azure_mgmt_privatedns 0.9.0

generated REST API bindings
pub mod models;
pub struct Client {
    endpoint: String,
    credential: std::sync::Arc<dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential>,
    scopes: Vec<String>,
    pipeline: azure_core::Pipeline,
pub struct ClientBuilder {
    credential: std::sync::Arc<dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential>,
    endpoint: Option<String>,
    scopes: Option<Vec<String>>,
    options: azure_core::ClientOptions,
pub const DEFAULT_ENDPOINT: &str = azure_core::resource_manager_endpoint::AZURE_PUBLIC_CLOUD;
impl ClientBuilder {
    #[doc = "Create a new instance of `ClientBuilder`."]
    pub fn new(credential: std::sync::Arc<dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential>) -> Self {
        Self {
            endpoint: None,
            scopes: None,
            options: azure_core::ClientOptions::default(),
    #[doc = "Set the endpoint."]
    pub fn endpoint(mut self, endpoint: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
        self.endpoint = Some(endpoint.into());
    #[doc = "Set the scopes."]
    pub fn scopes(mut self, scopes: &[&str]) -> Self {
        self.scopes = Some(scopes.iter().map(|scope| (*scope).to_owned()).collect());
    #[doc = "Set the retry options."]
    pub fn retry(mut self, retry: impl Into<azure_core::RetryOptions>) -> Self {
        self.options = self.options.retry(retry);
    #[doc = "Set the transport options."]
    pub fn transport(mut self, transport: impl Into<azure_core::TransportOptions>) -> Self {
        self.options = self.options.transport(transport);
    #[doc = "Convert the builder into a `Client` instance."]
    pub fn build(self) -> Client {
        let endpoint = self.endpoint.unwrap_or_else(|| DEFAULT_ENDPOINT.to_owned());
        let scopes = self.scopes.unwrap_or_else(|| vec![format!("{}/", endpoint)]);
        Client::new(endpoint, self.credential, scopes, self.options)
impl Client {
    pub(crate) fn endpoint(&self) -> &str {
    pub(crate) fn token_credential(&self) -> &dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential {
    pub(crate) fn scopes(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
    pub(crate) async fn send(&self, request: &mut azure_core::Request) -> azure_core::Result<azure_core::Response> {
        let mut context = azure_core::Context::default();
        self.pipeline.send(&mut context, request).await
    #[doc = "Create a new `ClientBuilder`."]
    pub fn builder(credential: std::sync::Arc<dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential>) -> ClientBuilder {
    #[doc = "Create a new `Client`."]
    pub fn new(
        endpoint: impl Into<String>,
        credential: std::sync::Arc<dyn azure_core::auth::TokenCredential>,
        scopes: Vec<String>,
        options: azure_core::ClientOptions,
    ) -> Self {
        let endpoint = endpoint.into();
        let pipeline = azure_core::Pipeline::new(
        Self {
    pub fn private_zones_client(&self) -> private_zones::Client {
    pub fn record_sets_client(&self) -> record_sets::Client {
    pub fn virtual_network_links_client(&self) -> virtual_network_links::Client {
pub mod private_zones {
    use super::models;
    pub struct Client(pub(crate) super::Client);
    impl Client {
        #[doc = "Gets a Private DNS zone. Retrieves the zone properties, but not the virtual networks links or the record sets within the zone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn get(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> get::RequestBuilder {
            get::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
        #[doc = "Creates or updates a Private DNS zone. Does not modify Links to virtual networks or DNS records within the zone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `parameters`: Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate operation."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn create_or_update(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            parameters: impl Into<models::PrivateZone>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> create_or_update::RequestBuilder {
            create_or_update::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                parameters: parameters.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                if_match: None,
                if_none_match: None,
        #[doc = "Updates a Private DNS zone. Does not modify virtual network links or DNS records within the zone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `parameters`: Parameters supplied to the Update operation."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn update(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            parameters: impl Into<models::PrivateZone>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> update::RequestBuilder {
            update::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                parameters: parameters.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                if_match: None,
        #[doc = "Deletes a Private DNS zone. WARNING: All DNS records in the zone will also be deleted. This operation cannot be undone. Private DNS zone cannot be deleted unless all virtual network links to it are removed."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn delete(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> delete::RequestBuilder {
            delete::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                if_match: None,
        #[doc = "Lists the Private DNS zones in all resource groups in a subscription."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn list(&self, subscription_id: impl Into<String>) -> list::RequestBuilder {
            list::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                top: None,
        #[doc = "Lists the Private DNS zones within a resource group."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn list_by_resource_group(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> list_by_resource_group::RequestBuilder {
            list_by_resource_group::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                top: None,
    pub mod get {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::PrivateZone> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::PrivateZone = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::PrivateZone>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod create_or_update {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::PrivateZone> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::PrivateZone = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) parameters: models::PrivateZone,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) if_none_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "Set to '*' to allow a new Private DNS zone to be created, but to prevent updating an existing zone. Other values will be ignored."]
