aws-sdk-proton 0.24.0

AWS SDK for AWS Proton
//! <p>This is the Proton Service API Reference. It provides descriptions, syntax and usage examples for each of the <a href="">actions</a> and <a href="">data types</a> for the Proton service.</p>
//! <p>The documentation for each action shows the Query API request parameters and the XML response.</p>
//! <p>Alternatively, you can use the Amazon Web Services CLI to access an API. For more information, see the <a href="">Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface User Guide</a>.</p>
//! <p>The Proton service is a two-pronged automation framework. Administrators create service templates to provide standardized infrastructure
//! and deployment tooling for serverless and container based applications. Developers, in turn, select from the available service templates to
//! automate their application or service deployments.</p>
//! <p>Because administrators define the infrastructure and tooling that Proton deploys and manages, they need permissions to use all of the
//! listed API operations.</p>
//! <p>When developers select a specific infrastructure and tooling set, Proton deploys their applications. To monitor their applications that are
//! running on Proton, developers need permissions to the service <i>create</i>, <i>list</i>,
//! <i>update</i> and <i>delete</i> API operations and the service instance <i>list</i> and
//! <i>update</i> API operations.</p>
//! <p>To learn more about Proton, see the <a href="">Proton User Guide</a>.</p>
//! <p>
//! <b>Ensuring Idempotency</b>
//! </p>
//! <p>When you make a mutating API request, the request typically returns a result before the asynchronous workflows of the operation are complete.
//! Operations might also time out or encounter other server issues before they're complete, even if the request already returned a result. This might
//! make it difficult to determine whether the request succeeded. Moreover, you might need to retry the request multiple times to ensure that the
//! operation completes successfully. However, if the original request and the subsequent retries are successful, the operation occurs multiple times.
//! This means that you might create more resources than you intended.</p>
//! <p>
//! <i>Idempotency</i> ensures that an API request action completes no more than one time. With an idempotent request, if the
//! original request action completes successfully, any subsequent retries complete successfully without performing any further actions. However, the
//! result might contain updated information, such as the current creation status.</p>
//! <p>The following lists of APIs are grouped according to methods that ensure idempotency.</p>
//! <p>
//! <b>Idempotent create APIs with a client token</b>
//! </p>
//! <p>The API actions in this list support idempotency with the use of a <i>client token</i>. The corresponding Amazon Web Services CLI commands
//! also support idempotency using a client token. A client token is a unique, case-sensitive string of up to 64 ASCII characters. To make an
//! idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. We recommend that you <i>don't</i> reuse
//! the same client token for other API requests. If you don’t provide a client token for these APIs, a default client token is automatically provided
//! by SDKs.</p>
//! <p>Given a request action that has succeeded:</p>
//! <p>If you retry the request using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions other
//! than returning the original resource detail data in the response.</p>
//! <p>If you retry the request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry throws a
//! <code>ValidationException</code> with an <code>IdempotentParameterMismatch</code> error.</p>
//! <p>Client tokens expire eight hours after a request is made. If you retry the request with the expired token, a new resource is created.</p>
//! <p>If the original resource is deleted and you retry the request, a new resource is created.</p>
//! <p>Idempotent create APIs with a client token:</p>
//! <ul>
//! <li>
//! <p>CreateEnvironmentTemplateVersion</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>CreateServiceTemplateVersion</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>CreateEnvironmentAccountConnection</p>
//! </li>
//! </ul>
//! <p>
//! <b>Idempotent create APIs</b>
//! </p>
//! <p>Given a request action that has succeeded:</p>
//! <p>If you retry the request with an API from this group, and the original resource <i>hasn't</i> been modified, the retry succeeds
//! without performing any further actions other than returning the original resource detail data in the response.</p>
//! <p>If the original resource has been modified, the retry throws a <code>ConflictException</code>.</p>
//! <p>If you retry with different input parameters, the retry throws a <code>ValidationException</code> with an
//! <code>IdempotentParameterMismatch</code> error.</p>
//! <p>Idempotent create APIs:</p>
//! <ul>
//! <li>
//! <p>CreateEnvironmentTemplate</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>CreateServiceTemplate</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>CreateEnvironment</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>CreateService</p>
//! </li>
//! </ul>
//! <p>
//! <b>Idempotent delete APIs</b>
//! </p>
//! <p>Given a request action that has succeeded:</p>
//! <p>When you retry the request with an API from this group and the resource was deleted, its metadata is returned in the response.</p>
//! <p>If you retry and the resource doesn't exist, the response is empty.</p>
//! <p>In both cases, the retry succeeds.</p>
//! <p>Idempotent delete APIs:</p>
//! <ul>
//! <li>
//! <p>DeleteEnvironmentTemplate</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>DeleteEnvironmentTemplateVersion</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>DeleteServiceTemplate</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>DeleteServiceTemplateVersion</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>DeleteEnvironmentAccountConnection</p>
//! </li>
//! </ul>
//! <p>
//! <b>Asynchronous idempotent delete APIs</b>
//! </p>
//! <p>Given a request action that has succeeded:</p>
//! <p>If you retry the request with an API from this group, if the original request delete operation status is <code>DELETE_IN_PROGRESS</code>, the
//! retry returns the resource detail data in the response without performing any further actions.</p>
//! <p>If the original request delete operation is complete, a retry returns an empty response.</p>
//! <p>Asynchronous idempotent delete APIs:</p>
//! <ul>
//! <li>
//! <p>DeleteEnvironment</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>DeleteService</p>
//! </li>
//! </ul>
//! # Crate Organization
//! The entry point for most customers will be [`Client`]. [`Client`] exposes one method for each API offered
//! by the service.
//! Some APIs require complex or nested arguments. These exist in [`model`](crate::model).
//! Lastly, errors that can be returned by the service are contained within [`error`]. [`Error`] defines a meta
//! error encompassing all possible errors that can be returned by the service.
//! The other modules within this crate are not required for normal usage.

// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
pub use error_meta::Error;

pub use config::Config;

/// Client and fluent builders for calling the service.
pub mod client;

/// Configuration for the service.
pub mod config;

/// Endpoint resolution functionality
pub mod endpoint;

/// All error types that operations can return. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.
pub mod error;

mod error_meta;

/// Input structures for operations. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.
pub mod input;

/// Data structures used by operation inputs/outputs. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.
pub mod model;

/// All operations that this crate can perform.
pub mod operation;

/// Output structures for operations. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.
pub mod output;

/// Data primitives referenced by other data types.
pub mod types;

mod idempotency_token;

pub mod middleware;

mod no_credentials;

mod operation_deser;

mod operation_ser;

/// Paginators for the service
pub mod paginator;

mod json_deser;

mod json_ser;

/// Generated accessors for nested fields
mod lens;

/// Endpoints standard library functions
mod endpoint_lib;

mod json_errors;

/// Crate version number.
pub static PKG_VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
pub use aws_smithy_http::endpoint::Endpoint;
static API_METADATA: aws_http::user_agent::ApiMetadata =
    aws_http::user_agent::ApiMetadata::new("proton", PKG_VERSION);
pub use aws_credential_types::Credentials;
pub use aws_types::app_name::AppName;
pub use aws_types::region::Region;
pub use client::Client;