Struct aws_sdk_transcribe::Client

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pub struct Client { /* private fields */ }
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Client for Amazon Transcribe Service

Client for invoking operations on Amazon Transcribe Service. Each operation on Amazon Transcribe Service is a method on this this struct. .send() MUST be invoked on the generated operations to dispatch the request to the service.

§Constructing a Client

A Config is required to construct a client. For most use cases, the aws-config crate should be used to automatically resolve this config using aws_config::load_from_env(), since this will resolve an SdkConfig which can be shared across multiple different AWS SDK clients. This config resolution process can be customized by calling aws_config::from_env() instead, which returns a ConfigLoader that uses the builder pattern to customize the default config.

In the simplest case, creating a client looks as follows:

let config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;
let client = aws_sdk_transcribe::Client::new(&config);

Occasionally, SDKs may have additional service-specific values that can be set on the Config that is absent from SdkConfig, or slightly different settings for a specific client may be desired. The Config struct implements From<&SdkConfig>, so setting these specific settings can be done as follows:

let sdk_config = ::aws_config::load_from_env().await;
let config = aws_sdk_transcribe::config::Builder::from(&sdk_config)

See the aws-config docs and Config for more information on customizing configuration.

Note: Client construction is expensive due to connection thread pool initialization, and should be done once at application start-up.

§Using the Client

A client has a function for every operation that can be performed by the service. For example, the CreateCallAnalyticsCategory operation has a Client::create_call_analytics_category, function which returns a builder for that operation. The fluent builder ultimately has a send() function that returns an async future that returns a result, as illustrated below:

let result = client.create_call_analytics_category()

The underlying HTTP requests that get made by this can be modified with the customize_operation function on the fluent builder. See the customize module for more information.



impl Client


pub fn create_call_analytics_category( &self ) -> CreateCallAnalyticsCategoryFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CreateCallAnalyticsCategory operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • category_name(impl Into<String>) / set_category_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      A unique name, chosen by you, for your Call Analytics category. It’s helpful to use a detailed naming system that will make sense to you in the future. For example, it’s better to use sentiment-positive-last30seconds for a category over a generic name like test-category.

      Category names are case sensitive.

    • rules(Rule) / set_rules(Option<Vec::<Rule>>):
      required: true

      Rules define a Call Analytics category. When creating a new category, you must create between 1 and 20 rules for that category. For each rule, you specify a filter you want applied to the attributes of a call. For example, you can choose a sentiment filter that detects if a customer’s sentiment was positive during the last 30 seconds of the call.

    • input_type(InputType) / set_input_type(Option<InputType>):
      required: false

      Choose whether you want to create a real-time or a post-call category for your Call Analytics transcription.

      Specifying POST_CALL assigns your category to post-call transcriptions; categories with this input type cannot be applied to streaming (real-time) transcriptions.

      Specifying REAL_TIME assigns your category to streaming transcriptions; categories with this input type cannot be applied to post-call transcriptions.

      If you do not include InputType, your category is created as a post-call category by default.

  • On success, responds with CreateCallAnalyticsCategoryOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<CreateCallAnalyticsCategoryError>

impl Client


pub fn create_language_model(&self) -> CreateLanguageModelFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CreateLanguageModel operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • language_code(ClmLanguageCode) / set_language_code(Option<ClmLanguageCode>):
      required: true

      The language code that represents the language of your model. Each custom language model must contain terms in only one language, and the language you select for your custom language model must match the language of your training and tuning data.

      For a list of supported languages and their associated language codes, refer to the Supported languages table. Note that US English (en-US) is the only language supported with Amazon Transcribe Medical.

      A custom language model can only be used to transcribe files in the same language as the model. For example, if you create a custom language model using US English (en-US), you can only apply this model to files that contain English audio.

    • base_model_name(BaseModelName) / set_base_model_name(Option<BaseModelName>):
      required: true

      The Amazon Transcribe standard language model, or base model, used to create your custom language model. Amazon Transcribe offers two options for base models: Wideband and Narrowband.

      If the audio you want to transcribe has a sample rate of 16,000 Hz or greater, choose WideBand. To transcribe audio with a sample rate less than 16,000 Hz, choose NarrowBand.

    • model_name(impl Into<String>) / set_model_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      A unique name, chosen by you, for your custom language model.

      This name is case sensitive, cannot contain spaces, and must be unique within an Amazon Web Services account. If you try to create a new custom language model with the same name as an existing custom language model, you get a ConflictException error.

    • input_data_config(InputDataConfig) / set_input_data_config(Option<InputDataConfig>):
      required: true

      Contains the Amazon S3 location of the training data you want to use to create a new custom language model, and permissions to access this location.

      When using InputDataConfig, you must include these sub-parameters: S3Uri, which is the Amazon S3 location of your training data, and DataAccessRoleArn, which is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that has permission to access your specified Amazon S3 location. You can optionally include TuningDataS3Uri, which is the Amazon S3 location of your tuning data. If you specify different Amazon S3 locations for training and tuning data, the ARN you use must have permissions to access both locations.

    • tags(Tag) / set_tags(Option<Vec::<Tag>>):
      required: false

      Adds one or more custom tags, each in the form of a key:value pair, to a new custom language model at the time you create this new model.

      To learn more about using tags with Amazon Transcribe, refer to Tagging resources.

  • On success, responds with CreateLanguageModelOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<CreateLanguageModelError>

impl Client


pub fn create_medical_vocabulary(&self) -> CreateMedicalVocabularyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CreateMedicalVocabulary operation.


impl Client


pub fn create_vocabulary(&self) -> CreateVocabularyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CreateVocabulary operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • vocabulary_name(impl Into<String>) / set_vocabulary_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      A unique name, chosen by you, for your new custom vocabulary.

      This name is case sensitive, cannot contain spaces, and must be unique within an Amazon Web Services account. If you try to create a new custom vocabulary with the same name as an existing custom vocabulary, you get a ConflictException error.

    • language_code(LanguageCode) / set_language_code(Option<LanguageCode>):
      required: true

      The language code that represents the language of the entries in your custom vocabulary. Each custom vocabulary must contain terms in only one language.

      A custom vocabulary can only be used to transcribe files in the same language as the custom vocabulary. For example, if you create a custom vocabulary using US English (en-US), you can only apply this custom vocabulary to files that contain English audio.

      For a list of supported languages and their associated language codes, refer to the Supported languages table.

