b0x 0.7.1

A simple CLI tool to display information about the provided input (integers, IP addresses, strings).
# ❮b0x❯


A simple CLI tool to display information about the provided input (integers, IP addresses, strings).

### Installation
$ cargo install b0x

### Updating
$ cargo install b0x --force

### Usage
$ b0x <input>...

Supported data types:
- IP addresses
    - IPv4: ``
    - IPv6: `2606:4700:4700::1111`
- Unsigned integers
    - Binary: `0b101010`
    - Octal: `0o52`
    - Hexadecimal: `0x2A`
    - Decimal: `42`
- Strings

See the built-in help for more information:
$ b0x --help

### Examples

$ b0x 2606:4700:4700::1111


$ b0x 0xC0FFEE


$ b0x "TeSt StRiNg"


[crates.io/b0x]: https://crates.io/crates/b0x

[license]: https://github.com/u32i64/b0x/blob/master/LICENSE
[changelog]: https://github.com/u32i64/b0x/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

[badges/version]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/b0x.svg?style=for-the-badge
[badges/downloads]: https://img.shields.io/crates/d/b0x.svg?style=for-the-badge
[badges/license]: https://img.shields.io/crates/l/b0x.svg?style=for-the-badge

[screenshot/ip]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/u32i64/b0x/master/img/ip.png
[screenshot/int]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/u32i64/b0x/master/img/int.png
[screenshot/str]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/u32i64/b0x/master/img/str.png