av-ivf 0.1.0

IVF muxer and demuxer
//! This is a simple implementation of muxer/demuxer for Ivf file format.
//! ## Example
//! \[wip\] look at test in mux/demux
//! ## About Ivf
//! Refer to the [specification](https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/IVF).
//! ## Relies on rust-av
//! This projects relies on [rust-av](https://github.com/rust-av/rust-av) toolkit

extern crate av_bitstream;
extern crate av_data;
extern crate av_format;
extern crate nom;
extern crate log;

extern crate pretty_env_logger;
extern crate tempfile;

mod common;
pub mod demuxer;
pub mod muxer;