azure_svc_digitaltwins 0.9.0

generated REST API bindings
pub mod models;
pub struct Client {
    endpoint: String,
    credential: std::sync::Arc<dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential>,
    scopes: Vec<String>,
    pipeline: azure_core::Pipeline,
pub struct ClientBuilder {
    credential: std::sync::Arc<dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential>,
    endpoint: Option<String>,
    scopes: Option<Vec<String>>,
    options: azure_core::ClientOptions,
pub const DEFAULT_ENDPOINT: &str = "https://digitaltwins-hostname";
impl ClientBuilder {
    #[doc = "Create a new instance of `ClientBuilder`."]
    pub fn new(credential: std::sync::Arc<dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential>) -> Self {
        Self {
            endpoint: None,
            scopes: None,
            options: azure_core::ClientOptions::default(),
    #[doc = "Set the endpoint."]
    pub fn endpoint(mut self, endpoint: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
        self.endpoint = Some(endpoint.into());
    #[doc = "Set the scopes."]
    pub fn scopes(mut self, scopes: &[&str]) -> Self {
        self.scopes = Some(scopes.iter().map(|scope| (*scope).to_owned()).collect());
    #[doc = "Set the retry options."]
    pub fn retry(mut self, retry: impl Into<azure_core::RetryOptions>) -> Self {
        self.options = self.options.retry(retry);
    #[doc = "Set the transport options."]
    pub fn transport(mut self, transport: impl Into<azure_core::TransportOptions>) -> Self {
        self.options = self.options.transport(transport);
    #[doc = "Convert the builder into a `Client` instance."]
    pub fn build(self) -> Client {
        let endpoint = self.endpoint.unwrap_or_else(|| DEFAULT_ENDPOINT.to_owned());
        let scopes = self.scopes.unwrap_or_else(|| vec![format!("{}/", endpoint)]);
        Client::new(endpoint, self.credential, scopes, self.options)
impl Client {
    pub(crate) fn endpoint(&self) -> &str {
    pub(crate) fn token_credential(&self) -> &dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential {
    pub(crate) fn scopes(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
    pub(crate) async fn send(&self, request: &mut azure_core::Request) -> azure_core::Result<azure_core::Response> {
        let mut context = azure_core::Context::default();
        self.pipeline.send(&mut context, request).await
    #[doc = "Create a new `ClientBuilder`."]
    pub fn builder(credential: std::sync::Arc<dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential>) -> ClientBuilder {
    #[doc = "Create a new `Client`."]
    pub fn new(
        endpoint: impl Into<String>,
        credential: std::sync::Arc<dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential>,
        scopes: Vec<String>,
        options: azure_core::ClientOptions,
    ) -> Self {
        let endpoint = endpoint.into();
        let pipeline = azure_core::Pipeline::new(
        Self {
    pub fn digital_twin_models_client(&self) -> digital_twin_models::Client {
    pub fn digital_twins_client(&self) -> digital_twins::Client {
    pub fn event_routes_client(&self) -> event_routes::Client {
    pub fn query_client(&self) -> query::Client {
pub mod digital_twin_models {
    use super::models;
    pub struct Client(pub(crate) super::Client);
    impl Client {
        #[doc = "Retrieves model metadata and, optionally, model definitions.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The model id is invalid.\n  * LimitExceeded - The maximum number of model ids allowed in 'dependenciesFor' has been reached.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * ModelNotFound - The model was not found."]
        pub fn list(&self) -> list::RequestBuilder {
            list::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                dependencies_for: Vec::new(),
                include_model_definition: None,
                max_items_per_page: None,
        #[doc = "Uploads one or more models. When any error occurs, no models are uploaded.\nStatus codes:\n* 201 Created\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * DTDLParserError - The models provided are not valid DTDL.\n  * InvalidArgument - The model id is invalid.\n  * LimitExceeded - The maximum number of model ids allowed in 'dependenciesFor' has been reached.\n  * ModelVersionNotSupported - The version of DTDL used is not supported.\n* 409 Conflict\n  * ModelAlreadyExists - The model provided already exists."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `models`: An array of models to add."]
