macro_rules! progmem_str {
    ($text:expr) => { ... };
Expand description

Define a single-use string in progmem usable as temporary &str

This is a short-cut macro to create an ad-hoc static storing the given string literal as by LoadedString and load it here from progmem into a temporary and return it as &str. This is similar to the F macro available in Arduino.

Similar to the C marco, this will load the full string into RAM at once and thus the string should be of limited size, to not exceed the space available in RAM. Also see the progmem_display macro which does not have this limitation.

This macro allows to conveniently put a literal string into progmem right where it is used. However, since they are directly loaded into a temporary you don’t get a &'static str back, and must use the &str immediately (i.e. pass it as a function parameter). You can’t even store the returned &str in a local let assignment.


use avr_progmem::progmem_str as F;
use ufmt::uWrite;

let mut writer = // impl uWrite
    /* SNIP */;

// Put the literal `str` into progmem and load it here as `&str`
writer.write_str(F!("dai 大賢者 kenja"));