pub struct M2tsSettingsBuilder { /* private fields */ }
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A builder for M2tsSettings.



impl M2tsSettingsBuilder


pub fn audio_buffer_model(self, input: M2tsAudioBufferModel) -> Self

Selects between the DVB and ATSC buffer models for Dolby Digital audio.


pub fn set_audio_buffer_model(self, input: Option<M2tsAudioBufferModel>) -> Self

Selects between the DVB and ATSC buffer models for Dolby Digital audio.


pub fn get_audio_buffer_model(&self) -> &Option<M2tsAudioBufferModel>

Selects between the DVB and ATSC buffer models for Dolby Digital audio.


pub fn audio_duration(self, input: M2tsAudioDuration) -> Self

Specify this setting only when your output will be consumed by a downstream repackaging workflow that is sensitive to very small duration differences between video and audio. For this situation, choose Match video duration. In all other cases, keep the default value, Default codec duration. When you choose Match video duration, MediaConvert pads the output audio streams with silence or trims them to ensure that the total duration of each audio stream is at least as long as the total duration of the video stream. After padding or trimming, the audio stream duration is no more than one frame longer than the video stream. MediaConvert applies audio padding or trimming only to the end of the last segment of the output. For unsegmented outputs, MediaConvert adds padding only to the end of the file. When you keep the default value, any minor discrepancies between audio and video duration will depend on your output audio codec.


pub fn set_audio_duration(self, input: Option<M2tsAudioDuration>) -> Self

Specify this setting only when your output will be consumed by a downstream repackaging workflow that is sensitive to very small duration differences between video and audio. For this situation, choose Match video duration. In all other cases, keep the default value, Default codec duration. When you choose Match video duration, MediaConvert pads the output audio streams with silence or trims them to ensure that the total duration of each audio stream is at least as long as the total duration of the video stream. After padding or trimming, the audio stream duration is no more than one frame longer than the video stream. MediaConvert applies audio padding or trimming only to the end of the last segment of the output. For unsegmented outputs, MediaConvert adds padding only to the end of the file. When you keep the default value, any minor discrepancies between audio and video duration will depend on your output audio codec.


pub fn get_audio_duration(&self) -> &Option<M2tsAudioDuration>

Specify this setting only when your output will be consumed by a downstream repackaging workflow that is sensitive to very small duration differences between video and audio. For this situation, choose Match video duration. In all other cases, keep the default value, Default codec duration. When you choose Match video duration, MediaConvert pads the output audio streams with silence or trims them to ensure that the total duration of each audio stream is at least as long as the total duration of the video stream. After padding or trimming, the audio stream duration is no more than one frame longer than the video stream. MediaConvert applies audio padding or trimming only to the end of the last segment of the output. For unsegmented outputs, MediaConvert adds padding only to the end of the file. When you keep the default value, any minor discrepancies between audio and video duration will depend on your output audio codec.


pub fn audio_frames_per_pes(self, input: i32) -> Self

The number of audio frames to insert for each PES packet.


pub fn set_audio_frames_per_pes(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

The number of audio frames to insert for each PES packet.


pub fn get_audio_frames_per_pes(&self) -> &Option<i32>

The number of audio frames to insert for each PES packet.


pub fn audio_pids(self, input: i32) -> Self

Appends an item to audio_pids.

To override the contents of this collection use set_audio_pids.

Specify the packet identifiers (PIDs) for any elementary audio streams you include in this output. Specify multiple PIDs as a JSON array. Default is the range 482-492.


pub fn set_audio_pids(self, input: Option<Vec<i32>>) -> Self

Specify the packet identifiers (PIDs) for any elementary audio streams you include in this output. Specify multiple PIDs as a JSON array. Default is the range 482-492.


pub fn get_audio_pids(&self) -> &Option<Vec<i32>>

Specify the packet identifiers (PIDs) for any elementary audio streams you include in this output. Specify multiple PIDs as a JSON array. Default is the range 482-492.


pub fn bitrate(self, input: i32) -> Self

Specify the output bitrate of the transport stream in bits per second. Setting to 0 lets the muxer automatically determine the appropriate bitrate. Other common values are 3750000, 7500000, and 15000000.