        pub fn add(&self, models: Vec<serde_json::Value>) -> add::RequestBuilder {
            add::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
        #[doc = "Retrieves model metadata and optionally the model definition.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The model id is invalid.\n  * MissingArgument - The model id was not provided.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * ModelNotFound - The model was not found."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id for the model. The id is globally unique and case sensitive."]
        pub fn get_by_id(&self, id: impl Into<String>) -> get_by_id::RequestBuilder {
            get_by_id::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                include_model_definition: None,
        #[doc = "Updates the metadata for a model.\nStatus codes:\n* 204 No Content\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The model id is invalid.\n  * JsonPatchInvalid - The JSON Patch provided is invalid.\n  * MissingArgument - The model id was not provided.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * ModelNotFound - The model was not found.\n* 409 Conflict\n  * ModelReferencesNotDecommissioned - The model refers to models that are not decommissioned."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id for the model. The id is globally unique and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `update_model`: An update specification described by JSON Patch. Only the decommissioned property can be replaced."]
        pub fn update(&self, id: impl Into<String>, update_model: Vec<serde_json::Value>) -> update::RequestBuilder {
            update::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
        #[doc = "Deletes a model. A model can only be deleted if no other models reference it.\nStatus codes:\n* 204 No Content\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The model id is invalid.\n  * MissingArgument - The model id was not provided.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * ModelNotFound - The model was not found.\n* 409 Conflict\n  * ModelReferencesNotDeleted - The model refers to models that are not deleted."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id for the model. The id is globally unique and case sensitive."]
        pub fn delete(&self, id: impl Into<String>) -> delete::RequestBuilder {
            delete::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
    pub mod list {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::PagedDigitalTwinsModelDataCollection> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::PagedDigitalTwinsModelDataCollection = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) dependencies_for: Vec<String>,
            pub(crate) include_model_definition: Option<bool>,
            pub(crate) max_items_per_page: Option<i64>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "The set of the models which will have their dependencies retrieved. If omitted, all models are retrieved."]
            pub fn dependencies_for(mut self, dependencies_for: Vec<String>) -> Self {
                self.dependencies_for = dependencies_for;
            #[doc = "When true the model definition will be returned as part of the result."]
            pub fn include_model_definition(mut self, include_model_definition: bool) -> Self {
                self.include_model_definition = Some(include_model_definition);
            #[doc = "The maximum number of items to retrieve per request. The server may choose to return less than the requested number."]
            pub fn max_items_per_page(mut self, max_items_per_page: i64) -> Self {
                self.max_items_per_page = Some(max_items_per_page);
            pub fn into_stream(self) -> azure_core::Pageable<models::PagedDigitalTwinsModelDataCollection, azure_core::error::Error> {
                let make_request = move |continuation: Option<String>| {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let mut url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/models", this.client.endpoint(),))?;
                        let rsp = match continuation {
                            Some(value) => {
                                url = url.join(&value)?;
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                let has_api_version_already =
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs().any(|(k, _)| k == azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION);
                                if !has_api_version_already {
                                        .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                            None => {
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                    .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                                if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                                    req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                                if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                                    req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                                let dependencies_for = &this.dependencies_for;
                                for value in &this.dependencies_for {
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs_mut().append_pair("dependenciesFor", &value.to_string());
                                if let Some(include_model_definition) = &this.include_model_definition {
                                        .append_pair("includeModelDefinition", &include_model_definition.to_string());
                                if let Some(max_items_per_page) = &this.max_items_per_page {
                                    req.insert_header("max-items-per-page", &max_items_per_page.to_string());
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                        let rsp = match rsp.status() {
                            azure_core::StatusCode::Ok => Ok(Response(rsp)),
                            status_code => Err(azure_core::error::Error::from(azure_core::error::ErrorKind::HttpResponse {
                                status: status_code,
                                error_code: None,
    pub mod add {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::NonPagedDigitalTwinsModelDataCollection> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::NonPagedDigitalTwinsModelDataCollection = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) models: Vec<serde_json::Value>,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/models", this.client.endpoint(),))?;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Post);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.models)?;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(
            ) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::NonPagedDigitalTwinsModelDataCollection>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod get_by_id {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::DigitalTwinsModelData> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::DigitalTwinsModelData = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) include_model_definition: Option<bool>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "When true the model definition will be returned as part of the result."]
