Struct aws_sdk_route53domains::Client

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pub struct Client { /* private fields */ }
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Client for Amazon Route 53 Domains

Client for invoking operations on Amazon Route 53 Domains. Each operation on Amazon Route 53 Domains is a method on this this struct. .send() MUST be invoked on the generated operations to dispatch the request to the service.

§Constructing a Client

A Config is required to construct a client. For most use cases, the aws-config crate should be used to automatically resolve this config using aws_config::load_from_env(), since this will resolve an SdkConfig which can be shared across multiple different AWS SDK clients. This config resolution process can be customized by calling aws_config::from_env() instead, which returns a ConfigLoader that uses the builder pattern to customize the default config.

In the simplest case, creating a client looks as follows:

let config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;
let client = aws_sdk_route53domains::Client::new(&config);

Occasionally, SDKs may have additional service-specific values that can be set on the Config that is absent from SdkConfig, or slightly different settings for a specific client may be desired. The Config struct implements From<&SdkConfig>, so setting these specific settings can be done as follows:

let sdk_config = ::aws_config::load_from_env().await;
let config = aws_sdk_route53domains::config::Builder::from(&sdk_config)

See the aws-config docs and Config for more information on customizing configuration.

Note: Client construction is expensive due to connection thread pool initialization, and should be done once at application start-up.

§Using the Client

A client has a function for every operation that can be performed by the service. For example, the AcceptDomainTransferFromAnotherAwsAccount operation has a Client::accept_domain_transfer_from_another_aws_account, function which returns a builder for that operation. The fluent builder ultimately has a send() function that returns an async future that returns a result, as illustrated below:

let result = client.accept_domain_transfer_from_another_aws_account()

The underlying HTTP requests that get made by this can be modified with the customize_operation function on the fluent builder. See the customize module for more information.



impl Client


pub fn accept_domain_transfer_from_another_aws_account( &self ) -> AcceptDomainTransferFromAnotherAwsAccountFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the AcceptDomainTransferFromAnotherAwsAccount operation.


impl Client


pub fn associate_delegation_signer_to_domain( &self ) -> AssociateDelegationSignerToDomainFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the AssociateDelegationSignerToDomain operation.


impl Client


pub fn cancel_domain_transfer_to_another_aws_account( &self ) -> CancelDomainTransferToAnotherAwsAccountFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CancelDomainTransferToAnotherAwsAccount operation.


impl Client


pub fn check_domain_availability(&self) -> CheckDomainAvailabilityFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CheckDomainAvailability operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
  • On success, responds with CheckDomainAvailabilityOutput with field(s):
    • availability(Option<DomainAvailability>):

      Whether the domain name is available for registering.

      You can register only domains designated as AVAILABLE.

      Valid values:


      The domain name is available.


      The domain name is reserved under specific conditions.


      The domain name is available and can be preordered.


      The TLD registry didn’t reply with a definitive answer about whether the domain name is available. Route 53 can return this response for a variety of reasons, for example, the registry is performing maintenance. Try again later.


      The TLD isn’t valid. For example, it can contain characters that aren’t allowed.


      The TLD registry didn’t return a response in the expected amount of time. When the response is delayed, it usually takes just a few extra seconds. You can resubmit the request immediately.


      The domain name has been reserved for another person or organization.


      The domain name is not available.


      The domain name is not available.


      The domain name is forbidden.

  • On failure, responds with SdkError<CheckDomainAvailabilityError>

impl Client


pub fn check_domain_transferability( &self ) -> CheckDomainTransferabilityFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CheckDomainTransferability operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_domain(&self) -> DeleteDomainFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteDomain operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_tags_for_domain(&self) -> DeleteTagsForDomainFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteTagsForDomain operation.


impl Client


pub fn disable_domain_auto_renew(&self) -> DisableDomainAutoRenewFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DisableDomainAutoRenew operation.


impl Client


pub fn disable_domain_transfer_lock( &self ) -> DisableDomainTransferLockFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DisableDomainTransferLock operation.


