pub struct IdentityProviderType { pub user_pool_id: Option<String>, pub provider_name: Option<String>, pub provider_type: Option<IdentityProviderTypeType>, pub provider_details: Option<HashMap<String, String>>, pub attribute_mapping: Option<HashMap<String, String>>, pub idp_identifiers: Option<Vec<String>>, pub last_modified_date: Option<DateTime>, pub creation_date: Option<DateTime>, }
Expand description

A container for information about an IdP.

Fields (Non-exhaustive)§

This struct is marked as non-exhaustive
Non-exhaustive structs could have additional fields added in future. Therefore, non-exhaustive structs cannot be constructed in external crates using the traditional Struct { .. } syntax; cannot be matched against without a wildcard ..; and struct update syntax will not work.
§user_pool_id: Option<String>

The user pool ID.

§provider_name: Option<String>

The IdP name.

§provider_type: Option<IdentityProviderTypeType>

The IdP type.

§provider_details: Option<HashMap<String, String>>

The scopes, URLs, and identifiers for your external identity provider. The following examples describe the provider detail keys for each IdP type. These values and their schema are subject to change. Social IdP authorize_scopes values must match the values listed here.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

Amazon Cognito accepts the following elements when it can't discover endpoint URLs from oidc_issuer: attributes_url, authorize_url, jwks_uri, token_url.

Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_request_method": "GET", "attributes_url": "https://auth.example.com/userInfo", "authorize_scopes": "openid profile email", "authorize_url": "https://auth.example.com/authorize", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "jwks_uri": "https://auth.example.com/.well-known/jwks.json", "oidc_issuer": "https://auth.example.com", "token_url": "https://example.com/token" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_request_method": "GET", "attributes_url": "https://auth.example.com/userInfo", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "openid profile email", "authorize_url": "https://auth.example.com/authorize", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "jwks_uri": "https://auth.example.com/.well-known/jwks.json", "oidc_issuer": "https://auth.example.com", "token_url": "https://example.com/token" }


Create or update request with Metadata URL: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "MetadataURL": "https://auth.example.com/sso/saml/metadata", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256" }

Create or update request with Metadata file: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "MetadataFile": "\[metadata XML\]", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256" }

The value of MetadataFile must be the plaintext metadata document with all quote (") characters escaped by backslashes.

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "ActiveEncryptionCertificate": "\[certificate\]", "MetadataURL": "https://auth.example.com/sso/saml/metadata", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256", "SLORedirectBindingURI": "https://auth.example.com/slo/saml", "SSORedirectBindingURI": "https://auth.example.com/sso/saml" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "profile postal_code", "client_id": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret"

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url": "https://api.amazon.com/user/profile", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "profile postal_code", "authorize_url": "https://www.amazon.com/ap/oa", "client_id": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "https://api.amazon.com/auth/o2/token" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "email profile openid", "client_id": "1example23456789.apps.googleusercontent.com", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url": "https://people.googleapis.com/v1/people/me?personFields=", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "true", "authorize_scopes": "email profile openid", "authorize_url": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth", "client_id": "1example23456789.apps.googleusercontent.com", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "oidc_issuer": "https://accounts.google.com", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "email name", "client_id": "com.example.cognito", "private_key": "1EXAMPLE", "key_id": "2EXAMPLE", "team_id": "3EXAMPLE" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "email name", "authorize_url": "https://appleid.apple.com/auth/authorize", "client_id": "com.example.cognito", "key_id": "1EXAMPLE", "oidc_issuer": "https://appleid.apple.com", "team_id": "2EXAMPLE", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "https://appleid.apple.com/auth/token" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "api_version": "v17.0", "authorize_scopes": "public_profile, email", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "api_version": "v17.0", "attributes_url": "https://graph.facebook.com/v17.0/me?fields=", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "true", "authorize_scopes": "public_profile, email", "authorize_url": "https://www.facebook.com/v17.0/dialog/oauth", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "token_request_method": "GET", "token_url": "https://graph.facebook.com/v17.0/oauth/access_token" }

§attribute_mapping: Option<HashMap<String, String>>

A mapping of IdP attributes to standard and custom user pool attributes.

§idp_identifiers: Option<Vec<String>>

A list of IdP identifiers.

