avant_jwks 0.2.2

JWKS + Redis
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                      r u s t f m t   -   C O N F I G
# ==================================================================================
# Version: 0.7.1
# Author : Robbepop <robbepop@web.de>
# A predefined .rustfmt.toml file with all configuration options and their
# associated description, possible values and default values for use in other
# projects.
# This should actually automatically be shipped with cargo fmt or rustfmt itself!
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Use verbose output.
# Default: false
#   verbose =

# Do not reformat out of line modules.
# Default: false
#   skip_children =

# Lines to format; this is not supported in rustfmt.toml,
# and can only be specified via the --file-lines option.
#   file_lines =

# Maximum width of each line.
# Default: 100
max_width = 250

# Ideal width of each line.
# Default: 80
#   max_width =

# Number of spaces per tab.
# Default: 4
  # tab_spaces =

# Maximum width of the args of a function call before
# falling back to vertical formatting.
# Default: 60
#   fn_call_width =

# Maximum width in the body of a struct lit before falling back to vertical formatting.
# Default: 16
#   struct_lit_width =

# Maximum width in the body of a struct variant before falling back to vertical formatting.
# Default: 35
#   struct_variant_width =

# Always print the abi for extern items.
# Default: true
#   force_explicit_abi =

# Unix or Windows line endings.
# Values: Windows | Unix | Native
# Default: Unix
#   newline_style =

# Brace style for functions.
# Values: AlwaysNextLine | PreferSameLine | SameLineWhere
# Default: SameLineWhere
#   fn_brace_style =

# Brace style for structs and enums.
# Values: AlwaysNextLine | PreferSameLine | SameLineWhere
# Default: SameLineWhere
#   item_brace_style =

# Brace style for control flow construct.
# Values: AlwaysSameLine | ClosingNextLine | AlwaysNextLine
# Default: AlwaysSameLine
#   control_brace_style =

# Put empty-body implementations on a single line.
# Default: true
#   impl_empty_single_line =

# Put empty-body functions on a single line.
# Default: true
#   fn fn_empty_single_line =

# Put single-expression functions on a single line.
# Default: false
#   fn_single_line =

# Location of return type in function declaration.
# Values: WithArgs | WithWhereClause
# Default: WithArgs
#   fn_return_indent =

# If function argument parenthesis goes on a newline.
# Default: true
#   fn_args_paren_newline =

# Argument density in functions.
# Values: Compressed | Tall | CompressedIfEmpty | Vertical
# Default: Tall
#   fn_args_density =

# Layout of function arguments.
# Values: Visual | Block | BlockAlways
# Default: Visual
#   fn_args_layout =

# Indent on function arguments.
# Values: Inherit | Tabbed | Visual
# Default: Visual
#   fn_arg_indent =

# Determines if '+' or '=' are wrapped in spaces in the punctuation of types.
# Values: Compressed | Wide
# Default: Wide
#   type_punctuation_density =

# Density of a where clause.
# Values: Compressed | Tall | CompressedIfEmpty | Vertical
# Default: CompressedIfEmpty
#   where_density =

# Indentation of a where clause.
# Values: Inherit | Tabbed | Visual
# Default: Tabbed
#   where_indent =

# Element layout inside a where clause.
# Values: Vertical | Horizontal | HorizontalVertical | Mixed
# Default: Vertical
#   where_layout =

# Indentation style of a where predicate.
# Values: Inherit | Tabbed | Visual
# Default: Visual
#   where_pred_indent =

# Put a trailing comma on where clauses.
# Default: false
#   where_trailing_comma =

# Indentation of generics.
# Values: Inherit | Tabbed | Visual
# Default: Visual
#   generics_indent =

# If there is a trailing comma on structs.
# Values: Always | Never | Vertical
# Default: Vertical
#   struct_trailing_comma =

# If there is a trailing comma on literal structs.
# Values: Always | Never | Vertical
# Default: Vertical
#   struct_lit_trailing_comma =

# Style of struct definition.
# Values: Visual | Block
# Default: Block
#   struct_lit_style =

# Multiline style on literal structs.
# Values: PreferSingle | ForceMulti
# Default: PreferSingle
#   struct_lit_multiline_style =

# Put a trailing comma on enum declarations.
# Default: true
#   enum_trailing_comma =

# Report all, none or unnumbered occurrences of _TODO_ in source file comments.
# Values: Always | Unnumbered | Never
# Default: Never
#   report_todo =

# Report all, none or unnumbered occurrences of _FIXME_ in source file comments.
# Values: Always | Unnumbered | Never
# Default: Never
#   report_fixme =

# Indent on chain base.
# Values: Inherit | Tabbed | Visual
# Default: Tabbed
#   chain_base_indent =

# Indentation of chain.
# Values: Inherit | Tabbed | Visual
# Default: Tabbed
#   chain_indent =

# Allow last call in method chain to break the line.
# Default: true
#   chains_overflow_last =

# Reorder import statements alphabetically.
# Default: false
#   reorder_imports =

# Reorder lists of names in import statements alphabetically.
# Default: false
#   reorder_imported_names =

# Maximum line length for single line if-else expressions.
# A value of zero means always break if-else expressions.
# Default: 50
#   single_line_if_else_max_width =

# Format string literals where necessary.
# Default: true
#   format_strings =

# Always format string literals.
# Default: false
#   force_format_strings =

# Retain some formatting characteristics from the source code.
# Default: true
#   take_source_hints =

# Use tab characters for indentation, spaces for alignment.
# Default: false
#   hard_tabs =

# Break comments to fit on the line.
# Default: false
#   wrap_comments =

# Convert /* */ comments to // comments where possible.
# Default: false
#   normalize_comments =

# Wrap multiline match arms in blocks.
# Default: true
#   wrap_match_arms =

# Put a trailing comma after a block based match arm (non-block arms are not affected).
# Default: false
#   match_block_trailing_comma =

# Put a trailing comma after a wildcard arm.
# Default: true
#   match_wildcard_trailing_comma =

# How many lines a closure must have before it is block indented.
# -1 means never use block indent.
# Type: <signed integer>
# Default: 5
#   closure_block_indent_threshold =

# Leave a space before the colon in a type annotation.
# Default: false
#   space_before_type_annotation =

# Leave a space after the colon in a type annotation.
# Default: true
#   space_after_type_annotation_colon =

# Leave a space before the colon in a trait or lifetime bound.
# Default: false
#   space_before_bound =

# Leave a space after the colon in a trait or lifetime bound.
# Default: true
#   space_after_bound_colon =

# Put spaces around the  .. and ... range operators.
# Default: false
#   spaces_around_ranges =

# Put spaces within non-empty generic arguments.
# Default: false
#   spaces_within_angle_brackets =

# Put spaces within non-empty square brackets.
# Default: false
#   spaces_within_square_brackets =

# Put spaces within non-empty parentheses.
# Default: false
#   spaces_within_parens =

# Replace uses of the try! macro by the ? shorthand.
# Default: false
#   use_try_shorthand =

# What Write Mode to use when none is supplied: Replace, Overwrite, Display, Diff, Coverage.
# Values: Replace | Overwrite | Display | Diff | Coverage | Plain | Checkstyle
# Default: Replace
#   write_mode =

# Replace strings of _ wildcards by a single .. in tuple patterns.
# Default: false
#   condense_wildcard_suffices =