axum-tracing-opentelemetry 0.18.1

Middlewares and tools to integrate axum + tracing + opentelemetry
# axum-tracing-opentelemetry

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[![Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.](](

Middlewares to integrate axum + tracing + opentelemetry.

- Read OpenTelemetry header from incoming request
- Start a new trace if no trace found in the incoming request
- Trace is attached into tracing'span
- OpenTelemetry Span is created on close of the tracing's span (behavior from [tracing-opentelemetry])

For examples, you can look at the [examples]( folder.

use axum_tracing_opentelemetry::opentelemetry_tracing_layer;

async fn main() -> Result<(), axum::BoxError> {
    // very opinionated init of tracing, look as is source to make your own

    let app = app();
    // run it
    let addr = &"".parse::<SocketAddr>()?;
    tracing::warn!("listening on {}", addr);
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(addr).await?;
    axum::serve(listener, app.into_make_service())
        //FIXME .with_graceful_shutdown(shutdown_signal())

fn app() -> Router {
        .route("/", get(index)) // request processed inside span
        // include trace context as header into the response
        //start OpenTelemetry trace on incoming request
        .route("/health", get(health)) // request processed without span / trace

async fn shutdown_signal() {

For more info about how to initialize, you can look at crate [`init-tracing-opentelemetry`] or [`tracing-opentelemetry`].

## Changelog - History