            pub fn if_none_match(mut self, if_none_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_none_match = Some(if_none_match.into());
            #[doc = "only the first response will be fetched as long running operations are not supported yet"]
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Put);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.parameters)?;
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        if let Some(if_none_match) = &this.if_none_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-none-match", if_none_match);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::PrivateZone>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod update {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::PrivateZone> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::PrivateZone = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) parameters: models::PrivateZone,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "only the first response will be fetched as long running operations are not supported yet"]
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Patch);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.parameters)?;
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::PrivateZone>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod delete {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to always delete the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally deleting any concurrent changes."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "only the first response will be fetched as long running operations are not supported yet"]
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Delete);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
    pub mod list {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::PrivateZoneListResult> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::PrivateZoneListResult = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) top: Option<i32>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The maximum number of Private DNS zones to return. If not specified, returns up to 100 zones."]
            pub fn top(mut self, top: i32) -> Self {
       = Some(top);
            pub fn into_stream(self) -> azure_core::Pageable<models::PrivateZoneListResult, azure_core::error::Error> {
                let make_request = move |continuation: Option<String>| {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let mut url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let rsp = match continuation {
                            Some(value) => {
                                url = url.join(&value)?;
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                let has_api_version_already =
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs().any(|(k, _)| k == azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION);
                                if !has_api_version_already {
                                        .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                            None => {
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                    .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                                if let Some(top) = & {
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs_mut().append_pair("$top", &top.to_string());
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                        let rsp = match rsp.status() {
                            azure_core::StatusCode::Ok => Ok(Response(rsp)),
                            status_code => Err(azure_core::error::Error::from(azure_core::error::ErrorKind::HttpResponse {
                                status: status_code,
                                error_code: None,
    pub mod list_by_resource_group {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::PrivateZoneListResult> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::PrivateZoneListResult = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) top: Option<i32>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The maximum number of record sets to return. If not specified, returns up to 100 record sets."]
            pub fn top(mut self, top: i32) -> Self {
       = Some(top);
            pub fn into_stream(self) -> azure_core::Pageable<models::PrivateZoneListResult, azure_core::error::Error> {
                let make_request = move |continuation: Option<String>| {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let mut url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let rsp = match continuation {
                            Some(value) => {
                                url = url.join(&value)?;
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                let has_api_version_already =
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs().any(|(k, _)| k == azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION);
                                if !has_api_version_already {
                                        .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                            None => {
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                    .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                                if let Some(top) = & {
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs_mut().append_pair("$top", &top.to_string());
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                        let rsp = match rsp.status() {
                            azure_core::StatusCode::Ok => Ok(Response(rsp)),
                            status_code => Err(azure_core::error::Error::from(azure_core::error::ErrorKind::HttpResponse {
                                status: status_code,
                                error_code: None,
pub mod virtual_network_links {
    use super::models;
    pub struct Client(pub(crate) super::Client);
    impl Client {
        #[doc = "Gets a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `virtual_network_link_name`: The name of the virtual network link."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn get(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            virtual_network_link_name: impl Into<String>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> get::RequestBuilder {
            get::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                virtual_network_link_name: virtual_network_link_name.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
        #[doc = "Creates or updates a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `virtual_network_link_name`: The name of the virtual network link."]
        #[doc = "* `parameters`: Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate operation."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn create_or_update(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            virtual_network_link_name: impl Into<String>,
            parameters: impl Into<models::VirtualNetworkLink>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> create_or_update::RequestBuilder {
            create_or_update::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                virtual_network_link_name: virtual_network_link_name.into(),
                parameters: parameters.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                if_match: None,
                if_none_match: None,
        #[doc = "Updates a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `virtual_network_link_name`: The name of the virtual network link."]
