avr-progmem 0.3.2

Progmem utilities for the AVR architectures
# Custom Formatting Configuration
# See: https://github.com/rust-lang/rustfmt/blob/master/Configurations.md
# Notice, you need a nightly toolchain for correctly formatting

hard_tabs = true                   # Use true tabs, no spaces for indentation
edition = "2018"                   # not necessary for `cargo fmt`, but seems reasonable to have
merge_derives = false              # Do not combine separate #[derives]
newline_style = "Unix"
use_field_init_shorthand = true    # Enforce using shorthand

# Unstable stuff, which is nice to have:
unstable_features = true           # Opt-in into nightly features
blank_lines_upper_bound = 3        # Allow up to 3 blank lines between items
match_block_trailing_comma = true  # Always add a comma in matches
combine_control_expr = false       # Put control expressions in block format
force_multiline_blocks = true      # Use blocks for multiline code
format_macro_matchers = true       # (try) formatting macro_rules
format_strings = true              # Line break long strings
imports_layout = "Vertical"        # Each item on a separate line
imports_granularity = "Item"       # Use a single import per module
group_imports = "StdExternalCrate" # Group by std, external, self
reorder_impl_items = true          # Put types first in impl blocks
struct_lit_single_line = false     # Each field on a separate line