aws-config 0.54.1

AWS SDK config and credential provider implementations.
 * Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//! Load Credentials from Web Identity Tokens
//! Web identity tokens can be loaded from file. The path may be set in one of three ways:
//! 1. [Environment Variables](#environment-variable-configuration)
//! 2. [AWS profile](#aws-profile-configuration) defined in `~/.aws/config`
//! 3. Static configuration via [`static_configuration`](Builder::static_configuration)
//! _Note: [WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider] is part of the [default provider chain](crate::default_provider).
//! Unless you need specific behavior or configuration overrides, it is recommended to use the
//! default chain instead of using this provider directly. This client should be considered a "low level"
//! client as it does not include caching or profile-file resolution when used in isolation._
//! ## Environment Variable Configuration
//! WebIdentityTokenCredentialProvider will load the following environment variables:
//! - `AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE`: **required**, location to find the token file containing a JWT token
//! - `AWS_ROLE_ARN`: **required**, role ARN to assume
//! - `AWS_IAM_ROLE_SESSION_NAME`: **optional**: Session name to use when assuming the role
//! ## AWS Profile Configuration
//! _Note: Configuration of the web identity token provider via a shared profile is only supported
//! when using the [`ProfileFileCredentialsProvider`](crate::profile::credentials)._
//! Web identity token credentials can be loaded from `~/.aws/config` in two ways:
//! 1. Directly:
//!   ```ini
//!   [profile default]
//!   role_arn = arn:aws:iam::1234567890123:role/RoleA
//!   web_identity_token_file = /token.jwt
//!   ```
//! 2. As a source profile for another role:
//!   ```ini
//!   [profile default]
//!   role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/RoleA
//!   source_profile = base
//!   [profile base]
//!   role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/s3-reader
//!   web_identity_token_file = /token.jwt
//!   ```
//! # Examples
//! Web Identity Token providers are part of the [default chain](crate::default_provider::credentials).
//! However, they may be directly constructed if you don't want to use the default provider chain.
//! Unless overridden with [`static_configuration`](Builder::static_configuration), the provider will
//! load configuration from environment variables.
//! ```no_run
//! # async fn test() {
//! use aws_config::web_identity_token::WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider;
//! use aws_config::provider_config::ProviderConfig;
//! let provider = WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider::builder()
//!     .configure(&ProviderConfig::with_default_region().await)
//!     .build();
//! # }
//! ```

use crate::provider_config::ProviderConfig;
use crate::sts;
use aws_credential_types::provider::{self, error::CredentialsError, future, ProvideCredentials};
use aws_sdk_sts::middleware::DefaultMiddleware;
use aws_sdk_sts::Region;
use aws_smithy_client::erase::DynConnector;
use aws_smithy_types::error::display::DisplayErrorContext;
use aws_types::os_shim_internal::{Env, Fs};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

const ENV_VAR_ROLE_ARN: &str = "AWS_ROLE_ARN";

/// Credential provider to load credentials from Web Identity  Tokens
/// See Module documentation for more details
pub struct WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider {
    source: Source,
    fs: Fs,
    client: aws_smithy_client::Client<DynConnector, DefaultMiddleware>,
    region: Option<Region>,

impl WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider {
    /// Builder for this credentials provider
    pub fn builder() -> Builder {

enum Source {

/// Statically configured WebIdentityToken configuration
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct StaticConfiguration {
    /// Location of the file containing the web identity token
    pub web_identity_token_file: PathBuf,

    /// RoleArn to assume
    pub role_arn: String,

    /// Session name to use when assuming the role
    pub session_name: String,

impl ProvideCredentials for WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider {
    fn provide_credentials<'a>(&'a self) -> future::ProvideCredentials<'a>
        Self: 'a,

impl WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider {
    fn source(&self) -> Result<Cow<'_, StaticConfiguration>, CredentialsError> {
        match &self.source {
            Source::Env(env) => {
                let token_file = env.get(ENV_VAR_TOKEN_FILE).map_err(|_| {
                    CredentialsError::not_loaded(format!("${} was not set", ENV_VAR_TOKEN_FILE))
                let role_arn = env.get(ENV_VAR_ROLE_ARN).map_err(|_| {
                        "AWS_ROLE_ARN environment variable must be set",
                let session_name = env
                    .unwrap_or_else(|_| sts::util::default_session_name("web-identity-token"));
                Ok(Cow::Owned(StaticConfiguration {
                    web_identity_token_file: token_file.into(),
            Source::Static(conf) => Ok(Cow::Borrowed(conf)),
    async fn credentials(&self) -> provider::Result {
        let conf = self.source()?;
            &self.region.as_ref().cloned().ok_or_else(|| {
                    "region is required for WebIdentityTokenProvider",

