aws-smithy-xml 0.54.1

XML parsing logic for Smithy protocols.
 * Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//! A collection of handwritten parsers similar to the
//! parsers that are code generated by XmlParserGenerator.kt
 * Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

use aws_smithy_xml::decode::{try_data, Document, ScopedDecoder, XmlDecodeError};
use std::collections::HashMap;

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum FooEnum {

impl<'a> From<&'a str> for FooEnum {
    fn from(s: &'a str) -> Self {

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct FlatXmlMap {
    my_map: HashMap<String, FooEnum>,

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct XmlMap {
    values: HashMap<String, FooEnum>,

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct XmlAttribute {
    foo: String,
    bar: String,

fn deserialize_xml_attribute(inp: &str) -> Result<XmlAttribute, XmlDecodeError> {
    let mut doc = Document::new(inp);
    let mut root = doc.root_element()?;
    let mut foo: Option<String> = None;
    let mut bar: Option<String> = None;
    foo = root.start_el().attr("foo").map(|attr| attr.to_string());
    while let Some(mut tag) = root.next_tag() {
        if tag.start_el().matches("bar") {
            bar = Some(try_data(&mut tag)?.to_string());
    Ok(XmlAttribute {
        foo: foo.ok_or_else(|| XmlDecodeError::custom("missing foo"))?,
        bar: bar.ok_or_else(|| XmlDecodeError::custom("missing bar"))?,

fn deserialize_flat_xml_map(inp: &str) -> Result<FlatXmlMap, XmlDecodeError> {
    let mut doc = Document::new(inp);
    let mut root = doc.root_element()?;
    let mut my_map: Option<HashMap<String, FooEnum>> = None;
    while let Some(mut tag) = root.next_tag() {
        if tag.start_el().matches("myMap") {
            let mut _my_map = my_map.unwrap_or_default();
            deserialize_foo_enum_map_entry(&mut tag, &mut _my_map)?;
            my_map = Some(_my_map);
    Ok(FlatXmlMap {
        my_map: my_map.unwrap(),

fn deserialize_xml_map(inp: &str) -> Result<XmlMap, XmlDecodeError> {
    let mut doc = Document::new(inp);
    let mut root = doc.root_element()?;
    let mut my_map: Option<HashMap<String, FooEnum>> = None;
    while let Some(mut tag) = root.next_tag() {
        if tag.start_el().matches("values") {
            my_map = Some(deserialize_foo_enum_map(&mut tag)?);
    Ok(XmlMap {
        values: my_map.ok_or_else(|| XmlDecodeError::custom("missing map"))?,

fn deserialize_foo_enum_map(
    decoder: &mut ScopedDecoder,
) -> Result<HashMap<String, FooEnum>, XmlDecodeError> {
    let mut out: HashMap<String, FooEnum> = HashMap::new();
    while let Some(mut tag) = decoder.next_tag() {
        if tag.start_el().matches("entry") {
            deserialize_foo_enum_map_entry(&mut tag, &mut out)?;

fn deserialize_foo_enum_map_entry(
    decoder: &mut ScopedDecoder,
    out: &mut HashMap<String, FooEnum>,
) -> Result<(), XmlDecodeError> {
    let mut k: Option<String> = None;
    let mut v: Option<FooEnum> = None;
    while let Some(mut tag) = decoder.next_tag() {
        match tag.start_el() {
            s if s.matches("key") => k = Some(try_data(&mut tag)?.to_string()),
            s if s.matches("value") => v = Some(FooEnum::from(try_data(&mut tag)?.as_ref())),
            _ => {}
    match (k, v) {
        (Some(k), Some(v)) => {
            out.insert(k, v);
        _ => return Err(XmlDecodeError::custom("missing key value in map")),

fn deserialize_map_test() {
    let xml = r#"<Foo>

    let mut out = HashMap::new();
    out.insert("example-key1".to_string(), FooEnum::from("example1"));
    out.insert("example-key2".to_string(), FooEnum::from("example2"));
        XmlMap { values: out }

pub fn deserialize_nested_string_list(
    decoder: &mut ScopedDecoder,
) -> Result<std::vec::Vec<std::vec::Vec<std::string::String>>, XmlDecodeError> {
    let mut out = std::vec::Vec::new();
    while let Some(mut tag) = decoder.next_tag() {
        match tag.start_el() {
            s if s.matches("member") => {
                out.push(deserialize_string_list(&mut tag)?);
            _ => {}

pub fn deserialize_string_list(
    decoder: &mut ScopedDecoder,
) -> Result<std::vec::Vec<std::string::String>, XmlDecodeError> {
    let mut out = std::vec::Vec::new();
    while let Some(mut tag) = decoder.next_tag() {
        match dbg!(tag.start_el()) {
            s if s.matches("member") => {
                    aws_smithy_xml::decode::try_data(&mut tag)?.to_string()
            _ => {}

fn test_nested_string_list() {
    let xml = r#"
    let mut doc = Document::new(xml);
    let mut root = doc.root_element().unwrap();
        deserialize_nested_string_list(&mut root).unwrap(),
        vec![vec!["foo", "bar"], vec!["baz", "qux"]]

fn deserialize_flat_map_test() {
    let xml = r#"<FlattenedXmlMapInputOutput>

    let mut out = HashMap::new();
    out.insert("foo".to_string(), FooEnum::from("Foo"));
    out.insert("baz".to_string(), FooEnum::from("Baz"));
        FlatXmlMap { my_map: out }

fn test_deserialize_xml_attribute() {
    let xml = r#"<MyStructure foo="example">
        XmlAttribute {
            foo: "example".to_string(),
            bar: "examplebar".to_string()