backtracer_core 0.0.2

A library to acquire a stack trace (backtrace) at runtime in a no-std Rust program.
use std::os::raw::c_void;

pub struct Frame {
    ctx: *mut uw::_Unwind_Context,

impl Frame {
    pub fn ip(&self) -> *mut c_void {
        let mut ip_before_insn = 0;
        let mut ip = unsafe {
            uw::_Unwind_GetIPInfo(self.ctx, &mut ip_before_insn) as *mut c_void
        if !ip.is_null() && ip_before_insn == 0 {
            // this is a non-signaling frame, so `ip` refers to the address
            // after the calling instruction. account for that.
            ip = (ip as usize - 1) as *mut _;
        return ip

    pub fn symbol_address(&self) -> *mut c_void {
        // dladdr() on osx gets whiny when we use FindEnclosingFunction, and
        // it appears to work fine without it, so we only use
        // FindEnclosingFunction on non-osx platforms. In doing so, we get a
        // slightly more accurate stack trace in the process.
        // This is often because panic involves the last instruction of a
        // function being "call std::rt::begin_unwind", with no ret
        // instructions after it. This means that the return instruction
        // pointer points *outside* of the calling function, and by
        // unwinding it we go back to the original function.
        if cfg!(target_os = "macos") || cfg!(target_os = "ios") {
        } else {
            unsafe { uw::_Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction(self.ip()) }

pub fn trace(mut cb: &mut FnMut(&super::Frame) -> bool) {
    unsafe {
        uw::_Unwind_Backtrace(trace_fn, &mut cb as *mut _ as *mut _);

    extern fn trace_fn(ctx: *mut uw::_Unwind_Context,
                       arg: *mut c_void) -> uw::_Unwind_Reason_Code {
        let cb = unsafe { &mut *(arg as *mut &mut FnMut(&super::Frame) -> bool) };
        let cx = super::Frame {
            inner: Frame { ctx: ctx },

        let mut bomb = ::Bomb { enabled: true };
        let keep_going = cb(&cx);
        bomb.enabled = false;

        if keep_going {
        } else {

/// Unwind library interface used for backtraces
/// Note that dead code is allowed as here are just bindings
/// iOS doesn't use all of them it but adding more
/// platform-specific configs pollutes the code too much
mod uw {
    pub use self::_Unwind_Reason_Code::*;

    use libc;
    use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};

    pub enum _Unwind_Reason_Code {
        _URC_NO_REASON = 0,
        _URC_FATAL_PHASE2_ERROR = 2,
        _URC_FATAL_PHASE1_ERROR = 3,
        _URC_NORMAL_STOP = 4,
        _URC_END_OF_STACK = 5,
        _URC_HANDLER_FOUND = 6,
        _URC_FAILURE = 9, // used only by ARM EABI

    pub enum _Unwind_Context {}

    pub type _Unwind_Trace_Fn =
            extern fn(ctx: *mut _Unwind_Context,
                      arg: *mut c_void) -> _Unwind_Reason_Code;

    extern {
        // No native _Unwind_Backtrace on iOS
        #[cfg(not(all(target_os = "ios", target_arch = "arm")))]
        pub fn _Unwind_Backtrace(trace: _Unwind_Trace_Fn,
                                 trace_argument: *mut c_void)
                    -> _Unwind_Reason_Code;

        // available since GCC 4.2.0, should be fine for our purpose
        #[cfg(all(not(all(target_os = "android", target_arch = "arm")),
                  not(all(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "arm"))))]
        pub fn _Unwind_GetIPInfo(ctx: *mut _Unwind_Context,
                                 ip_before_insn: *mut c_int)
                    -> libc::uintptr_t;

        #[cfg(all(not(target_os = "android"),
                  not(all(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "arm"))))]
        pub fn _Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction(pc: *mut c_void)
            -> *mut c_void;

    // On android, the function _Unwind_GetIP is a macro, and this is the
    // expansion of the macro. This is all copy/pasted directly from the
    // header file with the definition of _Unwind_GetIP.
    #[cfg(any(all(target_os = "android", target_arch = "arm"),
              all(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "arm")))]
    pub unsafe fn _Unwind_GetIP(ctx: *mut _Unwind_Context) -> libc::uintptr_t {
        enum _Unwind_VRS_Result {
            _UVRSR_OK = 0,
            _UVRSR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 1,
            _UVRSR_FAILED = 2,
        enum _Unwind_VRS_RegClass {
            _UVRSC_CORE = 0,
            _UVRSC_VFP = 1,
            _UVRSC_FPA = 2,
            _UVRSC_WMMXD = 3,
            _UVRSC_WMMXC = 4,
        enum _Unwind_VRS_DataRepresentation {
            _UVRSD_UINT32 = 0,
            _UVRSD_VFPX = 1,
            _UVRSD_FPAX = 2,
            _UVRSD_UINT64 = 3,
            _UVRSD_FLOAT = 4,
            _UVRSD_DOUBLE = 5,

        type _Unwind_Word = libc::c_uint;
        extern {
            fn _Unwind_VRS_Get(ctx: *mut _Unwind_Context,
                               klass: _Unwind_VRS_RegClass,
                               word: _Unwind_Word,
                               repr: _Unwind_VRS_DataRepresentation,
                               data: *mut c_void)
                -> _Unwind_VRS_Result;

        let mut val: _Unwind_Word = 0;
        let ptr = &mut val as *mut _Unwind_Word;
        let _ = _Unwind_VRS_Get(ctx, _Unwind_VRS_RegClass::_UVRSC_CORE, 15,
                                ptr as *mut c_void);
        (val & !1) as libc::uintptr_t

    // This function doesn't exist on Android or ARM/Linux, so make it same
    // to _Unwind_GetIP
    #[cfg(any(all(target_os = "android", target_arch = "arm"),
              all(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "arm")))]
    pub unsafe fn _Unwind_GetIPInfo(ctx: *mut _Unwind_Context,
                                    ip_before_insn: *mut c_int)
        -> libc::uintptr_t
        *ip_before_insn = 0;

    // This function also doesn't exist on Android or ARM/Linux, so make it
    // a no-op
    #[cfg(any(target_os = "android",
              all(target_os = "linux", target_arch = "arm")))]
    pub unsafe fn _Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction(pc: *mut c_void)
        -> *mut c_void