balena-cdsl 0.2.10

Configuration DSL
# What is supported ?

All basic types from the [main DSL specification]( are supported.
The support is still pretty shallow, i.e. while the feature may be supported its edge cases are probably not supported.
Please find a detailed list below - presented in the order they appear in the spec.

* [X] means the feature is supported, with the caveat as per above - it works with simple happy path examples, does not mean just yet that it will work for all possible examples
* [ ] means there is no support

[Meta schema](
* [X] `version`
* [X] `title`

[Validation keywords](

* [X] `type`
* [X] `optional type`
* [X] `password`
* [ ] [dates and times](
* [X] `hostname` but with no hostname validation
* [ ] [ip addresses](
* [ ] `uri`
* [ ] `data`

* [X] [enum]( - only for string instances, should be trivial to add for other types
* [X] [const]( only for string instances, should be trivial to add for other types

[Validation keywords for numeric instances](
* [X] `multipleOf`
* [X] `maximum`
* [X] `exclusiveMaximum`
* [X] `minimum`
* [X] `exclusiveMinimum`

[Validation keywords for strings](
* [X] `maxLength`
* [X] `minLength`
* [X] `pattern` - validated as Rust regex

[Validation keywords for arrays](
* [X] `items` - both flavours (one item and consecutive items)
* [X] `additionalItems`
* [X] `maxItems`
* [X] `minItems`
* [X] `uniqueItems` - both flavours (flag or an array)

[Validation keywords for objects](
* [X] `properties` - 'recursive' schemas are supported

[Keywords for applying subschemas conditionally](
* [ ] `when` - very rudimentary support, only single-identifier boolean conditions
* [ ] `merge`
* [ ] `overwrite`

* None of templating section is supported yet - we need to integrate already existing [temen] library.

[Schema annotations](
* [X] `title`
* [X] `description`
* [X] `help`
* [X] `warning`
* [X] `default`, but with no support for `eval` yet
* [ ] `readOnly`
* [ ] `writeOnly`
* [ ] `hidden`
* [ ] `collapsed`
* [ ] `collapsible`
* [ ] `orderable`
* [ ] `addable`
* [ ] `removable`
* [ ] `placeholder`