impl Client


pub fn disassociate_delegation_signer_from_domain( &self ) -> DisassociateDelegationSignerFromDomainFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DisassociateDelegationSignerFromDomain operation.


impl Client


pub fn enable_domain_auto_renew(&self) -> EnableDomainAutoRenewFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the EnableDomainAutoRenew operation.


impl Client


pub fn enable_domain_transfer_lock( &self ) -> EnableDomainTransferLockFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the EnableDomainTransferLock operation.


impl Client


pub fn get_contact_reachability_status( &self ) -> GetContactReachabilityStatusFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetContactReachabilityStatus operation.


impl Client


pub fn get_domain_detail(&self) -> GetDomainDetailFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetDomainDetail operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
  • On success, responds with GetDomainDetailOutput with field(s):
    • domain_name(Option<String>):

      The name of a domain.

    • nameservers(Option<Vec::<Nameserver>>):

      The name servers of the domain.

    • auto_renew(Option<bool>):

      Specifies whether the domain registration is set to renew automatically.

    • admin_contact(Option<ContactDetail>):

      Provides details about the domain administrative contact.

    • registrant_contact(Option<ContactDetail>):

      Provides details about the domain registrant.

    • tech_contact(Option<ContactDetail>):

      Provides details about the domain technical contact.

    • admin_privacy(Option<bool>):

      Specifies whether contact information is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true, WHOIS (“who is”) queries return contact information either for Amazon Registrar or for our registrar associate, Gandi. If the value is false, WHOIS queries return the information that you entered for the admin contact.

    • registrant_privacy(Option<bool>):

      Specifies whether contact information is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true, WHOIS (“who is”) queries return contact information either for Amazon Registrar or for our registrar associate, Gandi. If the value is false, WHOIS queries return the information that you entered for the registrant contact (domain owner).

    • tech_privacy(Option<bool>):

      Specifies whether contact information is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true, WHOIS (“who is”) queries return contact information either for Amazon Registrar or for our registrar associate, Gandi. If the value is false, WHOIS queries return the information that you entered for the technical contact.

    • registrar_name(Option<String>):

      Name of the registrar of the domain as identified in the registry.

    • who_is_server(Option<String>):

      The fully qualified name of the WHOIS server that can answer the WHOIS query for the domain.

    • registrar_url(Option<String>):

      Web address of the registrar.

    • abuse_contact_email(Option<String>):

      Email address to contact to report incorrect contact information for a domain, to report that the domain is being used to send spam, to report that someone is cybersquatting on a domain name, or report some other type of abuse.

    • abuse_contact_phone(Option<String>):

      Phone number for reporting abuse.

    • registry_domain_id(Option<String>):

      Reserved for future use.

    • creation_date(Option<DateTime>):

      The date when the domain was created as found in the response to a WHOIS query. The date and time is in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal time (UTC).

    • updated_date(Option<DateTime>):

      The last updated date of the domain as found in the response to a WHOIS query. The date and time is in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal time (UTC).

    • expiration_date(Option<DateTime>):

      The date when the registration for the domain is set to expire. The date and time is in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal time (UTC).

    • reseller(Option<String>):

      Reseller of the domain. Domains registered or transferred using Route 53 domains will have “Amazon” as the reseller.

    • dns_sec(Option<String>):


    • status_list(Option<Vec::<String>>):

      An array of domain name status codes, also known as Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) status codes.

      ICANN, the organization that maintains a central database of domain names, has developed a set of domain name status codes that tell you the status of a variety of operations on a domain name, for example, registering a domain name, transferring a domain name to another registrar, renewing the registration for a domain name, and so on. All registrars use this same set of status codes.

      For a current list of domain name status codes and an explanation of what each code means, go to the ICANN website and search for epp status codes. (Search on the ICANN website; web searches sometimes return an old version of the document.)

    • dnssec_keys(Option<Vec::<DnssecKey>>):

      A complex type that contains information about the DNSSEC configuration.

    • billing_contact(Option<ContactDetail>):

      Provides details about the domain billing contact.

