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AWS Lambda event definitions for cognito.


ClaimsOverrideDetails allows lambda to add, suppress or override claims in the token

CognitoDatasetRecord represents a record from an AWS Cognito Sync event

CognitoEvent contains data from an event sent from AWS Cognito Sync

CognitoEventUserPoolsCallerContext contains information about the caller

CognitoEventUserPoolsChallengeResult represents a challenge that is presented to the user in the authentication process that is underway, along with the corresponding result.

CognitoEventUserPoolsCreateAuthChallenge sent by AWS Cognito User Pools to create a challenge to present to the user

CognitoEventUserPoolsCreateAuthChallengeRequest defines create auth challenge request parameters

CognitoEventUserPoolsCreateAuthChallengeResponse defines create auth challenge response rarameters

CognitoEventUserPoolsCustomMessage is sent by AWS Cognito User Pools before a verification or MFA message is sent, allowing a user to customize the message dynamically.

CognitoEventUserPoolsCustomMessageRequest contains the request portion of a CustomMessage event

CognitoEventUserPoolsCustomMessageResponse contains the response portion of a CustomMessage event

CognitoEventUserPoolsDefineAuthChallenge sent by AWS Cognito User Pools to initiate custom authentication flow

CognitoEventUserPoolsDefineAuthChallengeRequest defines auth challenge request parameters

CognitoEventUserPoolsDefineAuthChallengeResponse defines auth challenge response parameters

CognitoEventUserPoolsHeader contains common data from events sent by AWS Cognito User Pools

CognitoEventUserPoolsMigrateUser is sent by AWS Cognito User Pools when a user does not exist in the user pool at the time of sign-in with a password, or in the forgot-password flow.

CognitoEventUserPoolsMigrateUserRequest contains the request portion of a MigrateUser event

CognitoEventUserPoolsMigrateUserResponse contains the response portion of a MigrateUser event

CognitoEventUserPoolsPostAuthentication is sent by AWS Cognito User Pools after a user is authenticated, allowing the Lambda to add custom logic.

CognitoEventUserPoolsPostAuthenticationRequest contains the request portion of a PostAuthentication event

CognitoEventUserPoolsPostAuthenticationResponse contains the response portion of a PostAuthentication event

CognitoEventUserPoolsPostConfirmation is sent by AWS Cognito User Pools after a user is confirmed, allowing the Lambda to send custom messages or add custom logic.

CognitoEventUserPoolsPostConfirmationRequest contains the request portion of a PostConfirmation event

CognitoEventUserPoolsPostConfirmationResponse contains the response portion of a PostConfirmation event

CognitoEventUserPoolsPreAuthentication is sent by AWS Cognito User Pools when a user submits their information to be authenticated, allowing you to perform custom validations to accept or deny the sign in request.

CognitoEventUserPoolsPreAuthenticationRequest contains the request portion of a PreAuthentication event

CognitoEventUserPoolsPreAuthenticationResponse contains the response portion of a PreAuthentication event

CognitoEventUserPoolsPreSignup is sent by AWS Cognito User Pools when a user attempts to register (sign up), allowing a Lambda to perform custom validation to accept or deny the registration request

CognitoEventUserPoolsPreSignupRequest contains the request portion of a PreSignup event

CognitoEventUserPoolsPreSignupResponse contains the response portion of a PreSignup event

CognitoEventUserPoolsPreTokenGen is sent by AWS Cognito User Pools when a user attempts to retrieve credentials, allowing a Lambda to perform insert, suppress or override claims

CognitoEventUserPoolsPreTokenGenRequest contains request portion of PreTokenGen event

CognitoEventUserPoolsPreTokenGenResponse containst the response portion of a PreTokenGen event

CognitoEventUserPoolsVerifyAuthChallenge sent by AWS Cognito User Pools to verify if the response from the end user for a custom Auth Challenge is valid or not

CognitoEventUserPoolsVerifyAuthChallengeRequest defines verify auth challenge request parameters

CognitoEventUserPoolsVerifyAuthChallengeResponse defines verify auth challenge response parameters

GroupConfiguration allows lambda to override groups, roles and set a perferred role