    • phrases(impl Into<String>) / set_phrases(Option<Vec::<String>>):
      required: false

      Use this parameter if you want to create your custom vocabulary by including all desired terms, as comma-separated values, within your request. The other option for creating your custom vocabulary is to save your entries in a text file and upload them to an Amazon S3 bucket, then specify the location of your file using the VocabularyFileUri parameter.

      Note that if you include Phrases in your request, you cannot use VocabularyFileUri; you must choose one or the other.

      Each language has a character set that contains all allowed characters for that specific language. If you use unsupported characters, your custom vocabulary filter request fails. Refer to Character Sets for Custom Vocabularies to get the character set for your language.

    • vocabulary_file_uri(impl Into<String>) / set_vocabulary_file_uri(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The Amazon S3 location of the text file that contains your custom vocabulary. The URI must be located in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the resource you’re calling.

      Here’s an example URI path: s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-vocab-file.txt

      Note that if you include VocabularyFileUri in your request, you cannot use the Phrases flag; you must choose one or the other.

    • tags(Tag) / set_tags(Option<Vec::<Tag>>):
      required: false

      Adds one or more custom tags, each in the form of a key:value pair, to a new custom vocabulary at the time you create this new custom vocabulary.

      To learn more about using tags with Amazon Transcribe, refer to Tagging resources.

    • data_access_role_arn(impl Into<String>) / set_data_access_role_arn(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that has permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your input files (in this case, your custom vocabulary). If the role that you specify doesn’t have the appropriate permissions to access the specified Amazon S3 location, your request fails.

      IAM role ARNs have the format arn:partition:iam::account:role/role-name-with-path. For example: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Admin.

      For more information, see IAM ARNs.

  • On success, responds with CreateVocabularyOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<CreateVocabularyError>

impl Client


pub fn create_vocabulary_filter(&self) -> CreateVocabularyFilterFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CreateVocabularyFilter operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • vocabulary_filter_name(impl Into<String>) / set_vocabulary_filter_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      A unique name, chosen by you, for your new custom vocabulary filter.

      This name is case sensitive, cannot contain spaces, and must be unique within an Amazon Web Services account. If you try to create a new custom vocabulary filter with the same name as an existing custom vocabulary filter, you get a ConflictException error.

    • language_code(LanguageCode) / set_language_code(Option<LanguageCode>):
      required: true

      The language code that represents the language of the entries in your vocabulary filter. Each custom vocabulary filter must contain terms in only one language.

      A custom vocabulary filter can only be used to transcribe files in the same language as the filter. For example, if you create a custom vocabulary filter using US English (en-US), you can only apply this filter to files that contain English audio.

      For a list of supported languages and their associated language codes, refer to the Supported languages table.

    • words(impl Into<String>) / set_words(Option<Vec::<String>>):
      required: false

      Use this parameter if you want to create your custom vocabulary filter by including all desired terms, as comma-separated values, within your request. The other option for creating your vocabulary filter is to save your entries in a text file and upload them to an Amazon S3 bucket, then specify the location of your file using the VocabularyFilterFileUri parameter.

      Note that if you include Words in your request, you cannot use VocabularyFilterFileUri; you must choose one or the other.

      Each language has a character set that contains all allowed characters for that specific language. If you use unsupported characters, your custom vocabulary filter request fails. Refer to Character Sets for Custom Vocabularies to get the character set for your language.

    • vocabulary_filter_file_uri(impl Into<String>) / set_vocabulary_filter_file_uri(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The Amazon S3 location of the text file that contains your custom vocabulary filter terms. The URI must be located in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the resource you’re calling.

      Here’s an example URI path: s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-vocab-filter-file.txt

      Note that if you include VocabularyFilterFileUri in your request, you cannot use Words; you must choose one or the other.

    • tags(Tag) / set_tags(Option<Vec::<Tag>>):
      required: false

      Adds one or more custom tags, each in the form of a key:value pair, to a new custom vocabulary filter at the time you create this new vocabulary filter.

      To learn more about using tags with Amazon Transcribe, refer to Tagging resources.

    • data_access_role_arn(impl Into<String>) / set_data_access_role_arn(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that has permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your input files (in this case, your custom vocabulary filter). If the role that you specify doesn’t have the appropriate permissions to access the specified Amazon S3 location, your request fails.

      IAM role ARNs have the format arn:partition:iam::account:role/role-name-with-path. For example: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Admin.

      For more information, see IAM ARNs.

  • On success, responds with CreateVocabularyFilterOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<CreateVocabularyFilterError>

impl Client


pub fn delete_call_analytics_category( &self ) -> DeleteCallAnalyticsCategoryFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteCallAnalyticsCategory operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_call_analytics_job(&self) -> DeleteCallAnalyticsJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteCallAnalyticsJob operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_language_model(&self) -> DeleteLanguageModelFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteLanguageModel operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_medical_scribe_job(&self) -> DeleteMedicalScribeJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteMedicalScribeJob operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_medical_transcription_job( &self ) -> DeleteMedicalTranscriptionJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteMedicalTranscriptionJob operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_medical_vocabulary(&self) -> DeleteMedicalVocabularyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteMedicalVocabulary operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_transcription_job(&self) -> DeleteTranscriptionJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteTranscriptionJob operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_vocabulary(&self) -> DeleteVocabularyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteVocabulary operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_vocabulary_filter(&self) -> DeleteVocabularyFilterFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteVocabularyFilter operation.


impl Client


pub fn describe_language_model(&self) -> DescribeLanguageModelFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeLanguageModel operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
  • On success, responds with DescribeLanguageModelOutput with field(s):
    • language_model(Option<LanguageModel>):

      Provides information about the specified custom language model.

      This parameter also shows if the base language model you used to create your custom language model has been updated. If Amazon Transcribe has updated the base model, you can create a new custom language model using the updated base model.

      If you tried to create a new custom language model and the request wasn’t successful, you can use this DescribeLanguageModel to help identify the reason for this failure.

