aws-sdk-rekognition 1.31.0

AWS SDK for Amazon Rekognition
# aws-sdk-rekognition

This is the API Reference for [Amazon Rekognition Image](, [Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels](, [Amazon Rekognition Stored Video](, [Amazon Rekognition Streaming Video]( It provides descriptions of actions, data types, common parameters, and common errors.

__Amazon Rekognition Image__
  - [AssociateFaces](
  - [CompareFaces](
  - [CreateCollection](
  - [CreateUser](
  - [DeleteCollection](
  - [DeleteFaces](
  - [DeleteUser](
  - [DescribeCollection](
  - [DetectFaces](
  - [DetectLabels](
  - [DetectModerationLabels](
  - [DetectProtectiveEquipment](
  - [DetectText](
  - [DisassociateFaces](
  - [GetCelebrityInfo](
  - [GetMediaAnalysisJob](
  - [IndexFaces](
  - [ListCollections](
  - [ListMediaAnalysisJob](
  - [ListFaces](
  - [ListUsers](
  - [RecognizeCelebrities](
  - [SearchFaces](
  - [SearchFacesByImage](
  - [SearchUsers](
  - [SearchUsersByImage](
  - [StartMediaAnalysisJob](

__Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels__
  - [CopyProjectVersion](
  - [CreateDataset](
  - [CreateProject](
  - [CreateProjectVersion](
  - [DeleteDataset](
  - [DeleteProject](
  - [DeleteProjectPolicy](
  - [DeleteProjectVersion](
  - [DescribeDataset](
  - [DescribeProjects](
  - [DescribeProjectVersions](
  - [DetectCustomLabels](
  - [DistributeDatasetEntries](
  - [ListDatasetEntries](
  - [ListDatasetLabels](
  - [ListProjectPolicies](
  - [PutProjectPolicy](
  - [StartProjectVersion](
  - [StopProjectVersion](
  - [UpdateDatasetEntries](

__Amazon Rekognition Video Stored Video__
  - [GetCelebrityRecognition](
  - [GetContentModeration](
  - [GetFaceDetection](
  - [GetFaceSearch](
  - [GetLabelDetection](
  - [GetPersonTracking](
  - [GetSegmentDetection](
  - [GetTextDetection](
  - [StartCelebrityRecognition](
  - [StartContentModeration](
  - [StartFaceDetection](
  - [StartFaceSearch](
  - [StartLabelDetection](
  - [StartPersonTracking](
  - [StartSegmentDetection](
  - [StartTextDetection](

__Amazon Rekognition Video Streaming Video__
  - [CreateStreamProcessor](
  - [DeleteStreamProcessor](
  - [DescribeStreamProcessor](
  - [ListStreamProcessors](
  - [StartStreamProcessor](
  - [StopStreamProcessor](
  - [UpdateStreamProcessor](

## Getting Started

> Examples are available for many services and operations, check out the
> [examples folder in GitHub](

The SDK provides one crate per AWS service. You must add [Tokio](
as a dependency within your Rust project to execute asynchronous code. To add `aws-sdk-rekognition` to
your project, add the following to your **Cargo.toml** file:

aws-config = { version = "1.1.7", features = ["behavior-version-latest"] }
aws-sdk-rekognition = "1.31.0"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

Then in code, a client can be created with the following:

use aws_sdk_rekognition as rekognition;

async fn main() -> Result<(), rekognition::Error> {
    let config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;
    let client = aws_sdk_rekognition::Client::new(&config);

    // ... make some calls with the client


See the [client documentation](
for information on what calls can be made, and the inputs and outputs for each of those calls.

## Using the SDK

Until the SDK is released, we will be adding information about using the SDK to the
[Developer Guide]( Feel free to suggest
additional sections for the guide by opening an issue and describing what you are trying to do.

## Getting Help

* [GitHub discussions]( - For ideas, RFCs & general questions
* [GitHub issues]( - For bug reports & feature requests
* [Generated Docs (latest version)](
* [Usage examples](

## License

This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.