bandersnatch 0.1.1

Bandersnatch: a curve defined over the scalar field of the BLS12-381 curve
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
// #![no_std]

//! This library implements the Bandersnatch curve, a twisted Edwards curve
//! whose base field is the scalar field of the curve BLS12-381. This allows
//! defining cryptographic primitives that use elliptic curves over the scalar
//! field of the latter curve. This curve was generated by Simon Masson from Anoma,
//! and Antonio Sanso from Ethereum Foundation, and is also known as [bandersnatch](
//! See [here]( for the specification of the curve.
//! There was also a Python implementation [here](
//! Curve information:
//! * Base field: q =
//!   52435875175126190479447740508185965837690552500527637822603658699938581184513
//! * Scalar field: r =
//!   13108968793781547619861935127046491459309155893440570251786403306729687672801
//! * Valuation(q - 1, 2) = 32
//! * Valuation(r - 1, 2) = 5
//! * Curve equation: ax^2 + y^2 =1 + dx^2y^2, where
//!    * a = -5
//!    * d = 45022363124591815672509500913686876175488063829319466900776701791074614335719

extern crate std;

// #[cfg(feature = "r1cs")]
pub mod constraints;
mod curves;
mod fields;

pub use curves::*;
pub use fields::*;