    • billing_privacy(Option<bool>):

      Specifies whether contact information is concealed from WHOIS queries. If the value is true, WHOIS (“who is”) queries return contact information either for Amazon Registrar or for our registrar associate, Gandi. If the value is false, WHOIS queries return the information that you entered for the billing contact.

  • On failure, responds with SdkError<GetDomainDetailError>

impl Client


pub fn get_domain_suggestions(&self) -> GetDomainSuggestionsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetDomainSuggestions operation.


impl Client


pub fn get_operation_detail(&self) -> GetOperationDetailFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the GetOperationDetail operation.


impl Client


pub fn list_domains(&self) -> ListDomainsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListDomains operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_operations(&self) -> ListOperationsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListOperations operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_prices(&self) -> ListPricesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListPrices operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • tld(impl Into<String>) / set_tld(Option<String>):
      required: false

      The TLD for which you want to receive the pricing information. For example. .net.

      If a Tld value is not provided, a list of prices for all TLDs supported by Route 53 is returned.

    • marker(impl Into<String>) / set_marker(Option<String>):
      required: false

      For an initial request for a list of prices, omit this element. If the number of prices that are not yet complete is greater than the value that you specified for MaxItems, you can use Marker to return additional prices. Get the value of NextPageMarker from the previous response, and submit another request that includes the value of NextPageMarker in the Marker element.

      Used only for all TLDs. If you specify a TLD, don’t specify a Marker.

    • max_items(i32) / set_max_items(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      Number of Prices to be returned.

      Used only for all TLDs. If you specify a TLD, don’t specify a MaxItems.

  • On success, responds with ListPricesOutput with field(s):
    • prices(Option<Vec::<DomainPrice>>):

      A complex type that includes all the pricing information. If you specify a TLD, this array contains only the pricing for that TLD.

    • next_page_marker(Option<String>):

      If there are more prices than you specified for MaxItems in the request, submit another request and include the value of NextPageMarker in the value of Marker.

      Used only for all TLDs. If you specify a TLD, don’t specify a NextPageMarker.

  • On failure, responds with SdkError<ListPricesError>

impl Client


pub fn list_tags_for_domain(&self) -> ListTagsForDomainFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListTagsForDomain operation.


impl Client


pub fn push_domain(&self) -> PushDomainFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the PushDomain operation.


impl Client


pub fn register_domain(&self) -> RegisterDomainFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the RegisterDomain operation.


impl Client


pub fn reject_domain_transfer_from_another_aws_account( &self ) -> RejectDomainTransferFromAnotherAwsAccountFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the RejectDomainTransferFromAnotherAwsAccount operation.


impl Client


pub fn renew_domain(&self) -> RenewDomainFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the RenewDomain operation.


impl Client


pub fn resend_contact_reachability_email( &self ) -> ResendContactReachabilityEmailFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ResendContactReachabilityEmail operation.


impl Client


pub fn resend_operation_authorization( &self ) -> ResendOperationAuthorizationFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ResendOperationAuthorization operation.


impl Client


pub fn retrieve_domain_auth_code(&self) -> RetrieveDomainAuthCodeFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the RetrieveDomainAuthCode operation.


impl Client


pub fn transfer_domain(&self) -> TransferDomainFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the TransferDomain operation.


impl Client


pub fn transfer_domain_to_another_aws_account( &self ) -> TransferDomainToAnotherAwsAccountFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the TransferDomainToAnotherAwsAccount operation.


impl Client


pub fn update_domain_contact(&self) -> UpdateDomainContactFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateDomainContact operation.


impl Client


pub fn update_domain_contact_privacy( &self ) -> UpdateDomainContactPrivacyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateDomainContactPrivacy operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • domain_name(impl Into<String>) / set_domain_name(Option<String>):
      required: true

      The name of the domain that you want to update the privacy setting for.

    • admin_privacy(bool) / set_admin_privacy(Option<bool>):
      required: false

      Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS (“who is”) queries return contact information either for Amazon Registrar or for our registrar associate, Gandi. If you specify false, WHOIS queries return the information that you entered for the admin contact.

      You must specify the same privacy setting for the administrative, billing, registrant, and technical contacts.