            pub fn include_model_definition(mut self, include_model_definition: bool) -> Self {
                self.include_model_definition = Some(include_model_definition);
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/models/{}", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        if let Some(include_model_definition) = &this.include_model_definition {
                                .append_pair("includeModelDefinition", &include_model_definition.to_string());
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::DigitalTwinsModelData>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod update {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) update_model: Vec<serde_json::Value>,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/models/{}", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Patch);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json-patch+json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.update_model)?;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
    pub mod delete {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/models/{}", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Delete);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
pub mod query {
    use super::models;
    pub struct Client(pub(crate) super::Client);
    impl Client {
        #[doc = "Executes a query that allows traversing relationships and filtering by property values.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * BadRequest - The continuation token is invalid.\n  * SqlQueryError - The query contains some errors.\n  * TimeoutError - The query execution timed out after 60 seconds. Try simplifying the query or adding conditions to reduce the result size.\n * 429 Too Many Requests\n  * QuotaReachedError - The maximum query rate limit has been reached."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `query_specification`: The query specification to execute."]
        pub fn query_twins(&self, query_specification: impl Into<models::QuerySpecification>) -> query_twins::RequestBuilder {
            query_twins::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                query_specification: query_specification.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                max_items_per_page: None,
    pub mod query_twins {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::QueryResult> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::QueryResult = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
            pub fn headers(&self) -> Headers {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct Headers<'a>(&'a azure_core::headers::Headers);
        impl<'a> Headers<'a> {
            #[doc = "The query charge."]
            pub fn query_charge(&self) -> azure_core::Result<f32> {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) query_specification: models::QuerySpecification,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) max_items_per_page: Option<i64>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "The maximum number of items to retrieve per request. The server may choose to return less than the requested number."]
            pub fn max_items_per_page(mut self, max_items_per_page: i64) -> Self {
                self.max_items_per_page = Some(max_items_per_page);
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/query", this.client.endpoint(),))?;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Post);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.query_specification)?;
                        if let Some(max_items_per_page) = &this.max_items_per_page {
                            req.insert_header("max-items-per-page", &max_items_per_page.to_string());
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::QueryResult>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
pub mod digital_twins {
    use super::models;
    pub struct Client(pub(crate) super::Client);
    impl Client {
        #[doc = "Retrieves a digital twin.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id is invalid.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        pub fn get_by_id(&self, id: impl Into<String>) -> get_by_id::RequestBuilder {
            get_by_id::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
        #[doc = "Adds or replaces a digital twin.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id or payload is invalid.\n  * ModelDecommissioned - The model for the digital twin is decommissioned.\n  * TwinLimitReached - The maximum number of digital twins allowed has been reached.\n  * ValidationFailed - The digital twin payload is not valid.\n* 412 Precondition Failed\n  * PreconditionFailed - The precondition check (If-Match or If-None-Match) failed."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `twin`: The digital twin instance being added. If provided, the $dtId property is ignored."]
        pub fn add(&self, id: impl Into<String>, twin: impl Into<serde_json::Value>) -> add::RequestBuilder {
            add::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                twin: twin.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                if_none_match: None,
        #[doc = "Updates a digital twin.\nStatus codes:\n* 204 No Content\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id or payload is invalid.\n  * JsonPatchInvalid - The JSON Patch provided is invalid.\n  * ValidationFailed - Applying the patch results in an invalid digital twin.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found.\n* 412 Precondition Failed\n  * PreconditionFailed - The precondition check (If-Match or If-None-Match) failed."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `patch_document`: An update specification described by JSON Patch. Updates to property values and $model elements may happen in the same request. Operations are limited to add, replace and remove."]
        pub fn update(&self, id: impl Into<String>, patch_document: Vec<serde_json::Value>) -> update::RequestBuilder {
            update::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                if_match: None,
        #[doc = "Deletes a digital twin. All relationships referencing the digital twin must already be deleted.\nStatus codes:\n* 204 No Content\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id is invalid.\n  * RelationshipsNotDeleted - The digital twin contains relationships.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found.\n* 412 Precondition Failed\n  * PreconditionFailed - The precondition check (If-Match or If-None-Match) failed."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        pub fn delete(&self, id: impl Into<String>) -> delete::RequestBuilder {
            delete::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                if_match: None,
        #[doc = "Retrieves a relationship between two digital twins.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id or relationship id is invalid.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found.\n  * RelationshipNotFound - The relationship was not found."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `relationship_id`: The id of the relationship. The id is unique within the digital twin and case sensitive."]
