bandit 0.12.4

Bandit Algorithms in Rust
extern crate rand;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;

use super::{MultiArmedBandit, Identifiable, BanditConfig};
use std::collections::{HashMap};
use std::hash::{Hash};
use std::cmp::{Eq};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind, Write, Read};
use std::io;
use std::time;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std;

pub static DEFAULT_CONFIG : AnnealingSoftmaxConfig =  AnnealingSoftmaxConfig{cooldown_factor: 0.5};

const E : f64 = 2.71828_18284_59045_23536;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct AnnealingSoftmax<A: Hash + Eq + Identifiable> {
    config: AnnealingSoftmaxConfig,
    bandit_config: BanditConfig,
    pub arms: Vec<A>,
    counts: HashMap<A, u64>,
    values: HashMap<A, f64>

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct AnnealingSoftmaxConfig {
    /// The higher the value the faster the algorithms tends toward selecting
    /// the arm with highest reward. Should be a number between [0, 1.0)
    pub cooldown_factor : f64

impl<A: Clone + Hash + Eq + Identifiable> AnnealingSoftmax<A> {
    pub fn new(arms: Vec<A>, bandit_config: BanditConfig, config: AnnealingSoftmaxConfig) -> AnnealingSoftmax<A> {
        let mut values = HashMap::new();
        for arm in &arms {
            values.insert(arm.clone(), 0.0);
        AnnealingSoftmax::new_with_values(arms, bandit_config, config, values)

    pub fn new_with_values(arms: Vec<A>, bandit_config: BanditConfig, config: AnnealingSoftmaxConfig, values: HashMap<A, f64>) -> AnnealingSoftmax<A> {
        let mut counts = HashMap::new();
        for arm in &arms {
            counts.insert(arm.clone(), 0);
        AnnealingSoftmax{config, bandit_config, arms, counts, values}

    pub fn load_bandit(arms: Vec<A>, bandit_config: BanditConfig, path : &Path) -> io::Result<AnnealingSoftmax<A>> {

        let mut file = File::open(path)?;
        let mut content = String::new();
        file.read_to_string(&mut content)?;

        let deser : ExternalFormat = serde_json::from_str(&content)?;

        let mut counts = HashMap::new();
        for (arm_ident, count) in deser.counts {
            let arm = find_arm(&arms, &arm_ident)?;
            counts.insert(arm.clone(), count);
        let mut values = HashMap::new();
        for (arm_ident, val) in deser.values {
            let arm = find_arm(&arms, &arm_ident)?;
            values.insert(arm.clone(), val);

        Ok(AnnealingSoftmax{config: deser.config, bandit_config, arms, counts, values})

    fn log_update(&self, arm: &A, value : f64) {
        log(&format!("{};{}", &log_command("UPDATE", arm), value), &self.bandit_config.log_file);

    fn log_select(&self, arm: &A) {
        log(&log_command("SELECT", arm), &self.bandit_config.log_file);

impl<A: Clone + Hash + Eq + Identifiable> MultiArmedBandit<A> for AnnealingSoftmax<A> {

    fn select_arm(&self) -> A {

        let mut t : u64 = 1;
        for v in self.counts.values() {
            t += v;
        let temperature = 1.0 / (t as f64 + 0.0000001).ln();
        let cool_down = E*self.config.cooldown_factor;

        let mut z : f64 = 0.0;
        for v in self.values.values() {
            z += cool_down.powf(v / temperature)

        if z.is_infinite() {
            let mut highest_reward_arm : Option<&A> = None;
            let mut highest_value = std::f64::MIN;
            for (arm, v) in &self.values {
                if *v > highest_value {
                    highest_value = *v;
                    highest_reward_arm = Some(arm);
            if let Some(arm) = highest_reward_arm {
                return arm.clone();
            } else {
                return self.arms[self.arms.len()-1].clone();

        let rnd : f64 = rand::random();
        let mut cum_prob : f64 = 0.0;
        for (arm, v) in &self.values {
            let mut prob = (cool_down.powf(v / temperature)) / z;

            if prob.is_nan() {
                prob = 0.0;
            cum_prob += prob;
            if cum_prob > rnd {
                return arm.clone();

        let fallback_arm = self.arms[self.arms.len()-1].clone();

    fn update(&mut self, arm: A, reward: f64) {
        let val_norm;
            let n_ = self.counts.entry(arm.clone()).or_insert(0);
            *n_ += 1;
            let n = *n_ as f64;

            let val = self.values.entry(arm.clone()).or_insert(0.0);
            *val = ((n - 1.0) / n) * *val + (1.0 / n) * reward;
            val_norm = *val;
        self.log_update(&arm, val_norm);

    fn save_bandit(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {

        let mut counts = HashMap::new();
        for (arm, count) in &self.counts {
            counts.insert(arm.ident(), *count);

        let mut arms = Vec::with_capacity(self.arms.len());
        let mut values = HashMap::new();
        for (arm, value) in &self.values {
            let arm_ident = arm.ident();
            values.insert(arm_ident, *value);

        let external_format = ExternalFormat {
            config: self.config,
        let ser = serde_json::to_string(&external_format)?;

        let mut file = File::create(path)?;

fn log_command<A: Identifiable>(cmd: &str, arm: &A) -> String {
    format!("{};{};{}", cmd, arm.ident(), timestamp())

fn timestamp() -> u64  {
    let timestamp_result = time::SystemTime::now().duration_since(time::UNIX_EPOCH);
    let timestamp = timestamp_result.expect("system time");
    timestamp.as_secs() * 1_000 + u64::from(timestamp.subsec_millis())

fn log(line : &str, path : &Option<PathBuf>) {
    if path.is_none() {

    let file = OpenOptions::new()
    if file.is_ok() {
        let write_result = writeln!(file.unwrap(), "{}", line);
        if write_result.is_err() {
            println!("writing log failed {}", line);
    } else {
        println!("logging failed: {}", line);

fn find_arm<'a, A: Identifiable>(arms : &'a [A], ident: &str) -> io::Result<&'a A> {
    for arm in arms {
        if arm.ident() == ident {
            return Ok(arm);
    Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::NotFound, format!("arm {} not found", ident)))

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct ExternalFormat {
    config: AnnealingSoftmaxConfig,
    arms: Vec<String>,
    counts: HashMap<String, u64>,
    values: HashMap<String, f64>,