azure-sdk-keyvault 0.1.1

Rust wrapper around Microsoft Azure REST APIs for Azure Key Vault


🚧 Work in progress, not encouraged for use in production. 🚧

what is this?

Azure Key Vault is a service in Microsoft Azure for securely storing and accessing secrets, credentials and certificates in the cloud. This crate exposes Rust bindings for the Azure Key Vault REST API.

This project is a standalone contribution to MindFlavor/AzureSDKForRust and is also a learning project for Rust 🦀

Example Usage

use azure_sdk_keyvault::KeyVaultClient;
use std::env;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut client = KeyVaultClient::new(&"c1a6d79b-082b-4798-b362-a77e96de50db", &"SUPER_SECRET_KEY", &"bc598e67-03d8-44d5-aa46-8289b9a39a14", &"test-keyvault");

    // Set a secret.
    client.set_secret("test-secret", "42").await?;

    // Get a secret.
    let secret = client.get_secret(&secret_name).await?;
    assert_eq!("42", secret.value());



...are welcome! Currently the repo exposes a very small number of operations.

Related Projects

This project was started from the fantastic MindFlavor/AzureSDKForRust repo.