bare-io 0.1.1

The bare essentials of std::io for use in no_std. No alloc!


A 'fork' of Rust's std::io module for no_std environments, with the added benefit of not needing alloc.

The goal of this crate is to provide a stable interface for building I/O trait functionality in no_std environments. The current code corresponds to the most recent stable API of Rust 1.47.0.

This crate currently only works on nightly due to using const generics.


Add the crate, use the things you would usually want from std::io, but instead from bare_io.

Add the std feature to enable std compatibility by falling through to the std traits.

Differences to std::io

  • No std::io::Error, so we have our own copy without any Os error functions
  • IoSlice and the *_vectored family of functions are not implemented.
  • BufReader and BufWriter have a different signature, as they now use a const generic bounded array for the internal buffer.

Other than items perhaps being entirely missing or certain functions unavailable on some traits, no function signatures have been changed.


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Almost all of the code in this repository is a copy of the Rust language codebase with minor modifications.

For attributions, see