Module aws_sdk_globalaccelerator::types

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Data structures used by operation inputs/outputs.


  • Builders
  • Error types that AWS Global Accelerator can respond with.


  • An accelerator is a complex type that includes one or more listeners that process inbound connections and then direct traffic to one or more endpoint groups, each of which includes endpoints, such as load balancers.

  • Attributes of an accelerator.

  • A complex type that contains a Timestamp value and Message for changes that you make to an accelerator in Global Accelerator. Messages stored here provide progress or error information when you update an accelerator from IPv4 to dual-stack, or from dual-stack to IPv4. Global Accelerator stores a maximum of ten event messages.

  • A cross-account attachment in Global Accelerator. A cross-account attachment specifies the principals who have permission to work with resources in your account, which you also list in the attachment.

  • Information about an IP address range that is provisioned for use with your Amazon Web Services resources through bring your own IP address (BYOIP).

  • A complex type that contains a Message and a Timestamp value for changes that you make in the status of an IP address range that you bring to Global Accelerator through bring your own IP address (BYOIP).

  • Provides authorization for Amazon to bring a specific IP address range to a specific Amazon Web Services account using bring your own IP addresses (BYOIP).

  • An endpoint (Amazon Web Services resource) or an IP address range, in CIDR format, that is listed in a cross-account attachment. A cross-account resource can be added to an accelerator by specified principals, which are also listed in the attachment.

  • Attributes of a custom routing accelerator.

  • Attributes of a custom routing accelerator.

  • For a custom routing accelerator, sets the port range and protocol for all endpoints (virtual private cloud subnets) in an endpoint group to accept client traffic on.

  • For a custom routing accelerator, describes the port range and protocol for all endpoints (virtual private cloud subnets) in an endpoint group to accept client traffic on.

  • The list of endpoint objects. For custom routing, this is a list of virtual private cloud (VPC) subnet IDs.

  • A complex type for an endpoint for a custom routing accelerator. Each endpoint group can include one or more endpoints, which are virtual private cloud (VPC) subnets.

  • A complex type for the endpoint group for a custom routing accelerator. An Amazon Web Services Region can have only one endpoint group for a specific listener.

  • A complex type for a listener for a custom routing accelerator.

  • The port mappings for a specified endpoint IP address (destination).

  • A complex type for endpoints. A resource must be valid and active when you add it as an endpoint.

  • A complex type for an endpoint. Each endpoint group can include one or more endpoints, such as load balancers.

  • A complex type for the endpoint group. An Amazon Web Services Region can have only one endpoint group for a specific listener.

  • A complex type for an endpoint. Specifies information about the endpoint to remove from the endpoint group.

  • A complex type for the set of IP addresses for an accelerator.

  • A complex type for a listener.

  • Returns the ports and associated IP addresses and ports of Amazon EC2 instances in your virtual private cloud (VPC) subnets. Custom routing is a port mapping protocol in Global Accelerator that statically associates port ranges with VPC subnets, which allows Global Accelerator to route to specific instances and ports within one or more subnets.

  • Override specific listener ports used to route traffic to endpoints that are part of an endpoint group. For example, you can create a port override in which the listener receives user traffic on ports 80 and 443, but your accelerator routes that traffic to ports 1080 and 1443, respectively, on the endpoints.

  • A complex type for a range of ports for a listener.

  • A resource is one of the following: the ARN for an Amazon Web Services resource that is supported by Global Accelerator to be added as an endpoint, or a CIDR range that specifies a bring your own IP (BYOIP) address pool.

  • An IP address/port combination.

  • A complex type that contains a Tag key and Tag value.


  • When writing a match expression against AcceleratorStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ByoipCidrState, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against ClientAffinity, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against CustomRoutingAcceleratorStatus, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against CustomRoutingDestinationTrafficState, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against CustomRoutingProtocol, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against HealthCheckProtocol, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against HealthState, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against IpAddressFamily, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against IpAddressType, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.
  • When writing a match expression against Protocol, it is important to ensure your code is forward-compatible. That is, if a match arm handles a case for a feature that is supported by the service but has not been represented as an enum variant in a current version of SDK, your code should continue to work when you upgrade SDK to a future version in which the enum does include a variant for that feature.