av-scenechange 0.8.1

Estimates frames in a video where a scenecut would be ideal
// For binary-only crates

use std::{
    io::{self, BufReader, Read, Write},

use av_scenechange::{detect_scene_changes, DetectionOptions, SceneDetectionSpeed};
use clap::Parser;

#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
struct Args {
    /// Sets the input file to use
    pub input: String,

    /// Optional file to write results to
    #[clap(long, short, value_parser)]
    pub output: Option<String>,

    /// Speed level for scene-change detection, 0: best quality, 1: fastest mode
    #[clap(long, short, value_parser, default_value_t = 0)]
    pub speed: u8,

    /// Do not detect short scene flashes and exclude them as scene cuts
    pub no_flash_detection: bool,

    /// Sets a minimum interval between two consecutive scenecuts
    #[clap(long, value_parser)]
    pub min_scenecut: Option<usize>,

    /// Sets a maximum interval between two consecutive scenecuts,
    /// after which a scenecut will be forced
    #[clap(long, value_parser)]
    pub max_scenecut: Option<usize>,

fn main() {
    #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
    use rust_hawktracer::*;

    #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
    let instance = HawktracerInstance::new();
    #[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
    let _listener = instance.create_listener(HawktracerListenerType::ToFile {
        file_path: "trace.bin".into(),
        buffer_size: 4096,

    let matches = Args::parse();
    let input = match matches.input.as_str() {
        "-" => Box::new(io::stdin()) as Box<dyn Read>,
        f => Box::new(File::open(f).unwrap()) as Box<dyn Read>,
    let mut reader = BufReader::new(input);

    let mut opts = DetectionOptions {
        detect_flashes: !matches.no_flash_detection,
        min_scenecut_distance: matches.min_scenecut,
        max_scenecut_distance: matches.max_scenecut,

    opts.analysis_speed = match matches.speed {
        0 => SceneDetectionSpeed::Standard,
        1 => SceneDetectionSpeed::Fast,
        _ => panic!("Speed mode must be in range [0; 1]"),

    let mut dec = y4m::Decoder::new(&mut reader).unwrap();
    let bit_depth = dec.get_bit_depth();
    let results = if bit_depth == 8 {
        detect_scene_changes::<_, u8>(&mut dec, opts, None, None)
    } else {
        detect_scene_changes::<_, u16>(&mut dec, opts, None, None)
    print!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&results).unwrap());

    if let Some(output_file) = matches.output {
        let mut file = File::create(&output_file).expect("Could not create file");

        let output =
            serde_json::to_string_pretty(&results).expect("Could not convert results into json");

#[cfg(not(feature = "devel"))]
const fn init_logger() {
    // Do nothing

#[cfg(feature = "devel")]
fn init_logger() {
    use std::str::FromStr;
    fn level_colored(l: log::Level) -> console::StyledObject<&'static str> {
        use console::style;
        use log::Level;
        match l {
            Level::Trace => style("??").dim(),
            Level::Debug => style("? ").dim(),
            Level::Info => style("> ").green(),
            Level::Warn => style("! ").yellow(),
            Level::Error => style("!!").red(),

    let level = std::env::var("RAV1E_LOG")
        .and_then(|l| log::LevelFilter::from_str(&l).ok())

        .format(move |out, message, record| {
                "{level} {message}",
                level = level_colored(record.level()),
                message = message,
        // set the default log level. to filter out verbose log messages from dependencies, set
        // this to Warn and overwrite the log level for your crate.
        // change log levels for individual modules. Note: This looks for the record's target
        // field which defaults to the module path but can be overwritten with the `target`
        // parameter:
        // `info!(target="special_target", "This log message is about special_target");`
        .level_for("rav1e", level)
        // output to stdout