pub fn set_bitrate(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Specify the output bitrate of the transport stream in bits per second. Setting to 0 lets the muxer automatically determine the appropriate bitrate. Other common values are 3750000, 7500000, and 15000000.


pub fn get_bitrate(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Specify the output bitrate of the transport stream in bits per second. Setting to 0 lets the muxer automatically determine the appropriate bitrate. Other common values are 3750000, 7500000, and 15000000.


pub fn buffer_model(self, input: M2tsBufferModel) -> Self

Controls what buffer model to use for accurate interleaving. If set to MULTIPLEX, use multiplex buffer model. If set to NONE, this can lead to lower latency, but low-memory devices may not be able to play back the stream without interruptions.


pub fn set_buffer_model(self, input: Option<M2tsBufferModel>) -> Self

Controls what buffer model to use for accurate interleaving. If set to MULTIPLEX, use multiplex buffer model. If set to NONE, this can lead to lower latency, but low-memory devices may not be able to play back the stream without interruptions.


pub fn get_buffer_model(&self) -> &Option<M2tsBufferModel>

Controls what buffer model to use for accurate interleaving. If set to MULTIPLEX, use multiplex buffer model. If set to NONE, this can lead to lower latency, but low-memory devices may not be able to play back the stream without interruptions.


pub fn data_pts_control(self, input: M2tsDataPtsControl) -> Self

If you select ALIGN_TO_VIDEO, MediaConvert writes captions and data packets with Presentation Timestamp (PTS) values greater than or equal to the first video packet PTS (MediaConvert drops captions and data packets with lesser PTS values). Keep the default value to allow all PTS values.


pub fn set_data_pts_control(self, input: Option<M2tsDataPtsControl>) -> Self

If you select ALIGN_TO_VIDEO, MediaConvert writes captions and data packets with Presentation Timestamp (PTS) values greater than or equal to the first video packet PTS (MediaConvert drops captions and data packets with lesser PTS values). Keep the default value to allow all PTS values.


pub fn get_data_pts_control(&self) -> &Option<M2tsDataPtsControl>

If you select ALIGN_TO_VIDEO, MediaConvert writes captions and data packets with Presentation Timestamp (PTS) values greater than or equal to the first video packet PTS (MediaConvert drops captions and data packets with lesser PTS values). Keep the default value to allow all PTS values.


pub fn dvb_nit_settings(self, input: DvbNitSettings) -> Self

Use these settings to insert a DVB Network Information Table (NIT) in the transport stream of this output.


pub fn set_dvb_nit_settings(self, input: Option<DvbNitSettings>) -> Self

Use these settings to insert a DVB Network Information Table (NIT) in the transport stream of this output.


pub fn get_dvb_nit_settings(&self) -> &Option<DvbNitSettings>

Use these settings to insert a DVB Network Information Table (NIT) in the transport stream of this output.


pub fn dvb_sdt_settings(self, input: DvbSdtSettings) -> Self

Use these settings to insert a DVB Service Description Table (SDT) in the transport stream of this output.


pub fn set_dvb_sdt_settings(self, input: Option<DvbSdtSettings>) -> Self

Use these settings to insert a DVB Service Description Table (SDT) in the transport stream of this output.


pub fn get_dvb_sdt_settings(&self) -> &Option<DvbSdtSettings>

Use these settings to insert a DVB Service Description Table (SDT) in the transport stream of this output.


pub fn dvb_sub_pids(self, input: i32) -> Self

Appends an item to dvb_sub_pids.

To override the contents of this collection use set_dvb_sub_pids.