  • On failure, responds with SdkError<DescribeLanguageModelError>

impl Client


pub fn get_call_analytics_category( &self ) -> GetCallAnalyticsCategoryFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetCallAnalyticsCategory operation.


impl Client


pub fn get_call_analytics_job(&self) -> GetCallAnalyticsJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetCallAnalyticsJob operation.


impl Client


pub fn get_medical_scribe_job(&self) -> GetMedicalScribeJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetMedicalScribeJob operation.


impl Client


pub fn get_medical_transcription_job( &self ) -> GetMedicalTranscriptionJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetMedicalTranscriptionJob operation.


impl Client


pub fn get_medical_vocabulary(&self) -> GetMedicalVocabularyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetMedicalVocabulary operation.


impl Client


pub fn get_transcription_job(&self) -> GetTranscriptionJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetTranscriptionJob operation.


impl Client


pub fn get_vocabulary(&self) -> GetVocabularyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetVocabulary operation.


impl Client


pub fn get_vocabulary_filter(&self) -> GetVocabularyFilterFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetVocabularyFilter operation.


impl Client


pub fn list_call_analytics_categories( &self ) -> ListCallAnalyticsCategoriesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListCallAnalyticsCategories operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • next_token(impl Into<String>) / set_next_token(Option<String>):
      required: false

      If your ListCallAnalyticsCategories request returns more results than can be displayed, NextToken is displayed in the response with an associated string. To get the next page of results, copy this string and repeat your request, including NextToken with the value of the copied string. Repeat as needed to view all your results.

    • max_results(i32) / set_max_results(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The maximum number of Call Analytics categories to return in each page of results. If there are fewer results than the value that you specify, only the actual results are returned. If you do not specify a value, a default of 5 is used.

  • On success, responds with ListCallAnalyticsCategoriesOutput with field(s):
    • next_token(Option<String>):

      If NextToken is present in your response, it indicates that not all results are displayed. To view the next set of results, copy the string associated with the NextToken parameter in your results output, then run your request again including NextToken with the value of the copied string. Repeat as needed to view all your results.

    • categories(Option<Vec::<CategoryProperties>>):

      Provides detailed information about your Call Analytics categories, including all the rules associated with each category.

  • On failure, responds with SdkError<ListCallAnalyticsCategoriesError>

impl Client


pub fn list_call_analytics_jobs(&self) -> ListCallAnalyticsJobsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListCallAnalyticsJobs operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_language_models(&self) -> ListLanguageModelsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListLanguageModels operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • status_equals(ModelStatus) / set_status_equals(Option<ModelStatus>):
      required: false

      Returns only custom language models with the specified status. Language models are ordered by creation date, with the newest model first. If you do not include StatusEquals, all custom language models are returned.

    • name_contains(impl Into<String>) / set_name_contains(Option<String>):
      required: false

      Returns only the custom language models that contain the specified string. The search is not case sensitive.

    • next_token(impl Into<String>) / set_next_token(Option<String>):
      required: false

      If your ListLanguageModels request returns more results than can be displayed, NextToken is displayed in the response with an associated string. To get the next page of results, copy this string and repeat your request, including NextToken with the value of the copied string. Repeat as needed to view all your results.

    • max_results(i32) / set_max_results(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The maximum number of custom language models to return in each page of results. If there are fewer results than the value that you specify, only the actual results are returned. If you do not specify a value, a default of 5 is used.

  • On success, responds with ListLanguageModelsOutput with field(s):
    • next_token(Option<String>):

      If NextToken is present in your response, it indicates that not all results are displayed. To view the next set of results, copy the string associated with the NextToken parameter in your results output, then run your request again including NextToken with the value of the copied string. Repeat as needed to view all your results.

    • models(Option<Vec::<LanguageModel>>):

      Provides information about the custom language models that match the criteria specified in your request.

  • On failure, responds with SdkError<ListLanguageModelsError>

impl Client


pub fn list_medical_scribe_jobs(&self) -> ListMedicalScribeJobsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListMedicalScribeJobs operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_medical_transcription_jobs( &self ) -> ListMedicalTranscriptionJobsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListMedicalTranscriptionJobs operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_medical_vocabularies(&self) -> ListMedicalVocabulariesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListMedicalVocabularies operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • next_token(impl Into<String>) / set_next_token(Option<String>):
      required: false

      If your ListMedicalVocabularies request returns more results than can be displayed, NextToken is displayed in the response with an associated string. To get the next page of results, copy this string and repeat your request, including NextToken with the value of the copied string. Repeat as needed to view all your results.

    • max_results(i32) / set_max_results(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The maximum number of custom medical vocabularies to return in each page of results. If there are fewer results than the value that you specify, only the actual results are returned. If you do not specify a value, a default of 5 is used.

    • state_equals(VocabularyState) / set_state_equals(Option<VocabularyState>):
      required: false

      Returns only custom medical vocabularies with the specified state. Custom vocabularies are ordered by creation date, with the newest vocabulary first. If you do not include StateEquals, all custom medical vocabularies are returned.

    • name_contains(impl Into<String>) / set_name_contains(Option<String>):
      required: false

      Returns only the custom medical vocabularies that contain the specified string. The search is not case sensitive.

  • On success, responds with ListMedicalVocabulariesOutput with field(s):
    • status(Option<VocabularyState>):

      Lists all custom medical vocabularies that have the status specified in your request. Custom vocabularies are ordered by creation date, with the newest vocabulary first.

    • next_token(Option<String>):

      If NextToken is present in your response, it indicates that not all results are displayed. To view the next set of results, copy the string associated with the NextToken parameter in your results output, then run your request again including NextToken with the value of the copied string. Repeat as needed to view all your results.

    • vocabularies(Option<Vec::<VocabularyInfo>>):

      Provides information about the custom medical vocabularies that match the criteria specified in your request.

  • On failure, responds with SdkError<ListMedicalVocabulariesError>

impl Client


pub fn list_tags_for_resource(&self) -> ListTagsForResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListTagsForResource operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • resource_arn(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_arn(Option<String>):
      required: true

      Returns a list of all tags associated with the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN). ARNs have the format arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-type/resource-id.

      For example, arn:aws:transcribe:us-west-2:111122223333:transcription-job/transcription-job-name.

      Valid values for resource-type are: transcription-job, medical-transcription-job, vocabulary, medical-vocabulary, vocabulary-filter, and language-model.

  • On success, responds with ListTagsForResourceOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<ListTagsForResourceError>

impl Client


pub fn list_transcription_jobs(&self) -> ListTranscriptionJobsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListTranscriptionJobs operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_vocabularies(&self) -> ListVocabulariesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListVocabularies operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
  • On success, responds with ListVocabulariesOutput with field(s):
    • status(Option<VocabularyState>):

      Lists all custom vocabularies that have the status specified in your request. Vocabularies are ordered by creation date, with the newest vocabulary first.

    • next_token(Option<String>):

      If NextToken is present in your response, it indicates that not all results are displayed. To view the next set of results, copy the string associated with the NextToken parameter in your results output, then run your request again including NextToken with the value of the copied string. Repeat as needed to view all your results.

    • vocabularies(Option<Vec::<VocabularyInfo>>):

      Provides information about the custom vocabularies that match the criteria specified in your request.

