banyan 0.17.1

Persistent indexable tree data structure
name = "banyan"
version = "0.17.1"
authors = ["RĂ¼diger Klaehn <>", "Actyx AG"]
edition = "2018"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
keywords = ["database", "immutable", "persistent", "tree"]
categories = ["data-structures"]
description = "Persistent indexable tree data structure"
repository = ""

metrics = ["prometheus", "lazy_static"]
default = ["metrics"]

anyhow = "1.0.52"
chacha20 = "0.8.1"
derive_more = "0.99.17"
fnv = "1.0.7"
futures = { version = "0.3.19", features = ["thread-pool"] }
lazy_static = { version = "1.4.0", optional = true }
libipld = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["unleashed"] }
maplit = "1.0.2"
parking_lot = "0.11.2"
prometheus = { version = "0.13.0", optional = true }
smallvec = "1.7.0"
tracing = "0.1.29"
weight-cache = "0.2.3"
# the only experimental feature we are using is ZSTD_decompressBound,
# which is not actually experimental according to the zstd C docs.
zstd = { version = "0.9.2", features = ["experimental"] }

clap = "3.0.5"
env_logger = "0.9.0"
generic-array = "0.14.5"
hex = "0.4.3"
multihash = "0.14.0"
quickcheck = "1.0.3"
quickcheck_async = "0.1.1"
quickcheck_macros = "1.0.0"
rand_chacha = "0.3.1"
sha2 = "0.10.1"
tokio = { version = "1.15.0", features = ["full"] }
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.5", features = ["env-filter"] }
rand = "0.8.4"
range-collections = "0.1.1"