Specify the packet identifiers (PIDs) for DVB subtitle data included in this output. Specify multiple PIDs as a JSON array. Default is the range 460-479.


pub fn set_dvb_sub_pids(self, input: Option<Vec<i32>>) -> Self

Specify the packet identifiers (PIDs) for DVB subtitle data included in this output. Specify multiple PIDs as a JSON array. Default is the range 460-479.


pub fn get_dvb_sub_pids(&self) -> &Option<Vec<i32>>

Specify the packet identifiers (PIDs) for DVB subtitle data included in this output. Specify multiple PIDs as a JSON array. Default is the range 460-479.


pub fn dvb_tdt_settings(self, input: DvbTdtSettings) -> Self

Use these settings to insert a DVB Time and Date Table (TDT) in the transport stream of this output.


pub fn set_dvb_tdt_settings(self, input: Option<DvbTdtSettings>) -> Self

Use these settings to insert a DVB Time and Date Table (TDT) in the transport stream of this output.


pub fn get_dvb_tdt_settings(&self) -> &Option<DvbTdtSettings>

Use these settings to insert a DVB Time and Date Table (TDT) in the transport stream of this output.


pub fn dvb_teletext_pid(self, input: i32) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) for DVB teletext data you include in this output. Default is 499.


pub fn set_dvb_teletext_pid(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) for DVB teletext data you include in this output. Default is 499.


pub fn get_dvb_teletext_pid(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Specify the packet identifier (PID) for DVB teletext data you include in this output. Default is 499.


pub fn ebp_audio_interval(self, input: M2tsEbpAudioInterval) -> Self

When set to VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, audio EBP markers will be added to partitions 3 and 4. The interval between these additional markers will be fixed, and will be slightly shorter than the video EBP marker interval. When set to VIDEO_INTERVAL, these additional markers will not be inserted. Only applicable when EBP segmentation markers are is selected (segmentationMarkers is EBP or EBP_LEGACY).


pub fn set_ebp_audio_interval(self, input: Option<M2tsEbpAudioInterval>) -> Self

When set to VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, audio EBP markers will be added to partitions 3 and 4. The interval between these additional markers will be fixed, and will be slightly shorter than the video EBP marker interval. When set to VIDEO_INTERVAL, these additional markers will not be inserted. Only applicable when EBP segmentation markers are is selected (segmentationMarkers is EBP or EBP_LEGACY).


pub fn get_ebp_audio_interval(&self) -> &Option<M2tsEbpAudioInterval>

When set to VIDEO_AND_FIXED_INTERVALS, audio EBP markers will be added to partitions 3 and 4. The interval between these additional markers will be fixed, and will be slightly shorter than the video EBP marker interval. When set to VIDEO_INTERVAL, these additional markers will not be inserted. Only applicable when EBP segmentation markers are is selected (segmentationMarkers is EBP or EBP_LEGACY).


pub fn ebp_placement(self, input: M2tsEbpPlacement) -> Self

Selects which PIDs to place EBP markers on. They can either be placed only on the video PID, or on both the video PID and all audio PIDs. Only applicable when EBP segmentation markers are is selected (segmentationMarkers is EBP or EBP_LEGACY).


pub fn set_ebp_placement(self, input: Option<M2tsEbpPlacement>) -> Self

Selects which PIDs to place EBP markers on. They can either be placed only on the video PID, or on both the video PID and all audio PIDs. Only applicable when EBP segmentation markers are is selected (segmentationMarkers is EBP or EBP_LEGACY).


pub fn get_ebp_placement(&self) -> &Option<M2tsEbpPlacement>

Selects which PIDs to place EBP markers on. They can either be placed only on the video PID, or on both the video PID and all audio PIDs. Only applicable when EBP segmentation markers are is selected (segmentationMarkers is EBP or EBP_LEGACY).


pub fn es_rate_in_pes(self, input: M2tsEsRateInPes) -> Self

Controls whether to include the ES Rate field in the PES header.


pub fn set_es_rate_in_pes(self, input: Option<M2tsEsRateInPes>) -> Self

Controls whether to include the ES Rate field in the PES header.


pub fn get_es_rate_in_pes(&self) -> &Option<M2tsEsRateInPes>

Controls whether to include the ES Rate field in the PES header.


pub fn force_ts_video_ebp_order(self, input: M2tsForceTsVideoEbpOrder) -> Self

Keep the default value unless you know that your audio EBP markers are incorrectly appearing before your video EBP markers. To correct this problem, set this value to Force.


pub fn set_force_ts_video_ebp_order( self, input: Option<M2tsForceTsVideoEbpOrder> ) -> Self

Keep the default value unless you know that your audio EBP markers are incorrectly appearing before your video EBP markers. To correct this problem, set this value to Force.