    • registrant_privacy(bool) / set_registrant_privacy(Option<bool>):
      required: false

      Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS (“who is”) queries return contact information either for Amazon Registrar or for our registrar associate, Gandi. If you specify false, WHOIS queries return the information that you entered for the registrant contact (domain owner).

      You must specify the same privacy setting for the administrative, billing, registrant, and technical contacts.

    • tech_privacy(bool) / set_tech_privacy(Option<bool>):
      required: false

      Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS (“who is”) queries return contact information either for Amazon Registrar or for our registrar associate, Gandi. If you specify false, WHOIS queries return the information that you entered for the technical contact.

      You must specify the same privacy setting for the administrative, billing, registrant, and technical contacts.

    • billing_privacy(bool) / set_billing_privacy(Option<bool>):
      required: false

      Whether you want to conceal contact information from WHOIS queries. If you specify true, WHOIS (“who is”) queries return contact information either for Amazon Registrar or for our registrar associate, Gandi. If you specify false, WHOIS queries return the information that you entered for the billing contact.

      You must specify the same privacy setting for the administrative, billing, registrant, and technical contacts.

  • On success, responds with UpdateDomainContactPrivacyOutput with field(s):
    • operation_id(Option<String>):

      Identifier for tracking the progress of the request. To use this ID to query the operation status, use GetOperationDetail.

  • On failure, responds with SdkError<UpdateDomainContactPrivacyError>

impl Client


pub fn update_domain_nameservers(&self) -> UpdateDomainNameserversFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateDomainNameservers operation.


impl Client


pub fn update_tags_for_domain(&self) -> UpdateTagsForDomainFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateTagsForDomain operation.


impl Client


pub fn view_billing(&self) -> ViewBillingFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ViewBilling operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • start(DateTime) / set_start(Option<DateTime>):
      required: false

      The beginning date and time for the time period for which you want a list of billing records. Specify the date and time in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal time (UTC).

    • end(DateTime) / set_end(Option<DateTime>):
      required: false

      The end date and time for the time period for which you want a list of billing records. Specify the date and time in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal time (UTC).

    • marker(impl Into<String>) / set_marker(Option<String>):
      required: false

      For an initial request for a list of billing records, omit this element. If the number of billing records that are associated with the current Amazon Web Services account during the specified period is greater than the value that you specified for MaxItems, you can use Marker to return additional billing records. Get the value of NextPageMarker from the previous response, and submit another request that includes the value of NextPageMarker in the Marker element.

      Constraints: The marker must match the value of NextPageMarker that was returned in the previous response.

    • max_items(i32) / set_max_items(Option<i32>):
      required: false

      The number of billing records to be returned.

      Default: 20

  • On success, responds with ViewBillingOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<ViewBillingError>

impl Client


pub fn from_conf(conf: Config) -> Self

Creates a new client from the service Config.


This method will panic in the following cases:

  • Retries or timeouts are enabled without a sleep_impl configured.
  • Identity caching is enabled without a sleep_impl and time_source configured.
  • No behavior_version is provided.

The panic message for each of these will have instructions on how to resolve them.


pub fn config(&self) -> &Config

Returns the client’s configuration.


impl Client


pub fn new(sdk_config: &SdkConfig) -> Self

Creates a new client from an SDK Config.

  • This method will panic if the sdk_config is missing an async sleep implementation. If you experience this panic, set the sleep_impl on the Config passed into this function to fix it.
  • This method will panic if the sdk_config is missing an HTTP connector. If you experience this panic, set the http_connector on the Config passed into this function to fix it.
  • This method will panic if no BehaviorVersion is provided. If you experience this panic, set behavior_version on the Config or enable the behavior-version-latest Cargo feature.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for Client


fn clone(&self) -> Client

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Client


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Client


impl !RefUnwindSafe for Client


impl Send for Client


impl Sync for Client


impl Unpin for Client


impl !UnwindSafe for Client

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<Unshared, Shared> IntoShared<Shared> for Unshared
where Shared: FromUnshared<Unshared>,


fn into_shared(self) -> Shared

Creates a shared type from an unshared type.

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more