avro-rs 0.8.0

Library for working with Apache Avro in Rust
# avro-rs

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A library for working with [Apache Avro](https://avro.apache.org/) in Rust.

Please check our [documentation](https://docs.rs/avro-rs) for examples, tutorials and API reference.

We also support:
* C bindings for the crate at [avro-rs-ffi]https://github.com/flavray/avro-rs-ffi
* A Python wrapper for the library at [pyavro-rs]https://github.com/flavray/pyavro-rs

## Example

Add to your `Cargo.toml`:

avro-rs = "0.6"
failure = "0.1.5"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

Then try to write and read in Avro format like below:

use avro_rs::{Codec, Reader, Schema, Writer, from_value, types::Record};
use failure::Error;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Test {
    a: i64,
    b: String,

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let raw_schema = r#"
            "type": "record",
            "name": "test",
            "fields": [
                {"name": "a", "type": "long", "default": 42},
                {"name": "b", "type": "string"}

    let schema = Schema::parse_str(raw_schema)?;

    println!("{:?}", schema);

    let mut writer = Writer::with_codec(&schema, Vec::new(), Codec::Deflate);

    let mut record = Record::new(writer.schema()).unwrap();
    record.put("a", 27i64);
    record.put("b", "foo");


    let test = Test {
        a: 27,
        b: "foo".to_owned(),



    let input = writer.into_inner();
    let reader = Reader::with_schema(&schema, &input[..])?;

    for record in reader {
        println!("{:?}", from_value::<Test>(&record?));

### Calculate Avro schema fingerprint

This library supports calculating the following fingerprints:

 - SHA-256
 - MD5

Note: Rabin fingerprinting is NOT SUPPORTED yet.

An example of fingerprinting for the supported fingerprints:

use avro_rs::Schema;
use failure::Error;
use md5::Md5;
use sha2::Sha256;

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let raw_schema = r#"
            "type": "record",
            "name": "test",
            "fields": [
                {"name": "a", "type": "long", "default": 42},
                {"name": "b", "type": "string"}
    let schema = Schema::parse_str(raw_schema)?;
    println!("{}", schema.fingerprint::<Sha256>());
    println!("{}", schema.fingerprint::<Md5>());

### Ill-formed data

In order to ease decoding, the Binary Encoding specification of Avro data
requires some fields to have their length encoded alongside the data.

If encoded data passed to a `Reader` has been ill-formed, it can happen that
the bytes meant to contain the length of data are bogus and could result
in extravagant memory allocation.

To shield users from ill-formed data, `avro-rs` sets a limit (default: 512MB)
to any allocation it will perform when decoding data.

If you expect some of your data fields to be larger than this limit, be sure
to make use of the `max_allocation_bytes` function before reading **any** data
(we leverage Rust's [`std::sync::Once`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/struct.Once.html)
mechanism to initialize this value, if
any call to decode is made before a call to `max_allocation_bytes`, the limit
will be 512MB throughout the lifetime of the program).

use avro_rs::max_allocation_bytes;

fn main() {
    max_allocation_bytes(2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);  // 2GB

    // ... happily decode large data


## License
This project is licensed under [MIT License](https://github.com/flavray/avro-rs/blob/master/LICENSE).
Please note that this is not an official project maintained by [Apache Avro](https://avro.apache.org/).

## Contributing
Everyone is encouraged to contribute! You can contribute by forking the GitHub repo and making a pull request or opening an issue.
All contributions will be licensed under [MIT License](https://github.com/flavray/avro-rs/blob/master/LICENSE).