        pub fn get_relationship_by_id(
            id: impl Into<String>,
            relationship_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> get_relationship_by_id::RequestBuilder {
            get_relationship_by_id::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                relationship_id: relationship_id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
        #[doc = "Adds a relationship between two digital twins.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id, relationship id, or payload is invalid.\n  * InvalidRelationship - The relationship is invalid.\n  * OperationNotAllowed - The relationship cannot connect to the same digital twin.\n  * ValidationFailed - The relationship content is invalid.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found.\n  * TargetTwinNotFound - The digital twin target of the relationship was not found.\n* 412 Precondition Failed\n  * PreconditionFailed - The precondition check (If-Match or If-None-Match) failed."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `relationship_id`: The id of the relationship. The id is unique within the digital twin and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `relationship`: The data for the relationship."]
        pub fn add_relationship(
            id: impl Into<String>,
            relationship_id: impl Into<String>,
            relationship: impl Into<serde_json::Value>,
        ) -> add_relationship::RequestBuilder {
            add_relationship::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                relationship_id: relationship_id.into(),
                relationship: relationship.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                if_none_match: None,
        #[doc = "Updates the properties on a relationship between two digital twins.\nStatus codes:\n* 204 No Content\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id or relationship id is invalid.\n  * InvalidRelationship - The relationship is invalid.\n  * JsonPatchInvalid - The JSON Patch provided is invalid.\n  * ValidationFailed - The relationship content is invalid.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found.\n  * RelationshipNotFound - The relationship was not found.\n* 409 Conflict\n  * RelationshipAlreadyExists - The relationship already exists.\n* 412 Precondition Failed\n  * PreconditionFailed - The precondition check (If-Match or If-None-Match) failed."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `relationship_id`: The id of the relationship. The id is unique within the digital twin and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `patch_document`: JSON Patch description of the update to the relationship properties."]
        pub fn update_relationship(
            id: impl Into<String>,
            relationship_id: impl Into<String>,
            patch_document: Vec<serde_json::Value>,
        ) -> update_relationship::RequestBuilder {
            update_relationship::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                relationship_id: relationship_id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                if_match: None,
        #[doc = "Deletes a relationship between two digital twins.\nStatus codes:\n* 204 No Content\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id or relationship id is invalid.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found.\n  * RelationshipNotFound - The relationship was not found.\n* 412 Precondition Failed\n  * PreconditionFailed - The precondition check (If-Match or If-None-Match) failed."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `relationship_id`: The id of the relationship. The id is unique within the digital twin and case sensitive."]
        pub fn delete_relationship(
            id: impl Into<String>,
            relationship_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> delete_relationship::RequestBuilder {
            delete_relationship::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                relationship_id: relationship_id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                if_match: None,
        #[doc = "Retrieves the relationships from a digital twin.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id is invalid.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        pub fn list_relationships(&self, id: impl Into<String>) -> list_relationships::RequestBuilder {
            list_relationships::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                relationship_name: None,
        #[doc = "Retrieves all incoming relationship for a digital twin.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id is invalid.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        pub fn list_incoming_relationships(&self, id: impl Into<String>) -> list_incoming_relationships::RequestBuilder {
            list_incoming_relationships::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
        #[doc = "Sends telemetry on behalf of a digital twin.\nStatus codes:\n* 204 No Content\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id or message id is invalid.\n  * ValidationFailed - The telemetry content is invalid.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `telemetry`: The telemetry measurements to send from the digital twin."]
        #[doc = "* `message_id`: A unique message identifier (in the scope of the digital twin id) that is commonly used for de-duplicating messages."]
        pub fn send_telemetry(
            id: impl Into<String>,
            telemetry: impl Into<serde_json::Value>,
            message_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> send_telemetry::RequestBuilder {
            send_telemetry::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                telemetry: telemetry.into(),
                message_id: message_id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                telemetry_source_time: None,
        #[doc = "Sends telemetry on behalf of a component in a digital twin.\nStatus codes:\n* 204 No Content\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id, message id, or component path is invalid.\n  * ValidationFailed - The telemetry content is invalid.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found.\n  * ComponentNotFound - The component path was not found."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `component_path`: The name of the DTDL component."]
