standardised) UUID primary key type

A variable-length string type