azure_cosmos_mirror 0.3.0

Rust wrappers around Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Azure Cosmos DB
use crate::resources::permission::AuthorizationToken;
use crate::resources::ResourceType;
use azure_core::headers::{HeaderValue, AUTHORIZATION, MS_DATE, VERSION};
use azure_core::{date, Context, Policy, PolicyResult, Request};
use hmac::{Hmac, Mac};
use sha2::Sha256;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::sync::Arc;
use time::OffsetDateTime;
use url::form_urlencoded;

const AZURE_VERSION: &str = "2018-12-31";
const VERSION_NUMBER: &str = "1.0";

/// The `AuthorizationPolicy` takes care to authenticate your calls to Azure CosmosDB.
/// Currently it supports two type of authorization: one at service level and another at resource level (see
/// [`AuthorizationToken`] for more info). The policy must be added just before the transport policy
/// because it needs to inspect the values that are about to be sent to the transport and inject
/// the proper authorization token.
/// The `AuthorizationPolicy` is the only owner of the passed credentials, so if you want to
/// authenticate the same operation with different credentials, all you have to do is to swap the
/// `AuthorizationPolicy`.
/// This struct implements `Debug` but secrets are encrypted by `AuthorizationToken` so there is no risk of
/// leaks in debug logs (secrets are stored in cleartext in memory: dumps are still leaky).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct AuthorizationPolicy {
    authorization_token: AuthorizationToken,

impl AuthorizationPolicy {
    pub(crate) fn new(authorization_token: AuthorizationToken) -> Self {
        Self {

#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_trait::async_trait(?Send))]
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_trait::async_trait)]
impl Policy for AuthorizationPolicy {
    async fn send(
        ctx: &Context,
        request: &mut Request,
        next: &[Arc<dyn Policy>],
    ) -> PolicyResult {
        trace!("called AuthorizationPolicy::send. self == {:#?}", self);

            "Authorization policies cannot be the last policy of a pipeline"

        let time_nonce = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();

        let auth = {
            let resource_link = generate_resource_link(request);
                    .expect("ResourceType must be in the Context at this point"),

            "AuthorizationPolicy calculated authorization == {:?}: {}",

        request.insert_header(MS_DATE, HeaderValue::from(date::to_rfc1123(&time_nonce)));
        request.insert_header(VERSION, HeaderValue::from_static(AZURE_VERSION));
        request.insert_header(AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue::from(auth));

        // next[0] will not panic, because we checked at the beginning of the function
        next[0].send(ctx, request, &next[1..]).await

/// This function strips the leading slash and the resource name from the uri of the passed request.
/// It does not strip the resource name if the resource name is not present. This is accomplished in
/// four steps (with eager return):
/// 1. Strip leading slash from the uri of the passed request.
/// 2. Find if the uri ends with a ENDING_STRING. If so, strip it and return. Every ENDING_STRING
///    starts with a leading slash so this check will not match uri compsed **only** by the
/// 3. Find if the uri **is** the ending string (without the leading slash). If so return an empty
///    string. This covers the exception of the rule above.
/// 4. Return the received uri unchanged.
fn generate_resource_link(request: &Request) -> String {
    static ENDING_STRINGS: &[&str] = &[

    // This strips the leading slash from the uri of the passed request.
    let uri_path = request.path_and_query();
    let uri = uri_path.trim_start_matches('/');
    trace!("uri used by AuthorizationPolicy == {:#?}", uri);

    // We find the above resource names. If found, we strip it and eagerly return. Note that the
    // resource names have a leading slash so the suffix will match `test/users` but not
    // `test-users`.
    for ending in ENDING_STRINGS {
        if let Some(uri_without_ending) = uri.strip_suffix(ending) {
            return uri_without_ending.to_string();

    // This check handles the uris comprised by resource names only. It will match `users` and
    // return an empty string. This is necessary because the previous check included a leading
    // slash.
        .map(|ending| &ending[1..]) // this is safe since every ENDING_STRING starts with a slash
        .any(|item| uri == item)
    } else {

