bamrescue 0.0.1

Utility to check Binary Sequence Alignment / Map (BAM) files for corruption and repair them
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bamrescue License

bamrescue is a small command line utility to check Binary Sequence Alignment / Map (BAM) files for corruption and repair them.

How it works

A BAM file is a BGZF file (specification), and as such is composed of a series of concatenated RFC1592-compliant gzip blocks (specification).

Each gzip block contains at most 64 KiB of data, including a CRC16 checksum of the gzip header and a CRC32 checksum of the gzip data which are used to check data integrity.

Additionally, since gzip blocks start with a gzip identifier (ie. 0x1f8b), it is possible to skip over corrupted blocks (at most 64 KiB) to the next non-corrupted block with limited complexity and acceptable reliability.

This property is used to repair corrupted BAM files by keeping only their non-corrupted blocks, hopefully rescuing most reads.


Run cargo build --release in your working copy.


Copy the bamrescue binary wherever you want.


Run bamrescue <bamfile_to_check_or_repair> <output_bamfile>.

Contributing and reporting bugs

Contributions are welcome through GitHub pull requests.

Please report bugs and feature requests on GitHub issues.


bamrescue is copyright (C) 2017 Jérémie Roquet and licensed under the ISC license.