macro_rules! progmem {
		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
		$vis:vis static progmem string $name:ident = $value:expr ;

	) => { ... };
		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
		$vis:vis static progmem $name:ident : LoadedString < $ty:literal > = LoadedString :: new ( $value:expr ) $( . unwrap () $(@ $unwrapped:ident)? )? ;

	) => { ... };
		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
		$vis:vis static progmem $name:ident : & $ty:ty = $value:expr ;

	) => { ... };
		$( #[ $attr:meta ] )*
		$vis:vis static progmem $( < const $size_name:ident : usize > )? $name:ident : $ty:ty = $value:expr ;

	) => { ... };
    () => { ... };
Expand description

Define a static in progmem.

This is a helper macro to simplify the definition of statics that are valid to be wrapped in the ProgMem struct thus providing a safe way to work with data in progmem.

Thus this macro essentially takes a user static definition and emits a definition that is defined to be stored in the progmem section and then is wrap in the ProgMem wrapper for safe access.

There are essentially three types of statics that you can created:

  • ordinary fixed-size data, e.g. a u8, (u16,u32), or your own struct.
  • “auto-sized” arrays, essentially any kind of array [T; N]
  • strings, i.e. anything str-ish such as string literals

Ordinary Data

You can store any Copy + Sized data in progmem and load it at your leisure.


use avr_progmem::progmem;

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Foo {
    a: u16,
    b: u32,

    /// Static data stored in progmem!
    pub static progmem BYTE: u8 = b'a';

    /// Anything that is `Copy + Sized`
    pub static progmem FOO: Foo = Foo { a: 42, b: 42 * 42 };

// Loading the byte from progmem onto the stack
let data: u8 = BYTE.load();
assert_eq!(b'a', data);

// Loading the arbitrary data
let foo: Foo = FOO.load();
assert_eq!(42, foo.a);
assert_eq!(1764, foo.b);


Notice, that to access ordinary data from the progmem you have to load it as whole before you can do anything with it. In other words you can’t just load foo.a, you have to first load the entire struct into RAM.

When we have arrays, stuff can get hugh quickly, therefore, specifically for arrays, we have additionally accessors to access elements individually, without the burden to load the entire array first.

use avr_progmem::progmem;

    /// A simple array using ordinary syntax
    pub static progmem ARRAY: [u16; 4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];

// We can still load the entire array (but you shouldn't do this with
// big arrays)
let array: [u16; 4] = ARRAY.load();
assert_eq!([1,2,3,4], array);

// We can also load individual elements
let last_elem: u16 = ARRAY.load_at(3);
assert_eq!(4, last_elem);

// And even arbitrary sub-arrays (tho they need to be statically sized)
let middle_stuff: [u16; 2] = ARRAY.load_sub_array(1);
assert_eq!([2, 3], middle_stuff);

// Finally, we can iterate the array lazily loading one byte after another
// so we need only just enough RAM for to handle a single element
let mut elem_iter = ARRAY.iter();


While we could use arrays with the syntax from above, we get also use an alternative syntax, where the array size is gets inferred which is particularly useful if you include external data (e.g. form a file).

use avr_progmem::progmem;

    /// An "auto-sized" array (the size is inferred and made accessible by
    /// a constant named `DATA_LEN`, tho any name would do)
    pub static progmem<const DATA_LEN: usize> DATA: [u8; DATA_LEN] =
        *include_bytes!("../examples/test_text.txt"); // assume it's binary

// "auto-sized" array can be accessed in the exactly same way as ordinary
// arrays, we just don't need to hardcode the size, and even get this nice
// constant at our disposal.
let middle: u8 = DATA.load_at(DATA_LEN / 2);
assert_eq!(32, middle);


Strings are complicated, partially, because in Rust strings such as str are unsized making storing them a nightmare (normally the compiler somehow manages to automagically put all your string literals into static memory, but you can’t have a static storing a str without the & specifically). The next best thing is to store some fix-size array either of chars or of UTF-8 encoded u8s. However, due to this, this crate dedicated an entire module to strings.

Still, this macro has some special syntax to make string literals, which originally are str, into something more manageable (i.e. a PmString) and put it into a progmem static.


use avr_progmem::progmem;

progmem! {
    /// A static string stored in program memory.
    static progmem string TEXT = "Unicode text: 大賢者";

let text = TEXT.load();
assert_eq!("Unicode text: 大賢者", &*text);