pub fn get_force_ts_video_ebp_order(&self) -> &Option<M2tsForceTsVideoEbpOrder>

Keep the default value unless you know that your audio EBP markers are incorrectly appearing before your video EBP markers. To correct this problem, set this value to Force.


pub fn fragment_time(self, input: f64) -> Self

The length, in seconds, of each fragment. Only used with EBP markers.


pub fn set_fragment_time(self, input: Option<f64>) -> Self

The length, in seconds, of each fragment. Only used with EBP markers.


pub fn get_fragment_time(&self) -> &Option<f64>

The length, in seconds, of each fragment. Only used with EBP markers.


pub fn klv_metadata(self, input: M2tsKlvMetadata) -> Self

To include key-length-value metadata in this output: Set KLV metadata insertion to Passthrough. MediaConvert reads KLV metadata present in your input and passes it through to the output transport stream. To exclude this KLV metadata: Set KLV metadata insertion to None or leave blank.


pub fn set_klv_metadata(self, input: Option<M2tsKlvMetadata>) -> Self

To include key-length-value metadata in this output: Set KLV metadata insertion to Passthrough. MediaConvert reads KLV metadata present in your input and passes it through to the output transport stream. To exclude this KLV metadata: Set KLV metadata insertion to None or leave blank.


pub fn get_klv_metadata(&self) -> &Option<M2tsKlvMetadata>

To include key-length-value metadata in this output: Set KLV metadata insertion to Passthrough. MediaConvert reads KLV metadata present in your input and passes it through to the output transport stream. To exclude this KLV metadata: Set KLV metadata insertion to None or leave blank.


pub fn max_pcr_interval(self, input: i32) -> Self

Specify the maximum time, in milliseconds, between Program Clock References (PCRs) inserted into the transport stream.


pub fn set_max_pcr_interval(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Specify the maximum time, in milliseconds, between Program Clock References (PCRs) inserted into the transport stream.


pub fn get_max_pcr_interval(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Specify the maximum time, in milliseconds, between Program Clock References (PCRs) inserted into the transport stream.


pub fn min_ebp_interval(self, input: i32) -> Self

When set, enforces that Encoder Boundary Points do not come within the specified time interval of each other by looking ahead at input video. If another EBP is going to come in within the specified time interval, the current EBP is not emitted, and the segment is “stretched” to the next marker. The lookahead value does not add latency to the system. The Live Event must be configured elsewhere to create sufficient latency to make the lookahead accurate.


pub fn set_min_ebp_interval(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

When set, enforces that Encoder Boundary Points do not come within the specified time interval of each other by looking ahead at input video. If another EBP is going to come in within the specified time interval, the current EBP is not emitted, and the segment is “stretched” to the next marker. The lookahead value does not add latency to the system. The Live Event must be configured elsewhere to create sufficient latency to make the lookahead accurate.


pub fn get_min_ebp_interval(&self) -> &Option<i32>

When set, enforces that Encoder Boundary Points do not come within the specified time interval of each other by looking ahead at input video. If another EBP is going to come in within the specified time interval, the current EBP is not emitted, and the segment is “stretched” to the next marker. The lookahead value does not add latency to the system. The Live Event must be configured elsewhere to create sufficient latency to make the lookahead accurate.


pub fn nielsen_id3(self, input: M2tsNielsenId3) -> Self

If INSERT, Nielsen inaudible tones for media tracking will be detected in the input audio and an equivalent ID3 tag will be inserted in the output.


pub fn set_nielsen_id3(self, input: Option<M2tsNielsenId3>) -> Self

If INSERT, Nielsen inaudible tones for media tracking will be detected in the input audio and an equivalent ID3 tag will be inserted in the output.


pub fn get_nielsen_id3(&self) -> &Option<M2tsNielsenId3>

If INSERT, Nielsen inaudible tones for media tracking will be detected in the input audio and an equivalent ID3 tag will be inserted in the output.


pub fn null_packet_bitrate(self, input: f64) -> Self

Value in bits per second of extra null packets to insert into the transport stream. This can be used if a downstream encryption system requires periodic null packets.


