banyan 0.17.1

Persistent indexable tree data structure
//! creation and traversal of banyan trees
use super::index::*;
use crate::store::{BlockWriter, BranchCache, ReadOnlyStore};
use core::{fmt::Debug, hash::Hash, iter::FromIterator, ops::Range};
use libipld::cbor::DagCbor;
use std::{fmt::Display, sync::Arc};
mod index_iter;
#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
mod prom;
mod read;
mod stream;
mod write;
pub(crate) use index_iter::IndexIter;
#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
pub(crate) use prom::register;
#[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
use prometheus::Registry;
pub(crate) use read::{ChunkVisitor, TreeIter};

/// Trees can be parametrized with the key type and the sequence type. Also, to avoid a dependency
/// on a link type with all its baggage, we parameterize the link type.
/// There might be more types in the future, so this essentially acts as a module for the entire
/// code base.
pub trait TreeTypes: Debug + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static {
    /// key type
    type Key: Debug + PartialEq + Send;
    /// Type for a summary of keys. In some cases this can be the same type as the key type.
    type Summary: Debug + PartialEq + Send;
    /// compact sequence type to be used for indices
    type KeySeq: CompactSeq<Item = Self::Key>
        + DagCbor
        + Clone
        + Debug
        + FromIterator<Self::Key>
        + Send
        + Sync
        + Summarizable<Self::Summary>;
    /// compact sequence type to be used for indices
    type SummarySeq: CompactSeq<Item = Self::Summary>
        + DagCbor
        + Clone
        + Debug
        + FromIterator<Self::Summary>
        + Send
        + Sync
        + Summarizable<Self::Summary>;
    /// link type to use over block boundaries
    type Link: Display + Debug + Hash + Eq + Clone + Copy + Send + Sync + DagCbor;

    const NONCE: &'static [u8; 24] = &[0u8; 24];

/// Everything that is needed to read trees
pub struct ForestInner<T: TreeTypes, R> {
    pub(crate) store: R,
    pub(crate) branch_cache: BranchCache<T>,
    #[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
    pub(crate) registry: Registry,

pub struct Forest<TT: TreeTypes, R>(Arc<ForestInner<TT, R>>);

impl<TT: TreeTypes, R> Clone for Forest<TT, R> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {

impl<TT: TreeTypes, R: Clone> Forest<TT, R> {
    pub fn new(store: R, branch_cache: BranchCache<TT>) -> Self {
        Self(Arc::new(ForestInner {
            #[cfg(feature = "metrics")]
            registry: Registry::new(),

    pub fn transaction<W: BlockWriter<TT::Link>>(
        f: impl FnOnce(R) -> (R, W),
    ) -> Transaction<TT, R, W> {
        let (reader, writer) = f(self.0.as_ref().store.clone());
        Transaction {
            read: Self::new(reader, self.branch_cache.clone()),

impl<T: TreeTypes, R> std::ops::Deref for Forest<T, R> {
    type Target = ForestInner<T, R>;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

/// Everything that is needed to write trees. To write trees, you also have to read trees.
pub struct Transaction<T: TreeTypes, R, W> {
    read: Forest<T, R>,
    writer: W,

impl<T: TreeTypes, R, W> Transaction<T, R, W> {
    /// Get the writer of the transaction.
    /// This can be used to finally commit the transaction or manually store the content.
    pub fn into_writer(self) -> W {

    pub fn writer(&self) -> &W {

impl<T: TreeTypes, R, W> Transaction<T, R, W>
    R: ReadOnlyStore<T::Link>,
    W: BlockWriter<T::Link>,
    /// create a new transaction.
    /// It is up to the caller to ensure that the reader reads the writes of the writer,
    /// if complex operations that require that should be performed in the transaction.
    pub fn new(read: Forest<T, R>, writer: W) -> Self {
        Self { read, writer }

impl<T: TreeTypes, R, W> std::ops::Deref for Transaction<T, R, W> {
    type Target = Forest<T, R>;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Secrets {
    /// chacha20 key to decrypt index nodes
    index_key: chacha20::Key,
    /// chacha20 key to decrypt value nodes
    value_key: chacha20::Key,

impl Secrets {
    pub fn new(index_key: chacha20::Key, value_key: chacha20::Key) -> Self {
        Self {

    pub fn index_key(&self) -> &chacha20::Key {

    pub fn value_key(&self) -> &chacha20::Key {

impl Default for Secrets {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            index_key: [0; 32].into(),
            value_key: [0; 32].into(),