        #[doc = "* `parameters`: Parameters supplied to the Update operation."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn update(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            virtual_network_link_name: impl Into<String>,
            parameters: impl Into<models::VirtualNetworkLink>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> update::RequestBuilder {
            update::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                virtual_network_link_name: virtual_network_link_name.into(),
                parameters: parameters.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                if_match: None,
        #[doc = "Deletes a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone. WARNING: In case of a registration virtual network, all auto-registered DNS records in the zone for the virtual network will also be deleted. This operation cannot be undone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `virtual_network_link_name`: The name of the virtual network link."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn delete(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            virtual_network_link_name: impl Into<String>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> delete::RequestBuilder {
            delete::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                virtual_network_link_name: virtual_network_link_name.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                if_match: None,
        #[doc = "Lists the virtual network links to the specified Private DNS zone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn list(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> list::RequestBuilder {
            list::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                top: None,
    pub mod get {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::VirtualNetworkLink> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::VirtualNetworkLink = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) virtual_network_link_name: String,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::VirtualNetworkLink>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod create_or_update {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::VirtualNetworkLink> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::VirtualNetworkLink = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) virtual_network_link_name: String,
            pub(crate) parameters: models::VirtualNetworkLink,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) if_none_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "Set to '*' to allow a new virtual network link to the Private DNS zone to be created, but to prevent updating an existing link. Other values will be ignored."]
            pub fn if_none_match(mut self, if_none_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_none_match = Some(if_none_match.into());
            #[doc = "only the first response will be fetched as long running operations are not supported yet"]
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Put);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.parameters)?;
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        if let Some(if_none_match) = &this.if_none_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-none-match", if_none_match);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::VirtualNetworkLink>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod update {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::VirtualNetworkLink> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::VirtualNetworkLink = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) virtual_network_link_name: String,
            pub(crate) parameters: models::VirtualNetworkLink,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "only the first response will be fetched as long running operations are not supported yet"]
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Patch);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.parameters)?;
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::VirtualNetworkLink>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod delete {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) virtual_network_link_name: String,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to always delete the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally deleting any concurrent changes."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "only the first response will be fetched as long running operations are not supported yet"]
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Delete);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
    pub mod list {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::VirtualNetworkLinkListResult> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::VirtualNetworkLinkListResult = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) top: Option<i32>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The maximum number of virtual network links to return. If not specified, returns up to 100 virtual network links."]
            pub fn top(mut self, top: i32) -> Self {
       = Some(top);
            pub fn into_stream(self) -> azure_core::Pageable<models::VirtualNetworkLinkListResult, azure_core::error::Error> {
                let make_request = move |continuation: Option<String>| {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let mut url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let rsp = match continuation {
                            Some(value) => {
                                url = url.join(&value)?;
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                let has_api_version_already =
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs().any(|(k, _)| k == azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION);
                                if !has_api_version_already {
                                        .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                            None => {
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                    .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                                if let Some(top) = & {
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs_mut().append_pair("$top", &top.to_string());
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                        let rsp = match rsp.status() {
                            azure_core::StatusCode::Ok => Ok(Response(rsp)),
                            status_code => Err(azure_core::error::Error::from(azure_core::error::ErrorKind::HttpResponse {
                                status: status_code,
                                error_code: None,
pub mod record_sets {
    use super::models;
    pub struct Client(pub(crate) super::Client);
    impl Client {
        #[doc = "Gets a record set."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `record_type`: The type of DNS record in this record set."]
        #[doc = "* `relative_record_set_name`: The name of the record set, relative to the name of the zone."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn get(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            record_type: impl Into<String>,
            relative_record_set_name: impl Into<String>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> get::RequestBuilder {
            get::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                record_type: record_type.into(),
                relative_record_set_name: relative_record_set_name.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
        #[doc = "Creates or updates a record set within a Private DNS zone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `record_type`: The type of DNS record in this record set. Record sets of type SOA can be updated but not created (they are created when the Private DNS zone is created)."]
        #[doc = "* `relative_record_set_name`: The name of the record set, relative to the name of the zone."]
        #[doc = "* `parameters`: Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate operation."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn create_or_update(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            record_type: impl Into<String>,
            relative_record_set_name: impl Into<String>,
            parameters: impl Into<models::RecordSet>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> create_or_update::RequestBuilder {
            create_or_update::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                record_type: record_type.into(),
                relative_record_set_name: relative_record_set_name.into(),
                parameters: parameters.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                if_match: None,
                if_none_match: None,
        #[doc = "Updates a record set within a Private DNS zone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `record_type`: The type of DNS record in this record set."]
