bakkesmod 0.1.2

Rust SDK for writing BakkesMod plugins.

Rust SDK for BakkesMod plugins


use bakkesmod;
use bakkesmod::prelude::*;

pub fn on_load() {
    bakkesmod::register_notifier("get_ball_location", Box::new(move |_: Vec<String>| {
        let game = match bakkesmod::get_game_event_as_server() {
            Some(g) => g,
            None => {
                log_console!("game is null!");
        match game.get_ball() {
            Some(ball) => log_console!("{}", ball.get_location()),
            None => log_console!("ball is NULL")

How to use


Make sure you have installed Rust and BakkesMod.

Also, add an environment variable called BAKKESMOD_LIB_PATH containing the path to pluginsdk.lib (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rocketleague\Binaries\Win64\bakkesmod\bakkesmodsdk\lib).

Write the plugin

Create a new Rust library project with cargo new --lib <pluginname>.

Add the following to the generated Cargo.toml:

bakkesmod = "0.1.0"

name = "pluginname"
crate_type = ["cdylib"]

Write your plugin code in src/ (and possibly add more files). Make sure you have exactly one function with the #[plugin_init] attribute. This function will be called when the plugin is loaded.


Use cargo build or cargo build --release to build. A <pluginname>.dll file is created in target/debug or target/release. Copy this file to your bakkesmod/plugins folder. It can now be loaded in-game with plugin load <pluginname>.