/// The CosmosDB authorization can either be "primary" (i.e., one of the two service-level tokens) or
/// "resource" (i.e., a single database). In the first case the signature must be constructed by
/// signing the HTTP method, resource type, resource link (the relative URI) and the current time.
/// In the second case, the signature is just the resource key.
fn generate_authorization(
    auth_token: &AuthorizationToken,
    http_method: &azure_core::Method,
    resource_type: &ResourceType,
    resource_link: &str,
    time_nonce: OffsetDateTime,
) -> String {
    let (authorization_type, signature) = match auth_token {
        AuthorizationToken::Primary(key) => {
            let string_to_sign =
                string_to_sign(http_method, resource_type, resource_link, time_nonce);
                Cow::Owned(encode_str_to_sign(&string_to_sign, key)),
        AuthorizationToken::Resource(key) => ("resource", Cow::Borrowed(key)),

    let str_unencoded = format!(
        authorization_type, VERSION_NUMBER, signature
        "generate_authorization::str_unencoded == {:?}",


/// This function generates a valid authorization string, according to the documentation.
/// In case of authorization problems we can compare the string_to_sign generated by Azure against
/// our own.
fn string_to_sign(
    http_method: &azure_core::Method,
    rt: &ResourceType,
    resource_link: &str,
    time_nonce: OffsetDateTime,
) -> String {
    // From official docs:
    // StringToSign =
    //      Verb.toLowerCase() + "\n" +
    //      ResourceType.toLowerCase() + "\n" +
    //      ResourceLink + "\n" +
    //      Date.toLowerCase() + "\n" +
    //      "" + "\n";
    // Notice the empty string at the end so we need to add two new lines

        match *http_method {
            azure_core::Method::Get => "get",
            azure_core::Method::Put => "put",
            azure_core::Method::Post => "post",
            azure_core::Method::Delete => "delete",
            azure_core::Method::Head => "head",
            azure_core::Method::Trace => "trace",
            azure_core::Method::Options => "options",
            azure_core::Method::Connect => "connect",
            azure_core::Method::Patch => "patch",
            _ => "extension",
        match rt {
            ResourceType::Databases => "dbs",
            ResourceType::Collections => "colls",
            ResourceType::Documents => "docs",
            ResourceType::StoredProcedures => "sprocs",
            ResourceType::Users => "users",
            ResourceType::Permissions => "permissions",
            ResourceType::Attachments => "attachments",
            ResourceType::PartitionKeyRanges => "pkranges",
            ResourceType::UserDefinedFunctions => "udfs",
            ResourceType::Triggers => "triggers",

/// This function HMAC_SHA256 signs the passed string, given the supplied key. The passed string
/// will be encoded as per its UTF-8 representation. The resulting byte array is then base64
/// encoded and returned to the caller. Possible optimization: profile if the HMAC struct
/// initialization is expensive and, if so, cache it somehow to avoid recreating it at every
/// request.
fn encode_str_to_sign(data: &str, key: &[u8]) -> String {
    let mut hmac = Hmac::<Sha256>::new_from_slice(key).unwrap();
    let signature = hmac.finalize().into_bytes();

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use azure_core::date;

    fn string_to_sign_00() {
        let time = date::parse_rfc3339("1900-01-01T01:00:00.000000000+00:00").unwrap();

        let ret = string_to_sign(
mon, 01 jan 1900 01:00:00 gmt


    fn generate_authorization_00() {
        let time = date::parse_rfc3339("1900-01-01T01:00:00.000000000+00:00").unwrap();

        let auth_token = AuthorizationToken::primary_from_base64(

        let ret = generate_authorization(

    fn generate_authorization_01() {
        let time = date::parse_rfc3339("2017-04-27T00:51:12.000000000+00:00").unwrap();

        let auth_token = AuthorizationToken::primary_from_base64(

        let ret = generate_authorization(

        // This is the result shown in the MSDN page. It's clearly wrong :)
        // below is the correct one.
        //           "type%3dmaster%26ver%3d1.0%26sig%3dc09PEVJrgp2uQRkr934kFbTqhByc7TVr3O");


    fn generate_resource_link_00() {
        let request = Request::new(
        assert_eq!(&generate_resource_link(&request), "dbs/second");

    fn generate_resource_link_01() {
        let request = Request::new(
        assert_eq!(&generate_resource_link(&request), "");

    fn generate_resource_link_02() {
        let request = Request::new(
        assert_eq!(&generate_resource_link(&request), "colls/second/third");

    fn generate_resource_link_03() {
        let request = Request::new(
        assert_eq!(&generate_resource_link(&request), "dbs/test_db");