        #[doc = "* `relative_record_set_name`: The name of the record set, relative to the name of the zone."]
        #[doc = "* `parameters`: Parameters supplied to the Update operation."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn update(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            record_type: impl Into<String>,
            relative_record_set_name: impl Into<String>,
            parameters: impl Into<models::RecordSet>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> update::RequestBuilder {
            update::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                record_type: record_type.into(),
                relative_record_set_name: relative_record_set_name.into(),
                parameters: parameters.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                if_match: None,
        #[doc = "Deletes a record set from a Private DNS zone. This operation cannot be undone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `record_type`: The type of DNS record in this record set. Record sets of type SOA cannot be deleted (they are deleted when the Private DNS zone is deleted)."]
        #[doc = "* `relative_record_set_name`: The name of the record set, relative to the name of the zone."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn delete(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            record_type: impl Into<String>,
            relative_record_set_name: impl Into<String>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> delete::RequestBuilder {
            delete::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                record_type: record_type.into(),
                relative_record_set_name: relative_record_set_name.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                if_match: None,
        #[doc = "Lists the record sets of a specified type in a Private DNS zone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `record_type`: The type of record sets to enumerate."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn list_by_type(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            record_type: impl Into<String>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> list_by_type::RequestBuilder {
            list_by_type::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                record_type: record_type.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                top: None,
                recordsetnamesuffix: None,
        #[doc = "Lists all record sets in a Private DNS zone."]
        #[doc = ""]
        #[doc = "Arguments:"]
        #[doc = "* `resource_group_name`: The name of the resource group."]
        #[doc = "* `private_zone_name`: The name of the Private DNS zone (without a terminating dot)."]
        #[doc = "* `subscription_id`: Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service call."]
        pub fn list(
            resource_group_name: impl Into<String>,
            private_zone_name: impl Into<String>,
            subscription_id: impl Into<String>,
        ) -> list::RequestBuilder {
            list::RequestBuilder {
                client: self.0.clone(),
                resource_group_name: resource_group_name.into(),
                private_zone_name: private_zone_name.into(),
                subscription_id: subscription_id.into(),
                top: None,
                recordsetnamesuffix: None,
    pub mod get {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::RecordSet> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::RecordSet = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) record_type: String,
            pub(crate) relative_record_set_name: String,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::RecordSet>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod create_or_update {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::RecordSet> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::RecordSet = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) record_type: String,
            pub(crate) relative_record_set_name: String,
            pub(crate) parameters: models::RecordSet,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
            pub(crate) if_none_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to always overwrite the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "Set to '*' to allow a new record set to be created, but to prevent updating an existing record set. Other values will be ignored."]
            pub fn if_none_match(mut self, if_none_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_none_match = Some(if_none_match.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Put);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.parameters)?;
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        if let Some(if_none_match) = &this.if_none_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-none-match", if_none_match);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::RecordSet>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod update {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::RecordSet> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::RecordSet = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) record_type: String,
            pub(crate) relative_record_set_name: String,
            pub(crate) parameters: models::RecordSet,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to always overwrite the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting concurrent changes."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Patch);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        req.insert_header("content-type", "application/json");
                        let req_body = azure_core::to_json(&this.parameters)?;
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
            #[doc = "Send the request and return the response body."]
            pub fn into_future(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<models::RecordSet>> {
                Box::pin(async move { self.send().await?.into_body().await })
    pub mod delete {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) record_type: String,
            pub(crate) relative_record_set_name: String,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) if_match: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to always delete the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally deleting any concurrent changes."]
            pub fn if_match(mut self, if_match: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.if_match = Some(if_match.into());
            #[doc = "Send the request and returns the response."]
            pub fn send(self) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, azure_core::Result<Response>> {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Delete);
                        let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                        let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                            format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                            .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                        if let Some(if_match) = &this.if_match {
                            req.insert_header("if-match", if_match);
                        let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                        Ok(Response(this.client.send(&mut req).await?))
    pub mod list_by_type {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::RecordSetListResult> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::RecordSetListResult = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) record_type: String,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) top: Option<i32>,
            pub(crate) recordsetnamesuffix: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The maximum number of record sets to return. If not specified, returns up to 100 record sets."]
