autopilot 0.1.8

A simple, cross-platform GUI automation library for Rust.
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## 0.1.8

### Fixed
- Updated scale factor on x11 to be rounded.

## 0.1.7

### Changed
- Updated Cocoa and other macOS dependencies.
- Updated x11 dependency.

### Fixed
- Fixed compilation error on 32-bit Linux.

## 0.1.6

### Fixed
- Fixed compilation error on 32-bit Windows.

## 0.1.5

### Added
- Added constant for spacebar key.

### Fixed
- Fixed linux arrow keycode constant definitions.
- Fixed colon showing up as semicolon on Windows.

## 0.1.4

### Fixed
- Fixed compilation error on Windows for mouse scroll events.

### Changed
- Update function signatures with `delay` parameters to be consistent.

## 0.1.3

### Added
- Added support for mouse scroll events via `mouse::scroll`.
- Added support for passing a delay to `mouse::click`.

### Fixed
- Fixed `mouse::click` to release at end of function.
- Updated `key::tap` delay to be passed through to modifier key toggles.

## 0.1.2

### Added
- Added `KeyCode::Tab` constant.
- Added support for passing delay into `key::tap`.
- Added support faster typing with `key::type_string`.

### Changed
- Updated Cocoa and other macOS dependencies.
- Updated `mouse::smooth_move` to accept a duration.
- Updated `key::type_string` delay parameters from `Option<f64>` to `f64`.

## 0.1.1

### Added
- Implemented `Hash` for `Bitmap`, `Size` and `Point`.

## 0.1.0
- Initial release.