avm1-types 0.14.0

Types for the Flash ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM1)

AVM1 Types (Rust)

GitHub repository

Rust implementation of the AVM1 Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).


This repo uses Git submodules for its test samples:

# Clone with submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules git://github.com/open-flash/swf-parser.git
# Update submodules for an already-cloned repo
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

This library is a standard Cargo project. You can test your changes with cargo test. The commands must be run from the rs directory.

Code formatting is checked using rustfmt:

# Make sure that you have `rustfmt`
rustup component add rustfmt
# Check formatting
cargo fmt --all -- --check
# Format automatically
cargo fmt --all

Prefer non-master branches when sending a PR so your changes can be rebased if needed. All the commits must be made on top of master (fast-forward merge). CI must pass for changes to be accepted.