bacon_rajan_cc 0.3.0

A reference counted type with cycle collection.
# bacon_rajan_cc

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`Cc<T>`: A reference counted type with cycle collection for Rust. Concurrent or
stop-the-world. Based on the paper
["Concurrent Cycle Collection in Reference Counted Systems"][paper] by David
F. Bacon and V.T. Rajan.

Currently only stop-the-world, not concurrent.

## Usage

Add to `Cargo.toml`:

Note this requires at least Rust 1.28 for the std::alloc api's.

bacon_rajan_cc = "0.2"

Then, in your crate:

extern crate bacon_rajan_cc;
use bacon_rajan_cc::{Cc, Trace, Tracer};

## Documentation

[Read the docs!][docs]