pub fn set_null_packet_bitrate(self, input: Option<f64>) -> Self

Value in bits per second of extra null packets to insert into the transport stream. This can be used if a downstream encryption system requires periodic null packets.


pub fn get_null_packet_bitrate(&self) -> &Option<f64>

Value in bits per second of extra null packets to insert into the transport stream. This can be used if a downstream encryption system requires periodic null packets.


pub fn pat_interval(self, input: i32) -> Self

The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the output transport stream.


pub fn set_pat_interval(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the output transport stream.


pub fn get_pat_interval(&self) -> &Option<i32>

The number of milliseconds between instances of this table in the output transport stream.


pub fn pcr_control(self, input: M2tsPcrControl) -> Self

When set to PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET, a Program Clock Reference value is inserted for every Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) header. This is effective only when the PCR PID is the same as the video or audio elementary stream.


pub fn set_pcr_control(self, input: Option<M2tsPcrControl>) -> Self

When set to PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET, a Program Clock Reference value is inserted for every Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) header. This is effective only when the PCR PID is the same as the video or audio elementary stream.


pub fn get_pcr_control(&self) -> &Option<M2tsPcrControl>

When set to PCR_EVERY_PES_PACKET, a Program Clock Reference value is inserted for every Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) header. This is effective only when the PCR PID is the same as the video or audio elementary stream.


pub fn pcr_pid(self, input: i32) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) for the program clock reference (PCR) in this output. If you do not specify a value, the service will use the value for Video PID.


pub fn set_pcr_pid(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) for the program clock reference (PCR) in this output. If you do not specify a value, the service will use the value for Video PID.


pub fn get_pcr_pid(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Specify the packet identifier (PID) for the program clock reference (PCR) in this output. If you do not specify a value, the service will use the value for Video PID.


pub fn pmt_interval(self, input: i32) -> Self

Specify the number of milliseconds between instances of the program map table (PMT) in the output transport stream.


pub fn set_pmt_interval(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Specify the number of milliseconds between instances of the program map table (PMT) in the output transport stream.


pub fn get_pmt_interval(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Specify the number of milliseconds between instances of the program map table (PMT) in the output transport stream.


pub fn pmt_pid(self, input: i32) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) for the program map table (PMT) itself. Default is 480.


pub fn set_pmt_pid(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) for the program map table (PMT) itself. Default is 480.


pub fn get_pmt_pid(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Specify the packet identifier (PID) for the program map table (PMT) itself. Default is 480.


pub fn prevent_buffer_underflow(self, input: M2tsPreventBufferUnderflow) -> Self

Specify whether MediaConvert automatically attempts to prevent decoder buffer underflows in your transport stream output. Use if you are seeing decoder buffer underflows in your output and are unable to increase your transport stream’s bitrate. For most workflows: We recommend that you keep the default value, Disabled. To prevent decoder buffer underflows in your output, when possible: Choose Enabled. Note that if MediaConvert prevents a decoder buffer underflow in your output, output video quality is reduced and your job will take longer to complete.


pub fn set_prevent_buffer_underflow( self, input: Option<M2tsPreventBufferUnderflow> ) -> Self

Specify whether MediaConvert automatically attempts to prevent decoder buffer underflows in your transport stream output. Use if you are seeing decoder buffer underflows in your output and are unable to increase your transport stream’s bitrate. For most workflows: We recommend that you keep the default value, Disabled. To prevent decoder buffer underflows in your output, when possible: Choose Enabled. Note that if MediaConvert prevents a decoder buffer underflow in your output, output video quality is reduced and your job will take longer to complete.


pub fn get_prevent_buffer_underflow( &self ) -> &Option<M2tsPreventBufferUnderflow>

Specify whether MediaConvert automatically attempts to prevent decoder buffer underflows in your transport stream output. Use if you are seeing decoder buffer underflows in your output and are unable to increase your transport stream’s bitrate. For most workflows: We recommend that you keep the default value, Disabled. To prevent decoder buffer underflows in your output, when possible: Choose Enabled. Note that if MediaConvert prevents a decoder buffer underflow in your output, output video quality is reduced and your job will take longer to complete.


