avatar-cli 0.10.1

Magic wrapper to run containerized CLI tools
avatar-cli-0.10.1 is not a library.

Avatar CLI


Avatar-CLI is a statically-liked single-binary command line tool meant to ease the development forkflow in many ways:

  • Making possible version-pinning for any kind of tool used in any kind of project. No need for complex setups or ultra-specific tools like nvm, nodenev, pyenv, rbenv, goenv, asdf-vm, ... I guess you already have seen the pattern.
  • Making possible for new contributors to be productive from the very first minute, reducing the bootstrap/setup time to almost zero. Only git and docker are required (in a way, not even avatar-cli is required! 😉).

How to start


How to contribute

Read the contributing guidelines.


AIPs are licensed under the GPL 3.0 license.