            pub fn top(mut self, top: i32) -> Self {
       = Some(top);
            #[doc = "The suffix label of the record set name to be used to filter the record set enumeration. If this parameter is specified, the returned enumeration will only contain records that end with \".<recordsetnamesuffix>\"."]
            pub fn recordsetnamesuffix(mut self, recordsetnamesuffix: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.recordsetnamesuffix = Some(recordsetnamesuffix.into());
            pub fn into_stream(self) -> azure_core::Pageable<models::RecordSetListResult, azure_core::error::Error> {
                let make_request = move |continuation: Option<String>| {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let mut url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let rsp = match continuation {
                            Some(value) => {
                                url = url.join(&value)?;
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                let has_api_version_already =
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs().any(|(k, _)| k == azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION);
                                if !has_api_version_already {
                                        .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                            None => {
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                    .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                                if let Some(top) = & {
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs_mut().append_pair("$top", &top.to_string());
                                if let Some(recordsetnamesuffix) = &this.recordsetnamesuffix {
                                        .append_pair("$recordsetnamesuffix", recordsetnamesuffix);
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                        let rsp = match rsp.status() {
                            azure_core::StatusCode::Ok => Ok(Response(rsp)),
                            status_code => Err(azure_core::error::Error::from(azure_core::error::ErrorKind::HttpResponse {
                                status: status_code,
                                error_code: None,
    pub mod list {
        use super::models;
        pub struct Response(azure_core::Response);
        impl Response {
            pub async fn into_body(self) -> azure_core::Result<models::RecordSetListResult> {
                let bytes = self.0.into_body().collect().await?;
                let body: models::RecordSetListResult = serde_json::from_slice(&bytes)?;
            pub fn into_raw_response(self) -> azure_core::Response {
            pub fn as_raw_response(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        impl From<Response> for azure_core::Response {
            fn from(rsp: Response) -> Self {
        impl AsRef<azure_core::Response> for Response {
            fn as_ref(&self) -> &azure_core::Response {
        pub struct RequestBuilder {
            pub(crate) client: super::super::Client,
            pub(crate) resource_group_name: String,
            pub(crate) private_zone_name: String,
            pub(crate) subscription_id: String,
            pub(crate) top: Option<i32>,
            pub(crate) recordsetnamesuffix: Option<String>,
        impl RequestBuilder {
            #[doc = "The maximum number of record sets to return. If not specified, returns up to 100 record sets."]
            pub fn top(mut self, top: i32) -> Self {
       = Some(top);
            #[doc = "The suffix label of the record set name to be used to filter the record set enumeration. If this parameter is specified, the returned enumeration will only contain records that end with \".<recordsetnamesuffix>\"."]
            pub fn recordsetnamesuffix(mut self, recordsetnamesuffix: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
                self.recordsetnamesuffix = Some(recordsetnamesuffix.into());
            pub fn into_stream(self) -> azure_core::Pageable<models::RecordSetListResult, azure_core::error::Error> {
                let make_request = move |continuation: Option<String>| {
                    let this = self.clone();
                    async move {
                        let mut url = azure_core::Url::parse(&format!(
                        let rsp = match continuation {
                            Some(value) => {
                                url = url.join(&value)?;
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                let has_api_version_already =
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs().any(|(k, _)| k == azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION);
                                if !has_api_version_already {
                                        .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                            None => {
                                let mut req = azure_core::Request::new(url, azure_core::Method::Get);
                                let credential = this.client.token_credential();
                                let token_response = credential.get_token(&this.client.scopes().join(" ")).await?;
                                    format!("Bearer {}", token_response.token.secret()),
                                    .append_pair(azure_core::query_param::API_VERSION, "2018-09-01");
                                if let Some(top) = & {
                                    req.url_mut().query_pairs_mut().append_pair("$top", &top.to_string());
                                if let Some(recordsetnamesuffix) = &this.recordsetnamesuffix {
                                        .append_pair("$recordsetnamesuffix", recordsetnamesuffix);
                                let req_body = azure_core::EMPTY_BODY;
                                this.client.send(&mut req).await?
                        let rsp = match rsp.status() {
                            azure_core::StatusCode::Ok => Ok(Response(rsp)),
                            status_code => Err(azure_core::error::Error::from(azure_core::error::ErrorKind::HttpResponse {
                                status: status_code,
                                error_code: None,