§last_modified_date: Option<DateTime>

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

§creation_date: Option<DateTime>

The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.



impl IdentityProviderType


pub fn user_pool_id(&self) -> Option<&str>

The user pool ID.


pub fn provider_name(&self) -> Option<&str>

The IdP name.


pub fn provider_type(&self) -> Option<&IdentityProviderTypeType>

The IdP type.


pub fn provider_details(&self) -> Option<&HashMap<String, String>>

The scopes, URLs, and identifiers for your external identity provider. The following examples describe the provider detail keys for each IdP type. These values and their schema are subject to change. Social IdP authorize_scopes values must match the values listed here.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

Amazon Cognito accepts the following elements when it can't discover endpoint URLs from oidc_issuer: attributes_url, authorize_url, jwks_uri, token_url.

Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_request_method": "GET", "attributes_url": "https://auth.example.com/userInfo", "authorize_scopes": "openid profile email", "authorize_url": "https://auth.example.com/authorize", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "jwks_uri": "https://auth.example.com/.well-known/jwks.json", "oidc_issuer": "https://auth.example.com", "token_url": "https://example.com/token" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_request_method": "GET", "attributes_url": "https://auth.example.com/userInfo", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "openid profile email", "authorize_url": "https://auth.example.com/authorize", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "jwks_uri": "https://auth.example.com/.well-known/jwks.json", "oidc_issuer": "https://auth.example.com", "token_url": "https://example.com/token" }


Create or update request with Metadata URL: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "MetadataURL": "https://auth.example.com/sso/saml/metadata", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256" }

Create or update request with Metadata file: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "MetadataFile": "\[metadata XML\]", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256" }

The value of MetadataFile must be the plaintext metadata document with all quote (") characters escaped by backslashes.

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "ActiveEncryptionCertificate": "\[certificate\]", "MetadataURL": "https://auth.example.com/sso/saml/metadata", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256", "SLORedirectBindingURI": "https://auth.example.com/slo/saml", "SSORedirectBindingURI": "https://auth.example.com/sso/saml" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "profile postal_code", "client_id": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret"

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url": "https://api.amazon.com/user/profile", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "profile postal_code", "authorize_url": "https://www.amazon.com/ap/oa", "client_id": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "https://api.amazon.com/auth/o2/token" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "email profile openid", "client_id": "1example23456789.apps.googleusercontent.com", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url": "https://people.googleapis.com/v1/people/me?personFields=", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "true", "authorize_scopes": "email profile openid", "authorize_url": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth", "client_id": "1example23456789.apps.googleusercontent.com", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "oidc_issuer": "https://accounts.google.com", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "email name", "client_id": "com.example.cognito", "private_key": "1EXAMPLE", "key_id": "2EXAMPLE", "team_id": "3EXAMPLE" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "email name", "authorize_url": "https://appleid.apple.com/auth/authorize", "client_id": "com.example.cognito", "key_id": "1EXAMPLE", "oidc_issuer": "https://appleid.apple.com", "team_id": "2EXAMPLE", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "https://appleid.apple.com/auth/token" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "api_version": "v17.0", "authorize_scopes": "public_profile, email", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "api_version": "v17.0", "attributes_url": "https://graph.facebook.com/v17.0/me?fields=", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "true", "authorize_scopes": "public_profile, email", "authorize_url": "https://www.facebook.com/v17.0/dialog/oauth", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "token_request_method": "GET", "token_url": "https://graph.facebook.com/v17.0/oauth/access_token" }


pub fn attribute_mapping(&self) -> Option<&HashMap<String, String>>

A mapping of IdP attributes to standard and custom user pool attributes.


pub fn idp_identifiers(&self) -> &[String]

A list of IdP identifiers.

If no value was sent for this field, a default will be set. If you want to determine if no value was sent, use .idp_identifiers.is_none().


pub fn last_modified_date(&self) -> Option<&DateTime>

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.


pub fn creation_date(&self) -> Option<&DateTime>

The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.


impl IdentityProviderType


pub fn builder() -> IdentityProviderTypeBuilder

Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture IdentityProviderType.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for IdentityProviderType


fn clone(&self) -> IdentityProviderType

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for IdentityProviderType


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl PartialEq for IdentityProviderType


fn eq(&self, other: &IdentityProviderType) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl StructuralPartialEq for IdentityProviderType

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<Unshared, Shared> IntoShared<Shared> for Unshared
where Shared: FromUnshared<Unshared>,


fn into_shared(self) -> Shared

Creates a shared type from an unshared type.

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more