barrel 0.5.1

A powerful schema migration building API for Rust

A powerful schema migration builder, that let's you write your SQL migrations in Rust.

barrel makes writing migrations for different databases as easy as possible. It provides you with a common API over SQL, with certain features only provided for database specific implementations. This way you can focus on your Rust code, and stop worrying about SQL.


The following example will help you get started

use barrel::{types, Migration, Pg};
use barrel::backend::Pg;

fn main() {
    let mut m = Migration::new();
    m.create_table("users", |t| {
        t.add_column("name", types::varchar(255));
        t.add_column("age", types::integer());
        t.add_column("owns_plushy_sharks", types::boolean());
    println!("{}", m.make::<Pg>());

Using Diesel

Since diesel 1.2.0 it's possible to now use barrel for migrations with diesel. A guide with some more information on how to get started can be found here

Migration guide

If you've been using barrel to write migrations for diesel before the 0.5.0 release, some migration of your migrations will be required. Since 0.5.0 the way types are constructed changed. Instead of constructing a type with Types::VarChar(255) (an enum variant), the types are now provided by a module called types and builder functions. The same type would now be types::varchar(255) (a function call), which then returns a Type enum.

You can also directly created your own Type builders this way. Check the docs for details!

Unstable features

Starting with v0.2.4 barrel now has an unstable feature flag which will hide features and breaking changes that are in-development at the time of a minor or patch release. You can use these features if you so desire, but be aware that their usage will change more rapidely between versions (even patches) and their usage will be badly documented.


barrel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT Public License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the MIT Public License for more details.


In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, the barrel project pledges to making participation a harassment-free experience for everyone. See Code of Conduct for details. In case of violations, e-mail