pub fn private_metadata_pid(self, input: i32) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the private metadata stream. Default is 503.


pub fn set_private_metadata_pid(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the private metadata stream. Default is 503.


pub fn get_private_metadata_pid(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the private metadata stream. Default is 503.


pub fn program_number(self, input: i32) -> Self

Use Program number to specify the program number used in the program map table (PMT) for this output. Default is 1. Program numbers and program map tables are parts of MPEG-2 transport stream containers, used for organizing data.


pub fn set_program_number(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Use Program number to specify the program number used in the program map table (PMT) for this output. Default is 1. Program numbers and program map tables are parts of MPEG-2 transport stream containers, used for organizing data.


pub fn get_program_number(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Use Program number to specify the program number used in the program map table (PMT) for this output. Default is 1. Program numbers and program map tables are parts of MPEG-2 transport stream containers, used for organizing data.


pub fn pts_offset(self, input: i32) -> Self

Manually specify the initial PTS offset, in seconds, when you set PTS offset to Seconds. Enter an integer from 0 to 3600. Leave blank to keep the default value 2.


pub fn set_pts_offset(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Manually specify the initial PTS offset, in seconds, when you set PTS offset to Seconds. Enter an integer from 0 to 3600. Leave blank to keep the default value 2.


pub fn get_pts_offset(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Manually specify the initial PTS offset, in seconds, when you set PTS offset to Seconds. Enter an integer from 0 to 3600. Leave blank to keep the default value 2.


pub fn pts_offset_mode(self, input: TsPtsOffset) -> Self

Specify the initial presentation timestamp (PTS) offset for your transport stream output. To let MediaConvert automatically determine the initial PTS offset: Keep the default value, Auto. We recommend that you choose Auto for the widest player compatibility. The initial PTS will be at least two seconds and vary depending on your output’s bitrate, HRD buffer size and HRD buffer initial fill percentage. To manually specify an initial PTS offset: Choose Seconds. Then specify the number of seconds with PTS offset.


pub fn set_pts_offset_mode(self, input: Option<TsPtsOffset>) -> Self

Specify the initial presentation timestamp (PTS) offset for your transport stream output. To let MediaConvert automatically determine the initial PTS offset: Keep the default value, Auto. We recommend that you choose Auto for the widest player compatibility. The initial PTS will be at least two seconds and vary depending on your output’s bitrate, HRD buffer size and HRD buffer initial fill percentage. To manually specify an initial PTS offset: Choose Seconds. Then specify the number of seconds with PTS offset.


pub fn get_pts_offset_mode(&self) -> &Option<TsPtsOffset>

Specify the initial presentation timestamp (PTS) offset for your transport stream output. To let MediaConvert automatically determine the initial PTS offset: Keep the default value, Auto. We recommend that you choose Auto for the widest player compatibility. The initial PTS will be at least two seconds and vary depending on your output’s bitrate, HRD buffer size and HRD buffer initial fill percentage. To manually specify an initial PTS offset: Choose Seconds. Then specify the number of seconds with PTS offset.


pub fn rate_mode(self, input: M2tsRateMode) -> Self

When set to CBR, inserts null packets into transport stream to fill specified bitrate. When set to VBR, the bitrate setting acts as the maximum bitrate, but the output will not be padded up to that bitrate.


pub fn set_rate_mode(self, input: Option<M2tsRateMode>) -> Self

When set to CBR, inserts null packets into transport stream to fill specified bitrate. When set to VBR, the bitrate setting acts as the maximum bitrate, but the output will not be padded up to that bitrate.


pub fn get_rate_mode(&self) -> &Option<M2tsRateMode>

When set to CBR, inserts null packets into transport stream to fill specified bitrate. When set to VBR, the bitrate setting acts as the maximum bitrate, but the output will not be padded up to that bitrate.


pub fn scte35_esam(self, input: M2tsScte35Esam) -> Self

Include this in your job settings to put SCTE-35 markers in your HLS and transport stream outputs at the insertion points that you specify in an ESAM XML document. Provide the document in the setting SCC XML.


pub fn set_scte35_esam(self, input: Option<M2tsScte35Esam>) -> Self

Include this in your job settings to put SCTE-35 markers in your HLS and transport stream outputs at the insertion points that you specify in an ESAM XML document. Provide the document in the setting SCC XML.