/// Builder for [`WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider`](WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider)
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Builder {
    source: Option<Source>,
    config: Option<ProviderConfig>,

impl Builder {
    /// Configure generic options of the [WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider]
    /// # Examples
    /// ```no_run
    /// # async fn test() {
    /// use aws_config::web_identity_token::WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider;
    /// use aws_config::provider_config::ProviderConfig;
    /// let provider = WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider::builder()
    ///     .configure(&ProviderConfig::with_default_region().await)
    ///     .build();
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn configure(mut self, provider_config: &ProviderConfig) -> Self {
        self.config = Some(provider_config.clone());

    /// Configure this builder to use  [`StaticConfiguration`](StaticConfiguration)
    /// WebIdentityToken providers load credentials from the file system. The file system path used
    /// may either determine be loaded from environment variables (default), or via a statically
    /// configured path.
    pub fn static_configuration(mut self, config: StaticConfiguration) -> Self {
        self.source = Some(Source::Static(config));

    /// Build a [`WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider`]
    /// ## Panics
    /// If no connector has been enabled via crate features and no connector has been provided via the
    /// builder, this function will panic.
    pub fn build(self) -> WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider {
        let conf = self.config.unwrap_or_default();
        let client = conf.sts_client();
        let source = self.source.unwrap_or_else(|| Source::Env(conf.env()));
        WebIdentityTokenCredentialsProvider {
            fs: conf.fs(),
            region: conf.region(),

async fn load_credentials(
    fs: &Fs,
    client: &aws_smithy_client::Client<DynConnector, DefaultMiddleware>,
    region: &Region,
    token_file: impl AsRef<Path>,
    role_arn: &str,
    session_name: &str,
) -> provider::Result {
    let token = fs
    let token = String::from_utf8(token).map_err(|_utf_8_error| {
        CredentialsError::unhandled("WebIdentityToken was not valid UTF-8")
    let conf = aws_sdk_sts::Config::builder()

    let operation = aws_sdk_sts::operation::AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity::builder()
        .expect("valid operation")
        .expect("valid operation");
    let resp =|sdk_error| {
        tracing::warn!(error = %DisplayErrorContext(&sdk_error), "STS returned an error assuming web identity role");
    sts::util::into_credentials(resp.credentials, "WebIdentityToken")

mod test {
    use crate::provider_config::ProviderConfig;
    use crate::test_case::no_traffic_connector;
    use crate::web_identity_token::{
    use aws_credential_types::provider::error::CredentialsError;
    use aws_sdk_sts::Region;
    use aws_smithy_async::rt::sleep::TokioSleep;
    use aws_smithy_types::error::display::DisplayErrorContext;
    use aws_types::os_shim_internal::{Env, Fs};
    use std::collections::HashMap;

    async fn unloaded_provider() {
        // empty environment
        let conf = ProviderConfig::empty()

        let provider = Builder::default().configure(&conf).build();
        let err = provider
            .expect_err("should fail, provider not loaded");
        match err {
            CredentialsError::CredentialsNotLoaded { .. } => { /* ok */ }
            _ => panic!("incorrect error variant"),

    async fn missing_env_var() {
        let env = Env::from_slice(&[(ENV_VAR_TOKEN_FILE, "/token.jwt")]);
        let region = Some(Region::new("us-east-1"));
        let provider = Builder::default()
        let err = provider
            .expect_err("should fail, provider not loaded");
            format!("{}", DisplayErrorContext(&err)).contains("AWS_ROLE_ARN"),
            "`{}` did not contain expected string",
        match err {
            CredentialsError::InvalidConfiguration { .. } => { /* ok */ }
            _ => panic!("incorrect error variant"),

    async fn fs_missing_file() {
        let env = Env::from_slice(&[
            (ENV_VAR_TOKEN_FILE, "/token.jwt"),
            (ENV_VAR_ROLE_ARN, "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:role/test-role"),
            (ENV_VAR_SESSION_NAME, "test-session"),
        let fs = Fs::from_raw_map(HashMap::new());
        let provider = Builder::default()
        let err = provider.credentials().await.expect_err("no JWT token");
        match err {
            CredentialsError::ProviderError { .. } => { /* ok */ }
            _ => panic!("incorrect error variant"),