        #[doc = "* `telemetry`: The telemetry measurements to send from the digital twin's component."]
        #[doc = "* `message_id`: A unique message identifier (in the scope of the digital twin id) that is commonly used for de-duplicating messages."]
        pub fn send_component_telemetry(
            id: impl Into<String>,
            component_path: impl Into<String>,
            telemetry: impl Into<serde_json::Value>,
            message_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> send_component_telemetry::RequestBuilder {
            send_component_telemetry::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                component_path: component_path.into(),
                telemetry: telemetry.into(),
                message_id: message_id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                telemetry_source_time: None,
        #[doc = "Retrieves a component from a digital twin.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id or component path is invalid.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found.\n  * ComponentNotFound - The component path was not found."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `component_path`: The name of the DTDL component."]
        pub fn get_component(&self, id: impl Into<String>, component_path: impl Into<String>) -> get_component::RequestBuilder {
            get_component::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                component_path: component_path.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
        #[doc = "Updates a component on a digital twin.\nStatus codes:\n* 204 No Content\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * InvalidArgument - The digital twin id, component path, or payload is invalid.\n  * JsonPatchInvalid - The JSON Patch provided is invalid.\n  * ValidationFailed - Applying the patch results in an invalid digital twin.\n* 404 Not Found\n  * DigitalTwinNotFound - The digital twin was not found.\n* 412 Precondition Failed\n  * PreconditionFailed - The precondition check (If-Match or If-None-Match) failed."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id of the digital twin. The id is unique within the service and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `component_path`: The name of the DTDL component."]
        #[doc = "* `patch_document`: An update specification described by JSON Patch. Updates to property values and $model elements may happen in the same request. Operations are limited to add, replace and remove."]
        pub fn update_component(
            id: impl Into<String>,
            component_path: impl Into<String>,
            patch_document: Vec<serde_json::Value>,
        ) -> update_component::RequestBuilder {
            update_component::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                component_path: component_path.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                if_match: None,
    pub mod get_by_id {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<serde_json::Value> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
            pub fn headers(&self) -> Headers {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct Headers<'a>(&'a azure_core::headers::Headers);
        impl<'a> Headers<'a> {
            #[doc = "Weak Etag."]
            pub fn e_tag(&self) -> azure_core::Result<&str> {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/digitaltwins/{}", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<serde_json::Value>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod add {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<serde_json::Value> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
            pub fn headers(&self) -> Headers {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct Headers<'a>(&'a azure_core::headers::Headers);
        impl<'a> Headers<'a> {
            #[doc = "Weak Etag."]
            pub fn e_tag(&self) -> azure_core::Result<&str> {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) twin: serde_json::Value,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) if_none_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Only perform the operation if the entity does not already exist."]
            pub fn if_none_match(mut self, if_none_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_none_match = Some(if_none_match.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/digitaltwins/{}", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Put);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.twin)?;
                        if let Some(if_none_match) = &this.if_none_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-none-match", if_none_match);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<serde_json::Value>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod update {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) patch_document: Vec<serde_json::Value>,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Only perform the operation if the entity's etag matches one of the etags provided or * is provided."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/digitaltwins/{}", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Patch);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json-patch+json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.patch_document)?;
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
    pub mod delete {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Only perform the operation if the entity's etag matches one of the etags provided or * is provided."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/digitaltwins/{}", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Delete);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
    pub mod get_relationship_by_id {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<serde_json::Value> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
            pub fn headers(&self) -> Headers {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct Headers<'a>(&'a azure_core::headers::Headers);
        impl<'a> Headers<'a> {
            #[doc = "Weak Etag."]
            pub fn e_tag(&self) -> azure_core::Result<&str> {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) relationship_id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<serde_json::Value>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod add_relationship {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<serde_json::Value> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
            pub fn headers(&self) -> Headers {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct Headers<'a>(&'a azure_core::headers::Headers);
        impl<'a> Headers<'a> {
            #[doc = "Weak Etag."]
