aws_lambda_events 0.4.0

AWS Lambda event definitions
## master

- No changes yet

## [[0.4.0] - 2021-01-06]

- The [`http`] crate is used for events that contain HTTP headers, methods, and bodies. Thanks @calavera! [#29]
- Bounded fields of the `interface{}` type in Go are nullable and now mapped to an `Optional<>`. Thanks @calavera! [#31]
- Generate events from the latest `aws-lambda-go`.

## [[0.3.1] - 2020-08-20]

- No changes yet

## [[0.3.0] - 2020-05-03]

- Various API Gateway v2 fixes. Thanks @ewbankkit! [#18]
- The `size` size field in `S3Object` is now optional as it can be missing or `null` in the event json payload. [#11]

## [[0.2.7] - 2020-04-02]

- Generate events from `aws-lambda-go` v1.16.
  Thanks @ewbankkit! [#16]

## [[0.2.6] - 2020-03-30]

- Generate events from `aws-lambda-go` v1.15.
  Thanks @ewbankkit! [#14]

## [[0.2.5] - 2019-10-19]

- `Deref` and `DerefMut` are now implemented for encoding tuple types. [#9]

## [[0.2.4] - 2019-03-18]

- Add `kinesis_analytics` events.
- Add `AppSyncIamIdentity` and `AppSyncCognitoIdentity` in `appsync`.
- Fix `dmarcPolicy` field for `SimpleEmailReceipt` in `ses`.

## [[0.2.3] - 2019-02-21]

- Add `ApiGatewayWebsocketProxyRequest` and `ApiGatewayWebsocketProxyRequestContext` in `apigw`.
- Add `customData` field for `CodeCommitRecord` in `code_commit`.
- Add `S3TestEvent` in `s3`.

## [[0.2.2] - 2019-02-01]

- Fix struct deserialization when the json key is not specified for a Go field
  and the field name does not match the generated Rust field name. [[#6]]

## [[0.2.1] - 2019-01-07]

- Add `multi_value_headers` field for `ApiGatewayProxyResponse`.

## [[0.2.0] - 2018-12-18]

- Add support for embedded fields, as seen in `cognito::CognitoEventUserPoolsPreSignup`. [[#4]]

## [[0.1.5] - 2018-12-17]

- Add `alb` events.

## [[0.1.4] - 2018-12-17]

- Inner fields of `Base64Data`, `MillisecondTimestamp`, `SecondTimestamp` are
  now public. [[#3]]
- Fields encoded as `serde_json::Value` may now optionally use a more-specific
  type. [[#1]]