  • On failure, responds with SdkError<ListVocabulariesError>

impl Client


pub fn list_vocabulary_filters(&self) -> ListVocabularyFiltersFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListVocabularyFilters operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • next_token(impl Into<String>) / set_next_token(Option<String>):
      required: false

      If your ListVocabularyFilters request returns more results than can be displayed, NextToken is displayed in the response with an associated string. To get the next page of results, copy this string and repeat your request, including NextToken with the value of the copied string. Repeat as needed to view all your results.

    • max_results(i32) / set_max_results(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The maximum number of custom vocabulary filters to return in each page of results. If there are fewer results than the value that you specify, only the actual results are returned. If you do not specify a value, a default of 5 is used.

    • name_contains(impl Into<String>) / set_name_contains(Option<String>):
      required: false

      Returns only the custom vocabulary filters that contain the specified string. The search is not case sensitive.

  • On success, responds with ListVocabularyFiltersOutput with field(s):
    • next_token(Option<String>):

      If NextToken is present in your response, it indicates that not all results are displayed. To view the next set of results, copy the string associated with the NextToken parameter in your results output, then run your request again including NextToken with the value of the copied string. Repeat as needed to view all your results.

    • vocabulary_filters(Option<Vec::<VocabularyFilterInfo>>):

      Provides information about the custom vocabulary filters that match the criteria specified in your request.

  • On failure, responds with SdkError<ListVocabularyFiltersError>

impl Client


pub fn start_call_analytics_job(&self) -> StartCallAnalyticsJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the StartCallAnalyticsJob operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • call_analytics_job_name(impl Into<String>) / set_call_analytics_job_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      A unique name, chosen by you, for your Call Analytics job.

      This name is case sensitive, cannot contain spaces, and must be unique within an Amazon Web Services account. If you try to create a new job with the same name as an existing job, you get a ConflictException error.

    • media(Media) / set_media(Option<Media>):
      required: true

      Describes the Amazon S3 location of the media file you want to use in your Call Analytics request.

    • output_location(impl Into<String>) / set_output_location(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The Amazon S3 location where you want your Call Analytics transcription output stored. You can use any of the following formats to specify the output location:

      1. s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET

      2. s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-output-folder/

      3. s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-output-folder/my-call-analytics-job.json

      Unless you specify a file name (option 3), the name of your output file has a default value that matches the name you specified for your transcription job using the CallAnalyticsJobName parameter.

      You can specify a KMS key to encrypt your output using the OutputEncryptionKMSKeyId parameter. If you do not specify a KMS key, Amazon Transcribe uses the default Amazon S3 key for server-side encryption.

      If you do not specify OutputLocation, your transcript is placed in a service-managed Amazon S3 bucket and you are provided with a URI to access your transcript.

    • output_encryption_kms_key_id(impl Into<String>) / set_output_encryption_kms_key_id(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The KMS key you want to use to encrypt your Call Analytics output.

      If using a key located in the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of four ways:

      1. Use the KMS key ID itself. For example, 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      2. Use an alias for the KMS key ID. For example, alias/ExampleAlias.

      3. Use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      4. Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.

      If using a key located in a different Amazon Web Services account than the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of two ways:

      1. Use the ARN for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      2. Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.

      If you do not specify an encryption key, your output is encrypted with the default Amazon S3 key (SSE-S3).

      If you specify a KMS key to encrypt your output, you must also specify an output location using the OutputLocation parameter.

      Note that the role making the request must have permission to use the specified KMS key.

    • data_access_role_arn(impl Into<String>) / set_data_access_role_arn(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that has permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your input files. If the role that you specify doesn’t have the appropriate permissions to access the specified Amazon S3 location, your request fails.

      IAM role ARNs have the format arn:partition:iam::account:role/role-name-with-path. For example: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Admin.

      For more information, see IAM ARNs.

    • settings(CallAnalyticsJobSettings) / set_settings(Option<CallAnalyticsJobSettings>):
      required: false

      Specify additional optional settings in your request, including content redaction; allows you to apply custom language models, vocabulary filters, and custom vocabularies to your Call Analytics job.

    • channel_definitions(ChannelDefinition) / set_channel_definitions(Option<Vec::<ChannelDefinition>>):
      required: false

      Makes it possible to specify which speaker is on which channel. For example, if your agent is the first participant to speak, you would set ChannelId to 0 (to indicate the first channel) and ParticipantRole to AGENT (to indicate that it’s the agent speaking).

  • On success, responds with StartCallAnalyticsJobOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<StartCallAnalyticsJobError>

impl Client


pub fn start_medical_scribe_job(&self) -> StartMedicalScribeJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the StartMedicalScribeJob operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • medical_scribe_job_name(impl Into<String>) / set_medical_scribe_job_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      A unique name, chosen by you, for your Medical Scribe job.

      This name is case sensitive, cannot contain spaces, and must be unique within an Amazon Web Services account. If you try to create a new job with the same name as an existing job, you get a ConflictException error.

    • media(Media) / set_media(Option<Media>):
      required: true

      Describes the Amazon S3 location of the media file you want to use in your request.

      For information on supported media formats, refer to the MediaFormat parameter or the Media formats section in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.

    • output_bucket_name(impl Into<String>) / set_output_bucket_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where you want your Medical Scribe output stored. Do not include the S3:// prefix of the specified bucket.

      Note that the role specified in the DataAccessRoleArn request parameter must have permission to use the specified location. You can change Amazon S3 permissions using the Amazon Web Services Management Console. See also Permissions Required for IAM User Roles.

    • output_encryption_kms_key_id(impl Into<String>) / set_output_encryption_kms_key_id(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The KMS key you want to use to encrypt your Medical Scribe output.

      If using a key located in the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of four ways:

      1. Use the KMS key ID itself. For example, 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      2. Use an alias for the KMS key ID. For example, alias/ExampleAlias.

      3. Use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      4. Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.

      If using a key located in a different Amazon Web Services account than the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of two ways:

      1. Use the ARN for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      2. Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.

      If you do not specify an encryption key, your output is encrypted with the default Amazon S3 key (SSE-S3).

      Note that the role specified in the DataAccessRoleArn request parameter must have permission to use the specified KMS key.

    • kms_encryption_context(impl Into<String>, impl Into<String>) / set_kms_encryption_context(Option<HashMap::<String, String>>):
      required: false

      A map of plain text, non-secret key:value pairs, known as encryption context pairs, that provide an added layer of security for your data. For more information, see KMS encryption context and Asymmetric keys in KMS.

