[][src]Trait bardecoder::prepare::Prepare

pub trait Prepare<IMG, PREPD> {
    fn prepare(&self, source: IMG) -> PREPD;

Prepare the source image for data extraction, for example by converting it to black/white

IMG type should be the type of the source image PREPD type should be the type of the output image. It does not have to be the same as the IMG type

Pre-implemented Prepare provided by this library that are included in the default Decoder:


use bardecoder::prepare::Prepare;

struct MyPreparator {}

impl Prepare<DynamicImage, GrayImage> for MyPreparator {
    fn prepare(&self, input: DynamicImage) -> GrayImage {
        // prepare image here

with the corresponding impl Prepare being the Example here

Required methods

fn prepare(&self, source: IMG) -> PREPD

Does the actual preparing

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