pub fn get_scte35_esam(&self) -> &Option<M2tsScte35Esam>

Include this in your job settings to put SCTE-35 markers in your HLS and transport stream outputs at the insertion points that you specify in an ESAM XML document. Provide the document in the setting SCC XML.


pub fn scte35_pid(self, input: i32) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the SCTE-35 stream in the transport stream.


pub fn set_scte35_pid(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the SCTE-35 stream in the transport stream.


pub fn get_scte35_pid(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the SCTE-35 stream in the transport stream.


pub fn scte35_source(self, input: M2tsScte35Source) -> Self

For SCTE-35 markers from your input– Choose Passthrough if you want SCTE-35 markers that appear in your input to also appear in this output. Choose None if you don’t want SCTE-35 markers in this output. For SCTE-35 markers from an ESAM XML document– Choose None. Also provide the ESAM XML as a string in the setting Signal processing notification XML. Also enable ESAM SCTE-35 (include the property scte35Esam).


pub fn set_scte35_source(self, input: Option<M2tsScte35Source>) -> Self

For SCTE-35 markers from your input– Choose Passthrough if you want SCTE-35 markers that appear in your input to also appear in this output. Choose None if you don’t want SCTE-35 markers in this output. For SCTE-35 markers from an ESAM XML document– Choose None. Also provide the ESAM XML as a string in the setting Signal processing notification XML. Also enable ESAM SCTE-35 (include the property scte35Esam).


pub fn get_scte35_source(&self) -> &Option<M2tsScte35Source>

For SCTE-35 markers from your input– Choose Passthrough if you want SCTE-35 markers that appear in your input to also appear in this output. Choose None if you don’t want SCTE-35 markers in this output. For SCTE-35 markers from an ESAM XML document– Choose None. Also provide the ESAM XML as a string in the setting Signal processing notification XML. Also enable ESAM SCTE-35 (include the property scte35Esam).


pub fn segmentation_markers(self, input: M2tsSegmentationMarkers) -> Self

Inserts segmentation markers at each segmentation_time period. rai_segstart sets the Random Access Indicator bit in the adaptation field. rai_adapt sets the RAI bit and adds the current timecode in the private data bytes. psi_segstart inserts PAT and PMT tables at the start of segments. ebp adds Encoder Boundary Point information to the adaptation field as per OpenCable specification OC-SP-EBP-I01-130118. ebp_legacy adds Encoder Boundary Point information to the adaptation field using a legacy proprietary format.


pub fn set_segmentation_markers( self, input: Option<M2tsSegmentationMarkers> ) -> Self

Inserts segmentation markers at each segmentation_time period. rai_segstart sets the Random Access Indicator bit in the adaptation field. rai_adapt sets the RAI bit and adds the current timecode in the private data bytes. psi_segstart inserts PAT and PMT tables at the start of segments. ebp adds Encoder Boundary Point information to the adaptation field as per OpenCable specification OC-SP-EBP-I01-130118. ebp_legacy adds Encoder Boundary Point information to the adaptation field using a legacy proprietary format.


pub fn get_segmentation_markers(&self) -> &Option<M2tsSegmentationMarkers>

Inserts segmentation markers at each segmentation_time period. rai_segstart sets the Random Access Indicator bit in the adaptation field. rai_adapt sets the RAI bit and adds the current timecode in the private data bytes. psi_segstart inserts PAT and PMT tables at the start of segments. ebp adds Encoder Boundary Point information to the adaptation field as per OpenCable specification OC-SP-EBP-I01-130118. ebp_legacy adds Encoder Boundary Point information to the adaptation field using a legacy proprietary format.


pub fn segmentation_style(self, input: M2tsSegmentationStyle) -> Self

The segmentation style parameter controls how segmentation markers are inserted into the transport stream. With avails, it is possible that segments may be truncated, which can influence where future segmentation markers are inserted. When a segmentation style of “reset_cadence” is selected and a segment is truncated due to an avail, we will reset the segmentation cadence. This means the subsequent segment will have a duration of of $segmentation_time seconds. When a segmentation style of “maintain_cadence” is selected and a segment is truncated due to an avail, we will not reset the segmentation cadence. This means the subsequent segment will likely be truncated as well. However, all segments after that will have a duration of $segmentation_time seconds. Note that EBP lookahead is a slight exception to this rule.