    • data_access_role_arn(impl Into<String>) / set_data_access_role_arn(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that has permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your input files, write to the output bucket, and use your KMS key if supplied. If the role that you specify doesn’t have the appropriate permissions your request fails.

      IAM role ARNs have the format arn:partition:iam::account:role/role-name-with-path. For example: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Admin.

      For more information, see IAM ARNs.

    • settings(MedicalScribeSettings) / set_settings(Option<MedicalScribeSettings>):
      required: true

      Makes it possible to control how your Medical Scribe job is processed using a MedicalScribeSettings object. Specify ChannelIdentification if ChannelDefinitions are set. Enabled ShowSpeakerLabels if ChannelIdentification and ChannelDefinitions are not set. One and only one of ChannelIdentification and ShowSpeakerLabels must be set. If ShowSpeakerLabels is set, MaxSpeakerLabels must also be set. Use Settings to specify a vocabulary or vocabulary filter or both using VocabularyName, VocabularyFilterName. VocabularyFilterMethod must be specified if VocabularyFilterName is set.

    • channel_definitions(MedicalScribeChannelDefinition) / set_channel_definitions(Option<Vec::<MedicalScribeChannelDefinition>>):
      required: false

      Makes it possible to specify which speaker is on which channel. For example, if the clinician is the first participant to speak, you would set ChannelId of the first ChannelDefinition in the list to 0 (to indicate the first channel) and ParticipantRole to CLINICIAN (to indicate that it’s the clinician speaking). Then you would set the ChannelId of the second ChannelDefinition in the list to 1 (to indicate the second channel) and ParticipantRole to PATIENT (to indicate that it’s the patient speaking).

    • tags(Tag) / set_tags(Option<Vec::<Tag>>):
      required: false

      Adds one or more custom tags, each in the form of a key:value pair, to the Medica Scribe job.

      To learn more about using tags with Amazon Transcribe, refer to Tagging resources.

  • On success, responds with StartMedicalScribeJobOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<StartMedicalScribeJobError>

impl Client


pub fn start_medical_transcription_job( &self ) -> StartMedicalTranscriptionJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the StartMedicalTranscriptionJob operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • medical_transcription_job_name(impl Into<String>) / set_medical_transcription_job_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      A unique name, chosen by you, for your medical transcription job. The name that you specify is also used as the default name of your transcription output file. If you want to specify a different name for your transcription output, use the OutputKey parameter.

      This name is case sensitive, cannot contain spaces, and must be unique within an Amazon Web Services account. If you try to create a new job with the same name as an existing job, you get a ConflictException error.

    • language_code(LanguageCode) / set_language_code(Option<LanguageCode>):
      required: true

      The language code that represents the language spoken in the input media file. US English (en-US) is the only valid value for medical transcription jobs. Any other value you enter for language code results in a BadRequestException error.

    • media_sample_rate_hertz(i32) / set_media_sample_rate_hertz(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The sample rate, in hertz, of the audio track in your input media file.

      If you do not specify the media sample rate, Amazon Transcribe Medical determines it for you. If you specify the sample rate, it must match the rate detected by Amazon Transcribe Medical; if there’s a mismatch between the value that you specify and the value detected, your job fails. Therefore, in most cases, it’s advised to omit MediaSampleRateHertz and let Amazon Transcribe Medical determine the sample rate.

    • media_format(MediaFormat) / set_media_format(Option<MediaFormat>):
      required: false

      Specify the format of your input media file.

    • media(Media) / set_media(Option<Media>):
      required: true

      Describes the Amazon S3 location of the media file you want to use in your request.

      For information on supported media formats, refer to the MediaFormat parameter or the Media formats section in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.

    • output_bucket_name(impl Into<String>) / set_output_bucket_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where you want your medical transcription output stored. Do not include the S3:// prefix of the specified bucket.

      If you want your output to go to a sub-folder of this bucket, specify it using the OutputKey parameter; OutputBucketName only accepts the name of a bucket.

      For example, if you want your output stored in S3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET, set OutputBucketName to DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET. However, if you want your output stored in S3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/test-files/, set OutputBucketName to DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET and OutputKey to test-files/.

      Note that Amazon Transcribe must have permission to use the specified location. You can change Amazon S3 permissions using the Amazon Web Services Management Console. See also Permissions Required for IAM User Roles.

    • output_key(impl Into<String>) / set_output_key(Option<String>):
      required: false

      Use in combination with OutputBucketName to specify the output location of your transcript and, optionally, a unique name for your output file. The default name for your transcription output is the same as the name you specified for your medical transcription job (MedicalTranscriptionJobName).

      Here are some examples of how you can use OutputKey:

      • If you specify ‘DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET’ as the OutputBucketName and ‘my-transcript.json’ as the OutputKey, your transcription output path is s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-transcript.json.

      • If you specify ‘my-first-transcription’ as the MedicalTranscriptionJobName, ‘DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET’ as the OutputBucketName, and ‘my-transcript’ as the OutputKey, your transcription output path is s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-transcript/my-first-transcription.json.

      • If you specify ‘DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET’ as the OutputBucketName and ‘test-files/my-transcript.json’ as the OutputKey, your transcription output path is s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/test-files/my-transcript.json.

      • If you specify ‘my-first-transcription’ as the MedicalTranscriptionJobName, ‘DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET’ as the OutputBucketName, and ‘test-files/my-transcript’ as the OutputKey, your transcription output path is s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/test-files/my-transcript/my-first-transcription.json.

      If you specify the name of an Amazon S3 bucket sub-folder that doesn’t exist, one is created for you.

    • output_encryption_kms_key_id(impl Into<String>) / set_output_encryption_kms_key_id(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The KMS key you want to use to encrypt your medical transcription output.

      If using a key located in the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of four ways:

      1. Use the KMS key ID itself. For example, 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      2. Use an alias for the KMS key ID. For example, alias/ExampleAlias.

      3. Use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      4. Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.

      If using a key located in a different Amazon Web Services account than the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of two ways:

      1. Use the ARN for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      2. Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.

      If you do not specify an encryption key, your output is encrypted with the default Amazon S3 key (SSE-S3).

      If you specify a KMS key to encrypt your output, you must also specify an output location using the OutputLocation parameter.

      Note that the role making the request must have permission to use the specified KMS key.

    • kms_encryption_context(impl Into<String>, impl Into<String>) / set_kms_encryption_context(Option<HashMap::<String, String>>):
      required: false

      A map of plain text, non-secret key:value pairs, known as encryption context pairs, that provide an added layer of security for your data. For more information, see KMS encryption context and Asymmetric keys in KMS.