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// Configuration for a forest. Includes settings for when a node is considered full
pub struct Config {
    /// maximum number of children in a level>1 branch that contains summaries
    pub max_summary_branches: usize,
    /// maximum number of children in a level 1 branch that contains key sequences
    pub max_key_branches: usize,
    /// maximum number of values in a level 0 leaf that contains value sequences
    pub max_leaf_count: usize,
    /// rough maximum compressed bytes of a leaf. If a node has more bytes than this, it is considered full.
    /// note that this might overshoot due to the fact that the zstd encoder has internal state, and it is not possible
    /// to flush after each value without losing compression efficiency. The overshoot is bounded though.
    pub target_leaf_size: usize,
    /// Maximum uncompressed size of leafs. This is limited to prevent accidentally creating
    /// decompression bombs.
    pub max_uncompressed_leaf_size: usize,
    /// zstd level to use for compression
    pub zstd_level: i32,

impl Config {
    /// config that will produce complex tree structures with few values
    /// keys are hardcoded to 0
    pub fn debug() -> Self {
        Self {
            target_leaf_size: 10000,
            max_leaf_count: 10,
            max_key_branches: 4,
            max_summary_branches: 4,
            zstd_level: 0,
            max_uncompressed_leaf_size: 16 * 1024 * 1024,

    /// config that will produce efficient trees
    pub fn debug_fast() -> Self {
        Self {
            target_leaf_size: 1 << 14,
            max_leaf_count: 1 << 14,
            max_summary_branches: 32,
            max_key_branches: 32,
            zstd_level: 0,
            max_uncompressed_leaf_size: 16 * 1024 * 1024,

    /// predicate to determine if a branch is sealed, based on the config
    pub fn branch_sealed<T: TreeTypes>(&self, items: &[Index<T>], level: u32) -> bool {
        assert!(level > 0);
        // all children must be sealed
        if items.iter().any(|x| !x.sealed()) {
            return false;
        // all children must be one level below us
        if items.iter().any(|x| x.level() != level - 1) {
            return false;
        if level == 1 {
            // if we are at level 1, our children are level 0 children,
            // so we use max_key_branches
            items.len() >= self.max_key_branches
        } else {
            // if we are at level > 1, our children are level >0 children,
            // so we use max_summary_branches
            items.len() >= self.max_summary_branches

    pub fn validate(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        anyhow::ensure!(self.max_summary_branches > 1);
        anyhow::ensure!(self.max_key_branches > 0);
        anyhow::ensure!(self.target_leaf_size > 0 && self.target_leaf_size <= 1024 * 1024);
        anyhow::ensure!(self.max_uncompressed_leaf_size <= 16 * 1024 * 1024);
        anyhow::ensure!(self.zstd_level >= 1 && self.zstd_level <= 22);

/// Helper enum for finding a valid branch in a sequence of nodes
pub(crate) enum BranchResult {
    /// We found a sealed branch at the start.
    /// We found an unsealed branch that goes all the way to the end.
    /// We found neither and have to skip a number of elements and recurse.

/// Create mode for methods that create branch nodes.
/// This only controls how strict the assertions are.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) enum CreateMode {
    /// node is created packed, so strict invariant checking should be used
    /// node is created unpacked, so loose invariant checking should be used

/// A filtered chunk.
/// Contains both data and information about the offsets the data resulted from.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct FilteredChunk<V, E> {
    /// index range for this chunk
    pub range: Range<u64>,

    /// filtered data
    /// Note that this is always in ascending order, even when traversing a tree
    /// in descending order.
    /// If no elements were filtered, this will have the same number of elements
    /// as the range.
    pub data: Vec<V>,

    /// arbitrary extra data computed from the leaf or branch index.
    /// If you don't need this you can just pass a fn that returns ()
    pub extra: E,