banksea-oracle-client 0.4.0

Banksea oracle access library
# Banksea-Oracle-Client
This crate contain a library of banksea oracle which providers NFT price evaluation service on-chain.
## Installation
Add the library to your Cargo.toml:
You can find the latest version of the library in [](
## Usage
You can call the `get_feed_info` in your program on-chain.
let feed_info = banksea_oracle::get_feed_info(feed_account)?;
It will return a struct of `FeedInfo`. 

The details of `FeedInfo`:
| **Field Name**       | **Description**                                              |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| oracle               | The oracle handle which save configure of the oracle.        |
| subscriber           | The subcriber of this feeding.        |
| code                 | The collection code which identify a collection.             |
| unit                 | The unit of price.                                           |
| decimals             | The decimals of price.                                       |
| aggregate_time       | The latest aggregation time.                                 |
| aggregate_node_count | The number of nodes at the latest aggregation.               |
| floor_price          | Minimum listing price of this collection on marketplace      |
| ai_floor_price       | The minimum AI valuation of this collection                  |
| avg_price            | The 24 hour average price of the collection                  |
## Example
You can find [example]( on github