bacon 2.4.0

background rust compiler
# This is a configuration file for the bacon tool
# More info at

default_job = "check"

command = ["cargo", "check", "--color", "always"]
need_stdout = false

command = ["cargo", "check", "--all-targets", "--color", "always"]
need_stdout = false
watch = ["tests", "benches", "examples"]

command = ["cargo", "clippy", "--color", "always"]
need_stdout = false

command = [
	"cargo", "clippy",
	"--color", "always",
	"-A", "clippy::collapsible_else_if",
	"-A", "clippy::collapsible_if",
	"-A", "clippy::derive_partial_eq_without_eq",
	"-A", "clippy::len_without_is_empty",
	"-A", "clippy::manual_range_contains",
	"-A", "clippy::manual_unwrap_or",
	"-A", "clippy::match_like_matches_macro",
	"-A", "clippy::neg_multiply",
	"-A", "clippy::vec_init_then_push",
	"-A", "clippy::manual_clamp",
need_stdout = false
watch = ["tests", "benches", "examples"]

command = ["cargo", "test", "--color", "always"]
need_stdout = true
watch = ["tests"]

command = ["cargo", "doc", "--color", "always", "--no-deps"]
need_stdout = false

# if the doc compiles, then it opens in your browser and bacon switches
# to the previous job
command = ["cargo", "doc", "--color", "always", "--no-deps", "--open"]
need_stdout = false
on_success = "back" # so that we don't open the browser at each change

# You can run your application and have the result displayed in bacon,
# *if* it makes sense for this crate. You can run an example the same
# way. Don't forget the `--color always` part or the errors won't be
# properly parsed.
command = ["cargo", "run", "--color", "always"]
need_stdout = true
allow_warnings = true

command = ["cargo", "check", "--target", "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu", "--color", "always"]

# You may define here keybindings that would be specific to
# a project, for example a shortcut to launch a specific job.
# Shortcuts to internal functions (scrolling, toggling, etc.)
# should go in your personal prefs.toml file instead.
a = "job:check-all"
i = "job:initial"
c = "job:clippy-all"
d = "job:doc-open"
t = "job:test"
r = "job:run"
alt-w = "job:check-win"