axum-server-dual-protocol 0.3.0

Host a HTTP and HTTPS server on the same port with `axum-server`
//! HTTP to HTTPS upgrade implementation.
//! See [`UpgradeHttp`].

use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};

use http::header::{HOST, LOCATION};
use http::uri::{Authority, Scheme};
use http::{Request, Response, StatusCode, Uri};
use hyper::service::Service as HyperService;
use hyper::Body;
use pin_project::pin_project;
use tower_layer::Layer;

use crate::Either;

/// [`Layer`] upgrading HTTP requests to HTTPS.
/// See [`UpgradeHttp`] for more details.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct UpgradeHttpLayer;

impl<Service> Layer<Service> for UpgradeHttpLayer {
	type Service = UpgradeHttp<Service>;

	fn layer(&self, service: Service) -> Self::Service {

/// [`Service`](HyperService) upgrading HTTP requests to HTTPS by using a
/// [301 "Moved Permanently"](
/// status code.
/// Note that this [`Service`](HyperService) always redirects with the given
/// path and query. Depending on how you apply this [`Service`](HyperService) it
/// will redirect even in the case of a resulting 404 "Not Found" status code at
/// the destination.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct UpgradeHttp<Service> {
	/// Wrapped user-proided [`Service`](HyperService).
	service: Service,

impl<Service> UpgradeHttp<Service> {
	/// Creates a new [`UpgradeHttp`].
	pub const fn new(service: Service) -> Self {
		Self { service }

	/// Consumes the [`UpgradeHttp`], returning the wrapped
	/// [`Service`](HyperService).
	pub fn into_inner(self) -> Service {

	/// Return a reference to the wrapped [`Service`](HyperService).
	pub const fn get_ref(&self) -> &Service {

	/// Return a mutable reference to the wrapped [`Service`](HyperService).
	pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Service {
		&mut self.service

impl<Service, RequestBody, ResponseBody> HyperService<Request<RequestBody>> for UpgradeHttp<Service>
	Service: HyperService<Request<RequestBody>, Response = Response<ResponseBody>>,
	type Response = Response<Either<ResponseBody, Body>>;
	type Error = Service::Error;
	type Future = UpgradeHttpFuture<Service, Request<RequestBody>>;

	fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

	fn call(&mut self, request: Request<RequestBody>) -> Self::Future {
		match request.uri().scheme() {
			Some(scheme) if scheme == &Scheme::HTTPS => {
			// HTTP calls might not have their scheme set.
			_ => {
				let response = Response::builder();

				let response = if let Some(authority) = extract_authority(&request) {
					// Build URI to redirect too.
					let mut uri = Uri::builder().scheme(Scheme::HTTPS).authority(authority);

					if let Some(path_and_query) = request.uri().path_and_query() {
						uri = uri.path_and_query(path_and_query.clone());

					let uri ="invalid path and query");

						.header(LOCATION, uri.to_string())
				} else {
					// If we can't extract the host, tell the client there is something wrong with
					// their request.
				.expect("invalid header or body");


/// [`Future`](HyperService::Future) type for [`UpgradeHttp`].
pub struct UpgradeHttpFuture<Service, Request>(#[pin] FutureServe<Service, Request>)
	Service: HyperService<Request>;

/// Holds [`Future`] to serve for [`UpgradeHttpFuture`].
#[pin_project(project = UpgradeHttpFutureProj)]
enum FutureServe<Service, Request>
	Service: HyperService<Request>,
	/// The request was using the HTTPS protocol, so we
	/// will pass-through the wrapped [`Service`](HyperService).
	Service(#[pin] Service::Future),
	/// The request was using the HTTP protocol, so we
	/// will upgrade the connection.

// Rust can't figure out the correct bounds.
impl<Service, Request> Debug for UpgradeHttpFuture<Service, Request>
	Service: HyperService<Request>,
	FutureServe<Service, Request>: Debug,
	fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

// TODO: This was stabilized in 1.61, our MSRV is 1.60 currently because of
// `axum`. See <>.
impl<Service, Request> UpgradeHttpFuture<Service, Request>
	Service: HyperService<Request>,
	/// Create a [`UpgradeHttpFuture`] in the [`Service`](FutureServe::Service)
	/// state.
	fn new_service(future: Service::Future) -> Self {

	/// Create a [`UpgradeHttpFuture`] in the [`Upgrade`](FutureServe::Upgrade)
	/// state.
	fn new_upgrade(response: Response<Body>) -> Self {

impl<Service, Request, ResponseBody> Future for UpgradeHttpFuture<Service, Request>
	Service: HyperService<Request, Response = Response<ResponseBody>>,
	type Output = Result<Response<Either<ResponseBody, Body>>, Service::Error>;

	fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
		match self.project().0.project() {
			UpgradeHttpFutureProj::Service(future) => {
			UpgradeHttpFutureProj::Upgrade(response) => Poll::Ready(Ok(response
				.expect("polled again after `Poll::Ready`")

/// Extracts the host from a request, converting it to an [`Authority`].
fn extract_authority<Body>(request: &Request<Body>) -> Option<Authority> {
	/// `X-Forwarded-Host` header string.
	const X_FORWARDED_HOST: &str = "x-forwarded-host";

	let headers = request.headers();

		.or_else(|| headers.get(HOST))
		.and_then(|header| header.to_str().ok())
		.or_else(|| request.uri().host())
		.and_then(|host| Authority::try_from(host).ok())