bacon 2.2.6

background rust compiler
<a name="v2.2.6"></a>
### v2.2.6 - 2022/12/08
- fix a compilation problem - Fix #94

<a name="v2.2.5"></a>
### v2.2.5 - 2022/10/08
- fix wrong scrollbar in several cases of wrapping

<a name="v2.2.4"></a>
### v2.2.4 - 2022/10/05
- fix inability to scroll to last line sometimes

<a name="v2.2.3"></a>
### v2.2.3 - 2022/09/17
- fix a compilation problem on Window - Thanks @Stargateur - Fix #87

<a name="v2.2.2"></a>
### v2.2.2 - 2022/08/28
- define a new `allow_warnings` job setting. When it's true, the job is considered successful even when there are warnings. This is default on the `run` job, which means the `cargo run` output is displayed even when there are warnings - Fix #81
- allow `cargo --prefs` to be ran from outside cargo projects - Fix #84

<a name="v2.2.1"></a>
### v2.2.1 - 2022/05/12
- update some dependencies

<a name="v2.2.0"></a>
### v2.2.0 - 2022/05/12
- Locations exported in .bacon-locations now made absolute so that IDE plugins don't have to know the package's root
- job cancelling now works on unresponsive jobs too. This is a quite heavy change as the current implementation involves bringing in async and it's not 100% clean but it solves a major problem, further improvements could be welcome - Fix #78 - Thanks @nolanderc
- you can refer to cargo aliases by prefixing jobs with `alias:`, either when setting up keybindings, defaults, or when launching bacon. Example: `bacon alias:q` to launch the cargo task aliased as `q` - Fix #77

<a name="v2.1.0"></a>
### v2.1.0 - 2022/03/26
Major feature:
The `export-locations` argument (shortened in `-e`) generates a `.bacon-locations` file which can be used by IDE plugins.
A plugin has been made for neovim: [nvim-bacon]( and other ones would be welcome.

Minor changes:
- wrapping now applies to all outputs, even non interpreted ones like the output of `cargo run`.

<a name="v2.0.1"></a>
### v2.0.1 - 2022/02/18
- fix summary of warnings counted as warning

<a name="v2.0.0"></a>
### v2.0.0 - 2022/02/16
Major features:
- It's now possible to configure key bindings in the prefs.toml file. Those key bingings can trigger internal actions (scrolling, toggling, quitting) or jobs (for example you can launch `cargo test` on the `t` key. - Fix #52
- help page, listing all key-bindings
- a job is said to be *successful* when there's no error, test failure or warning. When a job is successful, its output is displayed by bacon. This makes it possible to have a `cargo run` job, for example.
- it's possible to define an *action* to run when a job is successful. For example you can launch a `cargo doc --open` job on a key, and have bacon switch to the previous job with the `on_success = "back` trigger so that you don't open a browser page on every change
- arguments given after `--` are given to the job - Fix #67
- there's a web documentation site now, you should have a look:

Minor changes:
- fix character being lost behind scrollbar on wrapping
- replaced argh with clap for launch arg parsing. The `--help` presentation is thus different. `bacon -h` now supported.

<a name="v1.2.5"></a>
### v1.2.5 - 2022/01/29
- fix missing output of "no_run" doctests - Fix #64
- restrict naming of jobs to [\w-]+ regex (you were unlikely to use other chars due to the TOML format anyway)

<a name="v1.2.4"></a>
### v1.2.4 - 2021/11/27
- fix inability to deal with some inter-member dependencies on Windows - Fix #59 - Thanks @jDomantas
- fix compilation broken due to change in anyhow 1.0.49 - Fix #63

<a name="v1.2.3"></a>
### v1.2.3 - 2021/11/15
- add the "clippy-all" default job - Thanks @rukai
- alpha sort the table outputted by `bacon --list-jobs` - Thanks @rukai

<a name="v1.2.2"></a>
### v1.2.2 - 2021/10/18
- solve a dependency build problem - Fix #55

<a name="v1.2.1"></a>
### v1.2.1 - 2021/10/03
- propose to toggle backtraces when suggestion is found in cargo's output

<a name="v1.1.8"></a>
### v1.1.8 - 2021/07/31
- move to more recent versions of some crates - Fix #51
- `bacon --list-jobs` (or `bacon -l`) lists all available jobs