            pub fn e_tag(&self) -> azure_core::Result<&str> {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) relationship_id: String,
            pub(crate) relationship: serde_json::Value,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) if_none_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Only perform the operation if the entity does not already exist."]
            pub fn if_none_match(mut self, if_none_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_none_match = Some(if_none_match.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Put);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.relationship)?;
                        if let Some(if_none_match) = &this.if_none_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-none-match", if_none_match);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<serde_json::Value>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod update_relationship {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) relationship_id: String,
            pub(crate) patch_document: Vec<serde_json::Value>,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Only perform the operation if the entity's etag matches one of the etags provided or * is provided."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Patch);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json-patch+json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.patch_document)?;
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
    pub mod delete_relationship {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) relationship_id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Only perform the operation if the entity's etag matches one of the etags provided or * is provided."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Delete);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
    pub mod list_relationships {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::RelationshipCollection> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::RelationshipCollection = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) relationship_name: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "The name of the relationship."]
            pub fn relationship_name(mut self, relationship_name: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.relationship_name = Some(relationship_name.into());
            pub fn into_stream(self) -> azure_core::Pageable<models::RelationshipCollection, azure_core::error::Error> {
                let make_request = move |continuation: Option<String>| {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let mut url =
                            azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/digitaltwins/{}/relationships", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let rsp = match continuation {
                            Some(value) => {
                                url = url.join(&value)?;
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                let has_api_version_already =
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs().any(|(k, _)| k == azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION);
                                if !has_api_version_already {
                                        .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                            None => {
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                    .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                                if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                                    req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                                if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                                    req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                                if let Some(relationship_name) = &this.relationship_name {
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs_mut().append_pair("relationshipName", relationship_name);
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                        let rsp = match rsp.status() {
                            azure_core::StatusCode::Ok => Ok(Response(rsp)),
                            status_code => Err(azure_core::error::Error::from(azure_core::error::ErrorKind::HttpResponse {
                                status: status_code,
                                error_code: None,
    pub mod list_incoming_relationships {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::IncomingRelationshipCollection> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::IncomingRelationshipCollection = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            pub fn into_stream(self) -> azure_core::Pageable<models::IncomingRelationshipCollection, azure_core::error::Error> {
                let make_request = move |continuation: Option<String>| {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let mut url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let rsp = match continuation {
                            Some(value) => {
                                url = url.join(&value)?;
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                let has_api_version_already =
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs().any(|(k, _)| k == azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION);
                                if !has_api_version_already {
                                        .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                            None => {
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                    .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                                if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                                    req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                                if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                                    req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                        let rsp = match rsp.status() {
                            azure_core::StatusCode::Ok => Ok(Response(rsp)),
                            status_code => Err(azure_core::error::Error::from(azure_core::error::ErrorKind::HttpResponse {
                                status: status_code,
                                error_code: None,
    pub mod send_telemetry {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) telemetry: serde_json::Value,
            pub(crate) message_id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) telemetry_source_time: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "An RFC 3339 timestamp that identifies the time the telemetry was measured."]
            pub fn telemetry_source_time(mut self, telemetry_source_time: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.telemetry_source_time = Some(telemetry_source_time.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/digitaltwins/{}/telemetry", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Post);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.telemetry)?;
                        req.insert_header("message-id", &this.message_id);
                        if let Some(telemetry_source_time) = &this.telemetry_source_time {
                            req.insert_header("telemetry-source-time", telemetry_source_time);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
    pub mod send_component_telemetry {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) component_path: String,
            pub(crate) telemetry: serde_json::Value,
            pub(crate) message_id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) telemetry_source_time: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "An RFC 3339 timestamp that identifies the time the telemetry was measured."]
            pub fn telemetry_source_time(mut self, telemetry_source_time: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.telemetry_source_time = Some(telemetry_source_time.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Post);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.telemetry)?;
                        req.insert_header("message-id", &this.message_id);
                        if let Some(telemetry_source_time) = &this.telemetry_source_time {
                            req.insert_header("telemetry-source-time", telemetry_source_time);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
    pub mod get_component {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<serde_json::Value> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
            pub fn headers(&self) -> Headers {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct Headers<'a>(&'a azure_core::headers::Headers);
        impl<'a> Headers<'a> {
            #[doc = "Weak Etag."]