    • settings(MedicalTranscriptionSetting) / set_settings(Option<MedicalTranscriptionSetting>):
      required: false

      Specify additional optional settings in your request, including channel identification, alternative transcriptions, and speaker partitioning. You can use that to apply custom vocabularies to your transcription job.

    • content_identification_type(MedicalContentIdentificationType) / set_content_identification_type(Option<MedicalContentIdentificationType>):
      required: false

      Labels all personal health information (PHI) identified in your transcript. For more information, see Identifying personal health information (PHI) in a transcription.

    • specialty(Specialty) / set_specialty(Option<Specialty>):
      required: true

      Specify the predominant medical specialty represented in your media. For batch transcriptions, PRIMARYCARE is the only valid value. If you require additional specialties, refer to .

    • r#type(Type) / set_type(Option<Type>):
      required: true

      Specify whether your input media contains only one person (DICTATION) or contains a conversation between two people (CONVERSATION).

      For example, DICTATION could be used for a medical professional wanting to transcribe voice memos; CONVERSATION could be used for transcribing the doctor-patient dialogue during the patient’s office visit.

    • tags(Tag) / set_tags(Option<Vec::<Tag>>):
      required: false

      Adds one or more custom tags, each in the form of a key:value pair, to a new medical transcription job at the time you start this new job.

      To learn more about using tags with Amazon Transcribe, refer to Tagging resources.

  • On success, responds with StartMedicalTranscriptionJobOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<StartMedicalTranscriptionJobError>

impl Client


pub fn start_transcription_job(&self) -> StartTranscriptionJobFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the StartTranscriptionJob operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • transcription_job_name(impl Into<String>) / set_transcription_job_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      A unique name, chosen by you, for your transcription job. The name that you specify is also used as the default name of your transcription output file. If you want to specify a different name for your transcription output, use the OutputKey parameter.

      This name is case sensitive, cannot contain spaces, and must be unique within an Amazon Web Services account. If you try to create a new job with the same name as an existing job, you get a ConflictException error.

    • language_code(LanguageCode) / set_language_code(Option<LanguageCode>):
      required: false

      The language code that represents the language spoken in the input media file.

      If you’re unsure of the language spoken in your media file, consider using IdentifyLanguage or IdentifyMultipleLanguages to enable automatic language identification.

      Note that you must include one of LanguageCode, IdentifyLanguage, or IdentifyMultipleLanguages in your request. If you include more than one of these parameters, your transcription job fails.

      For a list of supported languages and their associated language codes, refer to the Supported languages table.

      To transcribe speech in Modern Standard Arabic (ar-SA), your media file must be encoded at a sample rate of 16,000 Hz or higher.

    • media_sample_rate_hertz(i32) / set_media_sample_rate_hertz(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The sample rate, in hertz, of the audio track in your input media file.

      If you do not specify the media sample rate, Amazon Transcribe determines it for you. If you specify the sample rate, it must match the rate detected by Amazon Transcribe. If there’s a mismatch between the value that you specify and the value detected, your job fails. In most cases, you can omit MediaSampleRateHertz and let Amazon Transcribe determine the sample rate.

    • media_format(MediaFormat) / set_media_format(Option<MediaFormat>):
      required: false

      Specify the format of your input media file.

    • media(Media) / set_media(Option<Media>):
      required: true

      Describes the Amazon S3 location of the media file you want to use in your request.

    • output_bucket_name(impl Into<String>) / set_output_bucket_name(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where you want your transcription output stored. Do not include the S3:// prefix of the specified bucket.

      If you want your output to go to a sub-folder of this bucket, specify it using the OutputKey parameter; OutputBucketName only accepts the name of a bucket.

      For example, if you want your output stored in S3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET, set OutputBucketName to DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET. However, if you want your output stored in S3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/test-files/, set OutputBucketName to DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET and OutputKey to test-files/.

      Note that Amazon Transcribe must have permission to use the specified location. You can change Amazon S3 permissions using the Amazon Web Services Management Console. See also Permissions Required for IAM User Roles.

      If you do not specify OutputBucketName, your transcript is placed in a service-managed Amazon S3 bucket and you are provided with a URI to access your transcript.

    • output_key(impl Into<String>) / set_output_key(Option<String>):
      required: false

      Use in combination with OutputBucketName to specify the output location of your transcript and, optionally, a unique name for your output file. The default name for your transcription output is the same as the name you specified for your transcription job (TranscriptionJobName).

      Here are some examples of how you can use OutputKey:

      • If you specify ‘DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET’ as the OutputBucketName and ‘my-transcript.json’ as the OutputKey, your transcription output path is s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-transcript.json.

      • If you specify ‘my-first-transcription’ as the TranscriptionJobName, ‘DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET’ as the OutputBucketName, and ‘my-transcript’ as the OutputKey, your transcription output path is s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-transcript/my-first-transcription.json.

      • If you specify ‘DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET’ as the OutputBucketName and ‘test-files/my-transcript.json’ as the OutputKey, your transcription output path is s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/test-files/my-transcript.json.

      • If you specify ‘my-first-transcription’ as the TranscriptionJobName, ‘DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET’ as the OutputBucketName, and ‘test-files/my-transcript’ as the OutputKey, your transcription output path is s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/test-files/my-transcript/my-first-transcription.json.

      If you specify the name of an Amazon S3 bucket sub-folder that doesn’t exist, one is created for you.

    • output_encryption_kms_key_id(impl Into<String>) / set_output_encryption_kms_key_id(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The KMS key you want to use to encrypt your transcription output.

      If using a key located in the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of four ways:

      1. Use the KMS key ID itself. For example, 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      2. Use an alias for the KMS key ID. For example, alias/ExampleAlias.

      3. Use the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      4. Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.

      If using a key located in a different Amazon Web Services account than the current Amazon Web Services account, you can specify your KMS key in one of two ways:

      1. Use the ARN for the KMS key ID. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.

      2. Use the ARN for the KMS key alias. For example, arn:aws:kms:region:account-ID:alias/ExampleAlias.

      If you do not specify an encryption key, your output is encrypted with the default Amazon S3 key (SSE-S3).

      If you specify a KMS key to encrypt your output, you must also specify an output location using the OutputLocation parameter.

      Note that the role making the request must have permission to use the specified KMS key.

    • kms_encryption_context(impl Into<String>, impl Into<String>) / set_kms_encryption_context(Option<HashMap::<String, String>>):
      required: false

      A map of plain text, non-secret key:value pairs, known as encryption context pairs, that provide an added layer of security for your data. For more information, see KMS encryption context and Asymmetric keys in KMS.