<a name="v1.1.7"></a>
### v1.1.7 - 2021/07/11
- recognize doc test output - Fix #49
- display 4 spaces for tabs - Fix #50

<a name="v1.1.6"></a>
### v1.1.6 - 2021/06/22
- the default conf now contains a [doc] job
- `--all-features` launch option

<a name="v1.1.5"></a>
### v1.1.5 - 2021/02/27
- fix wrong version number in bacon.log

<a name="v1.1.4"></a>
### v1.1.4 - 2021/02/10
It's possible to define directories to watch in the bacon.toml config file. For example, by default the `test` job watches the `tests` directory if it exists - Thanks @SafariMonkey

<a name="v1.1.3"></a>
### v1.1.3 - 2021/01/29
* `check-all` target now checks all - Fix #27
* `--no-default-features` and `--features` - Fix #31

<a name="v1.1.2"></a>
### v1.1.2 - 2021/01/05
Revert standard job to ignore tests because compilation with them is too slow. A new default job is added.

<a name="v1.1.1"></a>
### v1.1.1 - 2021/01/03
Don't consider test fails as command fails (ie display the count of test fails in `bacon test` instead of command error)

<a name="v1.1.0"></a>
### v1.1.0 - 2020/12/26
If the job's command returns an error code and no error was read in the output, bacon now displays the output and the error code instead of letting the user think there's no error

<a name="v1.0.1"></a>
### v1.0.1 - 2020/11/21
* vim key bindings can be enabled in prefs
* default job is now `cargo check --tests` to check the code for tests compiles too (without running them)

<a name="v1.0.0"></a>
### v1.0.0 - 2020/11/19
* nothing new... so it's stable enough to be tagged 1.0

<a name="v0.6.0"></a>
### v0.6.0 - 2020/11/15
* `bacon test` shows test failures - Fix #3 - Note that you need to remove then rebuild your bacon.toml file to use this new job

<a name="v0.5.3"></a>
### v0.5.3 - 2020/11/14
* "reverse" option allows having the focus on bottom - Fix #19
* initial compilation autoscroll based on scroll position - Fix #22
* remove flickering

<a name="v0.5.2"></a>
### v0.5.2 - 2020/11/14
* fix bacon ending with an error when prefs file is missing

<a name="v0.5.1"></a>
### v0.5.1 - 2020/11/13
* `bacon --prefs` shows or creates a prefs file which can be changed to defined default display settings
(currently "summary" and "wrap")

<a name="v0.5.0"></a>
### v0.5.0 - 2020/11/12
* `bacon --init` creates a default `bacon.toml` file which can be customized to add jobs or change the standard ones
* bacon launch arguments changed to ease use of customized jobs

<a name="v0.4.3"></a>
### v0.4.3 - 2020/11/11
* fix report only taking the first package into account (for workspaces)

<a name="v0.4.2"></a>
### v0.4.2 - 2020/11/11
* fix some regressions in error and warning detection

<a name="v0.4.1"></a>
### v0.4.1 - 2020/11/10
* reduce useless redraws during computation

<a name="v0.4.0"></a>
### v0.4.0 - 2020/11/10
* make it possible to watch only part of the sources: the passed directory (or the current one), when not a package directory (i.e. not containing a Cargo.toml file), will be the one watched - Thanks @nikhilmitrax and @jyn514 for their help
* logo - Thanks @petervaro
* line wrapping (and rewrapping on resize)

<a name="v0.3.2"></a>
### v0.3.2 - 2020/11/08
* when quitting bacon, kill `cargo check` if running

<a name="v0.3.1"></a>
### v0.3.1 - 2020/11/06
* better scroll position after toggling summary mode or resizing
* space key now usable for page down

<a name="v0.3.0"></a>
### v0.3.0 - 2020/11/06
* keep lines with location in summary mode - Fix #11
* allow scrolling the report (arrow keys, page keys, home & end keys, mouse wheel) - Fix #6
* log file renamed to 'bacon.log' to avoid collisions
* initial execution is displayed raw before report computation - Fix #8
* initial execution can be interrupted, scrolled - Fix #12

<a name="v0.2.0"></a>
### v0.2.0 - 2020-10-01
* add the summary mode

<a name="v0.1.1"></a>
### v0.1.1 - 2020-09-29
* also watches Cargo.toml

<a name="v0.1.0"></a>
### v0.1.0 - 2020-09-29
Initial version