bao 0.4.0

a general purpose tree hash for files

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Caution: Bao is intended to be a cryptographic hash function, but it hasn't yet been reviewed. The output may change prior to the 1.0 release.

Bao (rhymes with bough 🌳) is a general purpose tree hash for files, implemented as the bao command line utility. Here's the full specification. What makes a tree hash different from a regular hash? Depending on how many cores you've got in your machine, the first thing you might notice is that it's five times faster:

snazzy gif

Why is bao hash so fast? The main reason is that tree hashes can use multiple threads to process different parts of the tree in parallel. Given enough input, the tree hash can occupy any number of processors: in-memory benchmarks on one of Amazon's 96-core m5.24xlarge instances measure 60 GB/s of throughput. Bao is also based on BLAKE2b, which was designed to outperform SHA1, and it includes the fastest SIMD implementation available.

Encoded files

Apart from parallelism, tree hashes make it possible to verify a file piece-by-piece rather than all-at-once. This is done by storing both the input and the branches of the hash tree together in an encoded file:

# Create an input file that's a megabyte of random data.
> head -c 1000000 /dev/urandom > f

# Convert it into a Bao encoded file.
> bao encode f f.bao

# Compare the size of the two files. The encoding overhead is small.
> stat -c "%n %s" f f.bao | column -t
f       1000000
f.bao   1015624

# Note that the `bao hash` of the input file is the same as the
# `bao hash --encoded` of the encoded file, but the latter is faster.
> bao hash f
[some hash...]
> bao hash --encoded f.bao
[the same hash...]
> hash=`bao hash --encoded f.bao`

# Stream decoded bytes from the encoded file, using the hash above.
> cmp f <(bao decode $hash f.bao)

# Observe that using the wrong hash to decode results in an error. This
# is also what will happen if we use the right hash but corrupt some
# bytes in the encoded file.
> bad_hash=`echo $hash | sed s/a/b/`
> cmp f <(bao decode $bad_hash f.bao)
Error: Custom { kind: InvalidData, error: StringError("hash mismatch") }
cmp: EOF on /proc/self/fd/11 which is empty

Encoded slices

That decoding above doesn't require you to have the entire encoded file on disk locally. Streaming it over a pipe or a network socket will work just as well. For situations where you only want to consume some bytes from the middle of the file, and you don't want to transfer the whole encoding, you can extract an encoded slice:

# Using the encoded file from above, extract a 100 KB from somewhere in
# the middle. We'll use start=500000 (500 KB) and count=100000 (100 KB).
> bao slice 500000 100000 f.bao f.slice

# Look at the size of the slice. It contains the 100 KB of content plus
# some overhead. Again, the overhead is small.
> stat -c "%n %s" f.slice
f.slice 104584

# Using the same parameters we used to create the slice, plus the same
# hash we got above from the full encoding, decode the slice.
> bao decode-slice $hash 500000 100000 f.slice > f.slice.out

# Confirm that the decoded output matches the corresponding section from
# the input file. (Note that `tail` numbers bytes starting with 1.)
> tail --bytes=+500001 f | head -c 100000 > expected.out
> cmp f.slice.out expected.out

# Now try decoding the slice with the wrong hash. Again, this will fail,
# as it would if we corrupted some bytes in the slice.
> bao decode-slice $bad_hash 500000 100000 f.slice
Error: Custom { kind: InvalidData, error: StringError("hash mismatch") }

Outboard mode

By default, all of the operations above work with a "combined" encoded file, that is, one that contains both the content bytes and the tree hash bytes interleaved. However, sometimes you want to keep them separate, for example to avoid copying the bytes of a very large input file. In these cases, you can use the "outboard" encoded format, via the --outboard flag:

# Re-encode the input file from above in the outboard mode.
> bao encode f --outboard f.obao

# Compare the size of all these files. The size of the outboard file is
# equal to the overhead in the original combined file.
> stat -c "%n %s" f f.bao f.obao | column -t
f       1000000
f.bao   1015624
f.obao  15624

# Decode the whole file in outboard mode. Note that both the original
# input file and the outboard encoding are passed in as arguments.
> cmp f <(bao decode $hash f --outboard f.obao)

Installing and building from source

The bao command line utility is published on as the bao_bin crate. To install it, add ~/.cargo/bin to your PATH and then run:

cargo install bao_bin

To build the binary directly from this repo:

git clone
cd bao/bao_bin
cargo build --release
./target/release/bao --help

tests/ is a fully functional second implementation in Python, designed to be as short and readable as possible. It's a good starting point for understanding the algorithms involved, before diving into the Rust code.

The bao library crate includes no_std support if you set default-features = false in your Cargo.toml. Most of the standalone functions that don't obviously depend on std are available. For example, bao::encode::encode is available with a single threaded implementation, but bao::encode::encode_to_vec isn't avialable. Of the streaming implementations, only hash::Writer is available, because the encoding and decoding implementations rely more on the std::io::{Read, Write, Seek} interfaces. If there are any callers that want to do streaming encoding or decoding under no_std, please let me know, and we can figure out which libcore-compatible traits it makes sense to implement.