    • settings(Settings) / set_settings(Option<Settings>):
      required: false

      Specify additional optional settings in your request, including channel identification, alternative transcriptions, speaker partitioning. You can use that to apply custom vocabularies and vocabulary filters.

      If you want to include a custom vocabulary or a custom vocabulary filter (or both) with your request but do not want to use automatic language identification, use Settings with the VocabularyName or VocabularyFilterName (or both) sub-parameter.

      If you’re using automatic language identification with your request and want to include a custom language model, a custom vocabulary, or a custom vocabulary filter, use instead the parameter with the LanguageModelName, VocabularyName or VocabularyFilterName sub-parameters.

    • model_settings(ModelSettings) / set_model_settings(Option<ModelSettings>):
      required: false

      Specify the custom language model you want to include with your transcription job. If you include ModelSettings in your request, you must include the LanguageModelName sub-parameter.

      For more information, see Custom language models.

    • job_execution_settings(JobExecutionSettings) / set_job_execution_settings(Option<JobExecutionSettings>):
      required: false

      Makes it possible to control how your transcription job is processed. Currently, the only JobExecutionSettings modification you can choose is enabling job queueing using the AllowDeferredExecution sub-parameter.

      If you include JobExecutionSettings in your request, you must also include the sub-parameters: AllowDeferredExecution and DataAccessRoleArn.

    • content_redaction(ContentRedaction) / set_content_redaction(Option<ContentRedaction>):
      required: false

      Makes it possible to redact or flag specified personally identifiable information (PII) in your transcript. If you use ContentRedaction, you must also include the sub-parameters: RedactionOutput and RedactionType. You can optionally include PiiEntityTypes to choose which types of PII you want to redact. If you do not include PiiEntityTypes in your request, all PII is redacted.

    • identify_language(bool) / set_identify_language(Option<bool>):
      required: false

      Enables automatic language identification in your transcription job request. Use this parameter if your media file contains only one language. If your media contains multiple languages, use IdentifyMultipleLanguages instead.

      If you include IdentifyLanguage, you can optionally include a list of language codes, using LanguageOptions, that you think may be present in your media file. Including LanguageOptions restricts IdentifyLanguage to only the language options that you specify, which can improve transcription accuracy.

      If you want to apply a custom language model, a custom vocabulary, or a custom vocabulary filter to your automatic language identification request, include LanguageIdSettings with the relevant sub-parameters (VocabularyName, LanguageModelName, and VocabularyFilterName). If you include LanguageIdSettings, also include LanguageOptions.

      Note that you must include one of LanguageCode, IdentifyLanguage, or IdentifyMultipleLanguages in your request. If you include more than one of these parameters, your transcription job fails.

    • identify_multiple_languages(bool) / set_identify_multiple_languages(Option<bool>):
      required: false

      Enables automatic multi-language identification in your transcription job request. Use this parameter if your media file contains more than one language. If your media contains only one language, use IdentifyLanguage instead.

      If you include IdentifyMultipleLanguages, you can optionally include a list of language codes, using LanguageOptions, that you think may be present in your media file. Including LanguageOptions restricts IdentifyLanguage to only the language options that you specify, which can improve transcription accuracy.

      If you want to apply a custom vocabulary or a custom vocabulary filter to your automatic language identification request, include LanguageIdSettings with the relevant sub-parameters (VocabularyName and VocabularyFilterName). If you include LanguageIdSettings, also include LanguageOptions.

      Note that you must include one of LanguageCode, IdentifyLanguage, or IdentifyMultipleLanguages in your request. If you include more than one of these parameters, your transcription job fails.

    • language_options(LanguageCode) / set_language_options(Option<Vec::<LanguageCode>>):
      required: false

      You can specify two or more language codes that represent the languages you think may be present in your media. Including more than five is not recommended. If you’re unsure what languages are present, do not include this parameter.

      If you include LanguageOptions in your request, you must also include IdentifyLanguage.

      For more information, refer to Supported languages.

      To transcribe speech in Modern Standard Arabic (ar-SA), your media file must be encoded at a sample rate of 16,000 Hz or higher.

    • subtitles(Subtitles) / set_subtitles(Option<Subtitles>):
      required: false

      Produces subtitle files for your input media. You can specify WebVTT (.vtt) and SubRip (.srt) formats.

    • tags(Tag) / set_tags(Option<Vec::<Tag>>):
      required: false

      Adds one or more custom tags, each in the form of a key:value pair, to a new transcription job at the time you start this new job.

      To learn more about using tags with Amazon Transcribe, refer to Tagging resources.

    • language_id_settings(LanguageCode, LanguageIdSettings) / set_language_id_settings(Option<HashMap::<LanguageCode, LanguageIdSettings>>):
      required: false

      If using automatic language identification in your request and you want to apply a custom language model, a custom vocabulary, or a custom vocabulary filter, include LanguageIdSettings with the relevant sub-parameters (VocabularyName, LanguageModelName, and VocabularyFilterName). Note that multi-language identification (IdentifyMultipleLanguages) doesn’t support custom language models.

      LanguageIdSettings supports two to five language codes. Each language code you include can have an associated custom language model, custom vocabulary, and custom vocabulary filter. The language codes that you specify must match the languages of the associated custom language models, custom vocabularies, and custom vocabulary filters.

      It’s recommended that you include LanguageOptions when using LanguageIdSettings to ensure that the correct language dialect is identified. For example, if you specify a custom vocabulary that is in en-US but Amazon Transcribe determines that the language spoken in your media is en-AU, your custom vocabulary is not applied to your transcription. If you include LanguageOptions and include en-US as the only English language dialect, your custom vocabulary is applied to your transcription.

      If you want to include a custom language model with your request but do not want to use automatic language identification, use instead the parameter with the LanguageModelName sub-parameter. If you want to include a custom vocabulary or a custom vocabulary filter (or both) with your request but do not want to use automatic language identification, use instead the parameter with the VocabularyName or VocabularyFilterName (or both) sub-parameter.

    • toxicity_detection(ToxicityDetectionSettings) / set_toxicity_detection(Option<Vec::<ToxicityDetectionSettings>>):
      required: false

      Enables toxic speech detection in your transcript. If you include ToxicityDetection in your request, you must also include ToxicityCategories.

      For information on the types of toxic speech Amazon Transcribe can detect, see Detecting toxic speech.