            pub fn e_tag(&self) -> azure_core::Result<&str> {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) component_path: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<serde_json::Value>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod update_component {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) component_path: String,
            pub(crate) patch_document: Vec<serde_json::Value>,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Only perform the operation if the entity's etag matches one of the etags provided or * is provided."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Patch);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json-patch+json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.patch_document)?;
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
pub mod event_routes {
    use super::models;
    pub struct Client(pub(crate) super::Client);
    impl Client {
        #[doc = "Retrieves all event routes.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK"]
        pub fn list(&self) -> list::RequestBuilder {
            list::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
                max_items_per_page: None,
        #[doc = "Retrieves an event route.\nStatus codes:\n* 200 OK\n* 404 Not Found\n  * EventRouteNotFound - The event route was not found."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id for an event route. The id is unique within event routes and case sensitive."]
        pub fn get_by_id(&self, id: impl Into<String>) -> get_by_id::RequestBuilder {
            get_by_id::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
        #[doc = "Adds or replaces an event route.\nStatus codes:\n* 204 No Content\n* 400 Bad Request\n  * EventRouteEndpointInvalid - The endpoint provided does not exist or is not active.\n  * EventRouteFilterInvalid - The event route filter is invalid.\n  * EventRouteIdInvalid - The event route id is invalid.\n  * LimitExceeded - The maximum number of event routes allowed has been reached."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id for an event route. The id is unique within event routes and case sensitive."]
        #[doc = "* `event_route`: The event route data"]
        pub fn add(&self, id: impl Into<String>, event_route: impl Into<models::EventRoute>) -> add::RequestBuilder {
            add::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                event_route: event_route.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
        #[doc = "Deletes an event route.\nStatus codes:\n* 204 No Content\n* 404 Not Found\n  * EventRouteNotFound - The event route was not found."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `id`: The id for an event route. The id is unique within event routes and case sensitive."]
        pub fn delete(&self, id: impl Into<String>) -> delete::RequestBuilder {
            delete::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                id: id.into(),
                traceparent: None,
                tracestate: None,
    pub mod list {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::EventRouteCollection> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::EventRouteCollection = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) max_items_per_page: Option<i64>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "The maximum number of items to retrieve per request. The server may choose to return less than the requested number."]
            pub fn max_items_per_page(mut self, max_items_per_page: i64) -> Self {
                self.max_items_per_page = Some(max_items_per_page);
            pub fn into_stream(self) -> azure_core::Pageable<models::EventRouteCollection, azure_core::error::Error> {
                let make_request = move |continuation: Option<String>| {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let mut url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/eventroutes", this.client.endpoint(),))?;
                        let rsp = match continuation {
                            Some(value) => {
                                url = url.join(&value)?;
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                let has_api_version_already =
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs().any(|(k, _)| k == azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION);
                                if !has_api_version_already {
                                        .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                            None => {
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                    .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                                if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                                    req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                                if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                                    req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                                if let Some(max_items_per_page) = &this.max_items_per_page {
                                    req.insert_header("max-items-per-page", &max_items_per_page.to_string());
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                        let rsp = match rsp.status() {
                            azure_core::StatusCode::Ok => Ok(Response(rsp)),
                            status_code => Err(azure_core::error::Error::from(azure_core::error::ErrorKind::HttpResponse {
                                status: status_code,
                                error_code: None,
    pub mod get_by_id {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::EventRoute> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::EventRoute = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/eventroutes/{}", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::EventRoute>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod add {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) event_route: models::EventRoute,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/eventroutes/{}", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Put);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.event_route)?;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
    pub mod delete {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) id: String,
            pub(crate) traceparent: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) tracestate: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Identifies the request in a distributed tracing system."]
            pub fn traceparent(mut self, traceparent: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.traceparent = Some(traceparent.into());
            #[doc = "Provides vendor-specific trace identification information and is a companion to traceparent."]
            pub fn tracestate(mut self, tracestate: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.tracestate = Some(tracestate.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!("{}/eventroutes/{}", this.client.endpoint(), &;
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Delete);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2022-05-31");
                        if let Some(traceparent) = &this.traceparent {
                            req.insert_header("traceparent", traceparent);
                        if let Some(tracestate) = &this.tracestate {
                            req.insert_header("tracestate", tracestate);
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))