avlsort 0.1.2

Rust crate of AVL tree holding the rank and the number of duplicates of elements.


Rust implementation of AVL tree.

This tree holds the rank and the number of duplicates of the elements, and returns them when a new element is added.



use avlsort::tree::*;

fn main() {
    let v = vec![1, 8, 7, 3, 5, 6, 2, 9, 4, 0, 4, 9];
    let mut g = AvlTree::new();
    println!("=== Push values in v. ===");
    for &i in v.iter() {
        let (rank, dup) = g.push(i);
        println!("value={}| rank={}, dup={}", i, rank, dup);
    println!("Elements in the tree = {}", g.len());

    println!("Height of the tree = {}", g.height());
    println!("How many 4?: {}", g.count(4));
    println!("remove 4: {:?}", g.remove(4));
    println!("4 is in?: {}", g.isin(4));
    println!("remove 4: {:?}", g.remove(4));
    println!("4 is in?: {}", g.isin(4));

    println!("Max value = {}", g.max().unwrap());
    let (value, dup) = g.pop_max_all().unwrap();
    println!("Pop all the max value: value={}, dup={}", value, dup);

    println!("=== Show elements in ascending order. ===");
    loop {
        match g.pop_min() {
            Some(value) => println!("Min value = {}", value),
            None => break,