Expand description

Core types and traits for the Rust Azure SDK.

This crate is part of the unofficial Azure SDK effort in Rust. For more information on the project, and an overview of other crates, please refer to our GitHub repository.


pub use error::Result;
pub use sleep::sleep;


Azure authentication and authorization.

Constants related to the Content-Type header

Azure date and time parsing and formatting

Azure HTTP headers.

Parser helper utilities.

The Azure Core prelude.

Constants related to the Content-Type header

Endpoints for Azure Resource Manager in different Azure clouds

An assortment of helper utilities.


The following macro invocation:

Return early with an error if a condition is not satisfied.

Return early with an error if two expressions are not equal to each other.

Return early with an error if two expressions are equal to each other.

A convenient way to create a new error using the normal formatting infrastructure

Declare a Future with the given name

Helper for constructing operations

The following macro invocation:

The following macro invocation:

The following macro invocation:

Creates setter methods


Convenience struct that maps a bytes::Bytes buffer into a stream.

Client options allow customization of policies, retry options, and more.

A response with the body collected as bytes

Pipeline execution context.

Retry policy with exponential back-off.

Retry policy with fixed back-off.

Retry policy that does not retry.

A pageable stream that yields items of type T

Execution pipeline.

A pipeline request.

An HTTP Response.

A response body stream

Specify how retries should behave.

Telemetry options.

Transport options.

A parsed URL record.


An HTTP Body.

HTTP request methods.

The algorithm to apply when calculating the delay between retry attempts.

HTTP response status codes.


An empty HTTP body.


Add a new query pair into the target URL’s query string.

A type that can yield an optional continuation token

View a type as an HTTP header.

An HTTP client which can send requests.

A pipeline policy.

Enable a type implementing AsyncRead to be consumed as if it were a Stream of Bytes.


Construct a new HttpClient

Serialize a type to json.

Type Definitions

A specialized Result type for policies.

A unique identifier for a request.

A unique session token.