  • On success, responds with StartTranscriptionJobOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<StartTranscriptionJobError>

impl Client


pub fn tag_resource(&self) -> TagResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the TagResource operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • resource_arn(impl Into<String>) / set_resource_arn(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource you want to tag. ARNs have the format arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-type/resource-id.

      For example, arn:aws:transcribe:us-west-2:111122223333:transcription-job/transcription-job-name.

      Valid values for resource-type are: transcription-job, medical-transcription-job, vocabulary, medical-vocabulary, vocabulary-filter, and language-model.

    • tags(Tag) / set_tags(Option<Vec::<Tag>>):
      required: true

      Adds one or more custom tags, each in the form of a key:value pair, to the specified resource.

      To learn more about using tags with Amazon Transcribe, refer to Tagging resources.

  • On success, responds with TagResourceOutput
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<TagResourceError>

impl Client


pub fn untag_resource(&self) -> UntagResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UntagResource operation.


impl Client


pub fn update_call_analytics_category( &self ) -> UpdateCallAnalyticsCategoryFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateCallAnalyticsCategory operation.


impl Client


pub fn update_medical_vocabulary(&self) -> UpdateMedicalVocabularyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateMedicalVocabulary operation.


impl Client


pub fn update_vocabulary(&self) -> UpdateVocabularyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateVocabulary operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • vocabulary_name(impl Into<String>) / set_vocabulary_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The name of the custom vocabulary you want to update. Custom vocabulary names are case sensitive.

    • language_code(LanguageCode) / set_language_code(Option<LanguageCode>):
      required: true

      The language code that represents the language of the entries in the custom vocabulary you want to update. Each custom vocabulary must contain terms in only one language.

      A custom vocabulary can only be used to transcribe files in the same language as the custom vocabulary. For example, if you create a custom vocabulary using US English (en-US), you can only apply this custom vocabulary to files that contain English audio.

      For a list of supported languages and their associated language codes, refer to the Supported languages table.

    • phrases(impl Into<String>) / set_phrases(Option<Vec::<String>>):
      required: false

      Use this parameter if you want to update your custom vocabulary by including all desired terms, as comma-separated values, within your request. The other option for updating your custom vocabulary is to save your entries in a text file and upload them to an Amazon S3 bucket, then specify the location of your file using the VocabularyFileUri parameter.

      Note that if you include Phrases in your request, you cannot use VocabularyFileUri; you must choose one or the other.

      Each language has a character set that contains all allowed characters for that specific language. If you use unsupported characters, your custom vocabulary filter request fails. Refer to Character Sets for Custom Vocabularies to get the character set for your language.

    • vocabulary_file_uri(impl Into<String>) / set_vocabulary_file_uri(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The Amazon S3 location of the text file that contains your custom vocabulary. The URI must be located in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the resource you’re calling.

      Here’s an example URI path: s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-vocab-file.txt

      Note that if you include VocabularyFileUri in your request, you cannot use the Phrases flag; you must choose one or the other.

    • data_access_role_arn(impl Into<String>) / set_data_access_role_arn(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that has permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your input files (in this case, your custom vocabulary). If the role that you specify doesn’t have the appropriate permissions to access the specified Amazon S3 location, your request fails.

      IAM role ARNs have the format arn:partition:iam::account:role/role-name-with-path. For example: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Admin.

      For more information, see IAM ARNs.

  • On success, responds with UpdateVocabularyOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<UpdateVocabularyError>

impl Client


pub fn update_vocabulary_filter(&self) -> UpdateVocabularyFilterFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateVocabularyFilter operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • vocabulary_filter_name(impl Into<String>) / set_vocabulary_filter_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The name of the custom vocabulary filter you want to update. Custom vocabulary filter names are case sensitive.

    • words(impl Into<String>) / set_words(Option<Vec::<String>>):
      required: false

      Use this parameter if you want to update your custom vocabulary filter by including all desired terms, as comma-separated values, within your request. The other option for updating your vocabulary filter is to save your entries in a text file and upload them to an Amazon S3 bucket, then specify the location of your file using the VocabularyFilterFileUri parameter.

      Note that if you include Words in your request, you cannot use VocabularyFilterFileUri; you must choose one or the other.

      Each language has a character set that contains all allowed characters for that specific language. If you use unsupported characters, your custom vocabulary filter request fails. Refer to Character Sets for Custom Vocabularies to get the character set for your language.

    • vocabulary_filter_file_uri(impl Into<String>) / set_vocabulary_filter_file_uri(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The Amazon S3 location of the text file that contains your custom vocabulary filter terms. The URI must be located in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the resource you’re calling.

      Here’s an example URI path: s3://DOC-EXAMPLE-BUCKET/my-vocab-filter-file.txt

      Note that if you include VocabularyFilterFileUri in your request, you cannot use Words; you must choose one or the other.

    • data_access_role_arn(impl Into<String>) / set_data_access_role_arn(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that has permissions to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your input files (in this case, your custom vocabulary filter). If the role that you specify doesn’t have the appropriate permissions to access the specified Amazon S3 location, your request fails.

      IAM role ARNs have the format arn:partition:iam::account:role/role-name-with-path. For example: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Admin.

      For more information, see IAM ARNs.

  • On success, responds with UpdateVocabularyFilterOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<UpdateVocabularyFilterError>

impl Client


pub fn from_conf(conf: Config) -> Self

Creates a new client from the service Config.


This method will panic in the following cases:

  • Retries or timeouts are enabled without a sleep_impl configured.
  • Identity caching is enabled without a sleep_impl and time_source configured.
  • No behavior_version is provided.

The panic message for each of these will have instructions on how to resolve them.


pub fn config(&self) -> &Config

Returns the client’s configuration.


impl Client


pub fn new(sdk_config: &SdkConfig) -> Self

Creates a new client from an SDK Config.

  • This method will panic if the sdk_config is missing an async sleep implementation. If you experience this panic, set the sleep_impl on the Config passed into this function to fix it.
  • This method will panic if the sdk_config is missing an HTTP connector. If you experience this panic, set the http_connector on the Config passed into this function to fix it.
  • This method will panic if no BehaviorVersion is provided. If you experience this panic, set behavior_version on the Config or enable the behavior-version-latest Cargo feature.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for Client


fn clone(&self) -> Client

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Client


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Client


impl !RefUnwindSafe for Client


impl Send for Client


impl Sync for Client


impl Unpin for Client


impl !UnwindSafe for Client

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<Unshared, Shared> IntoShared<Shared> for Unshared
where Shared: FromUnshared<Unshared>,


fn into_shared(self) -> Shared

Creates a shared type from an unshared type.

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more