[][src]Attribute Macro auxtools_impl::hook


The hook attribute is used to define functions that may be used as proc hooks, and to optionally hook those procs upon library initialization.


Here we define a hook that multiplies a number passed to it by two. It can now be used to hook procs, for example hooks::hook("/proc/double_up", double_up);

This example is not tested
fn double_up(num: Value) {
    if let Some(num) = num.as_number() {
        Value::from(num * 2.0);

This function is used to hook /mob/proc/on_honked. By specifying the proc path, we hook the proc immediately upon startup.

This example is not tested
fn on_honked(honker: Value) {
    src.call("gib", &[]);
    honker.call("laugh", &[]);