pub fn set_segmentation_style( self, input: Option<M2tsSegmentationStyle> ) -> Self

The segmentation style parameter controls how segmentation markers are inserted into the transport stream. With avails, it is possible that segments may be truncated, which can influence where future segmentation markers are inserted. When a segmentation style of “reset_cadence” is selected and a segment is truncated due to an avail, we will reset the segmentation cadence. This means the subsequent segment will have a duration of of $segmentation_time seconds. When a segmentation style of “maintain_cadence” is selected and a segment is truncated due to an avail, we will not reset the segmentation cadence. This means the subsequent segment will likely be truncated as well. However, all segments after that will have a duration of $segmentation_time seconds. Note that EBP lookahead is a slight exception to this rule.


pub fn get_segmentation_style(&self) -> &Option<M2tsSegmentationStyle>

The segmentation style parameter controls how segmentation markers are inserted into the transport stream. With avails, it is possible that segments may be truncated, which can influence where future segmentation markers are inserted. When a segmentation style of “reset_cadence” is selected and a segment is truncated due to an avail, we will reset the segmentation cadence. This means the subsequent segment will have a duration of of $segmentation_time seconds. When a segmentation style of “maintain_cadence” is selected and a segment is truncated due to an avail, we will not reset the segmentation cadence. This means the subsequent segment will likely be truncated as well. However, all segments after that will have a duration of $segmentation_time seconds. Note that EBP lookahead is a slight exception to this rule.


pub fn segmentation_time(self, input: f64) -> Self

Specify the length, in seconds, of each segment. Required unless markers is set to none.


pub fn set_segmentation_time(self, input: Option<f64>) -> Self

Specify the length, in seconds, of each segment. Required unless markers is set to none.


pub fn get_segmentation_time(&self) -> &Option<f64>

Specify the length, in seconds, of each segment. Required unless markers is set to none.


pub fn timed_metadata_pid(self, input: i32) -> Self

Packet Identifier (PID) of the ID3 metadata stream in the transport stream.


pub fn set_timed_metadata_pid(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Packet Identifier (PID) of the ID3 metadata stream in the transport stream.


pub fn get_timed_metadata_pid(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Packet Identifier (PID) of the ID3 metadata stream in the transport stream.


pub fn transport_stream_id(self, input: i32) -> Self

Specify the ID for the transport stream itself in the program map table for this output. Transport stream IDs and program map tables are parts of MPEG-2 transport stream containers, used for organizing data.


pub fn set_transport_stream_id(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Specify the ID for the transport stream itself in the program map table for this output. Transport stream IDs and program map tables are parts of MPEG-2 transport stream containers, used for organizing data.


pub fn get_transport_stream_id(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Specify the ID for the transport stream itself in the program map table for this output. Transport stream IDs and program map tables are parts of MPEG-2 transport stream containers, used for organizing data.


pub fn video_pid(self, input: i32) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the elementary video stream in the transport stream.


pub fn set_video_pid(self, input: Option<i32>) -> Self

Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the elementary video stream in the transport stream.


pub fn get_video_pid(&self) -> &Option<i32>

Specify the packet identifier (PID) of the elementary video stream in the transport stream.


pub fn build(self) -> M2tsSettings

Consumes the builder and constructs a M2tsSettings.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for M2tsSettingsBuilder


fn clone(&self) -> M2tsSettingsBuilder

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for M2tsSettingsBuilder


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for M2tsSettingsBuilder


fn default() -> M2tsSettingsBuilder

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl PartialEq for M2tsSettingsBuilder


fn eq(&self, other: &M2tsSettingsBuilder) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl StructuralPartialEq for M2tsSettingsBuilder

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<Unshared, Shared> IntoShared<Shared> for Unshared
where Shared: FromUnshared<Unshared>,


fn into_shared(self) -> Shared

Creates a shared type from an unshared type.

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more