bacup 0.1.0

An easy-to-use backup tool designed for servers.


An easy-to-use backup tool designed for servers.


The server is the bacup service: it runs as a deamon and executes the backup of the services on the remotes.

The goal of bacup is to make the configuration straightforward: a single file where defining everything in a very simple way.

Server configuration

3 steps configuration.

  1. Configure the remotes. A remote is a cloud provider, or a SSH host, or a git server.
  2. Configure the services. A service is a well-known software (e.g. PostgreSQL) with his own backup tool, or is a location on the filesystem.
  3. Map services (what to backup) to remotes (where to backup). Configure the backup.

When configuring the backups, the field when accepts configuration strings in the format:

  • "daily $hh:$mm e.g. daily 15:30
  • weekly $day $hh:$mm e.g. weekly mon 12:23 or weekly monday 12:23. weekly can be omitted.
  • monthly $day $hh:$mm e.g. monthly 1 00:30
  • cron. If you really have to use it, use crontab guru to create the cron string.

NOTE: The time is ALWAYS in UTC timezone.

# remotes definitions
    region = ""# "eu-west-3"
    access_key = ""
    secret_key = ""

# Not available yet!
#    [gcloud.bucket1]
#    service_account_path = ""

    host = "" #
    port = "" # 22
    username = "" # myname
    private_key = "" # ~/.ssh/id_rsa

    # Like copy-paste in local. The underlying infrastructure manages
    # the remote (if any) part. Below 2 examples
    path = "" # local path where samba is mounted

    path = "" # local path where the second disk of the machine is mounted

    host = ""
    port = "" #22
    username = "" #git
    private_key = "" # ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    repository = "" # "galeone/bacup"
    branch = "" # master

# what to backup. Service definition
    username = ""
    db_name = ""
    host = ""
    port = ""

    pattern = ""

# mapping services to remote
    # Compress the DB dump and upload it to aws
    # everyday at 01:00 UTC
    what = "postgres.service1"
    where = "aws.bucket_name"
    when = "daily 01:00"
    remote_path = "/service1/database/"
    compress = true

    # Dump the DB and upload it to aws (no compression)
    # every first day of the month
    what = "postgres.service1"
    where = "aws.bucket_name"
    when = "monthly 1 00:00"
    remote_path = "/service1/database/"
    compress = false

    # Archive the files of service 1 and upload them to
    # the ssh.remote_host1 in the remote ~/backups/service1 folder.
    # Every friday at 5:00
    what = "folders.service1"
    where = "ssh.remote_host1"
    when = "weekly friday 05:00"
    remote_path = "~/backups/service1"
    compress = true

    # Incrementally sync folders.service1 with the remote host
    # using rsync (authenticated trough ssh)
    # At 00:05 in August
    what = "folders.service1"
    where = "ssh.remote_host1"
    when = "5 0 * 8 *"
    remote_path = "~/backups/service1_incremental/"
    compress = false # no compression = incremental sync

    # Compress the DB dump and copy it to the localhost "remote"
    # where, for example, samba is mounted
    # everyday at 01:00 UTC
    what = "postgres.service1"
    where = "localhost.samba"
    when = "daily 01:00"
    remote_path = "/path/inside/the/samba/location"
    compress = false

    what = "folders.service1"
    where = "git.github"
    when = "daily 15:30"
    remote_path = "/" # the root of the repo
    compress = false

When compression = true, the file/folder are compressed using Gzip and the file is archived (in the desired remote location) with the format:

YYYY-MM-DD-hh:mm-filename.gz # or .tar.gz if filename is an archive

Running the server

You need to build the server binary

cargo build # or cargo build --release

And then you have 2 options:

  1. Put the config.toml next to the executable.
  2. Use the CONF_FILE env variable, to configure the location of the configuration file.

Remote configuration

Configuring the remotes is straightforward. Every remote have a different way of getting the access code, here we try to share some useful reference.